You rushed home in the pouring rain, taking a detour through several narrow alleyways. As you continued through one that would lead you to your apartment, you heard a weak meow. You slowed to a stop, being the cat-lover you were, and started searching for the source. In your search you had to move several large trashcans in order to reach the pitiful creature you were looking for.
When you did find it you were rather surprised, it was a large grey cat With a white crescent shaped marking around the underside of its neck. If not for the matted fur and lack of a collar you would have thought that it had simply wandered out of the safety of its home. The cute kitty slowly lifted its head and gave you a look that made your hearts melt and your eyes well up with tears.
Stooping down you lifted the feline up and took him to your house. Grabbing some blankets and a cot, you set them up by the heater after putting some cat food you had left over from last week when you took care of your neighbors cat into a dish.
"What should I call you?" You asked sitting on the floor watching your new "room-mate" dig into its meal ravenously. It simply meowed, pausing its energetic eating, and continued to munch on the dry food.
"Hmm... You remind me of a cat I saw on the Animal Planet. It was a Russian breed so maybe... Ivan?" You inquired the food-munching feline. Mewling contently it stretched and started to the bed you had set up for yourself and the cat by the heater.
"Ivan it is. My name is (insert name)."
With a sigh you got up from your seat on the floor, went into your room to put on some pajamas, and joined the cat you had dubbed "Ivan" on the cot. As you crawled under the warm covers the cat crawled over you to lay closer to the heater and against your back.
"Goodnight... Ivan..." You murmured, your (h/c) locks strewn over the pillow as you curled up and fell into a calm and peaceful slumber.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip, aru~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You snuggled closer to a new warmth that encompassed your entire body and as you did so something around your chest tightened its grip, pulling it closer to you and burying what felt like a nose into your soft (h/c) hair and adjusting its self so that you fit snugly to it.
Wait a minute, you thought, eyes opening wide. Rolling over, you found yourself pulled tightly to the bare chest of a tall man with creamy skin, his pale blond skin tousled. Then you noticed something very odd perched on top of his head, he had cat ears, and these cat ears were the same shade of grey as the cat you had brought home the night before.
Pulling up the covers that encompassed both of you, something caught your eye (among other things), it was a fluffy grey cat tail that was twinning its way around you lower thigh. Feeling your face turn red you looked up into the peaceful face of the slumbering cat-man, and you wished you hadn't. He was attractive, extremely attractive and you couldn't help but raise one slightly trembling hand to touch his soft cheek.
As you continued your exploration of his face, eyes opened to reveal purple irises sparkling with curiosity.
"And vot do you tink you are doingk?" A voice with a thick Russian accent asked, making you look up into the cat-mans face with surprised (e/c) eyes.
"I... Um... Who are you?" You asked, retracting your hand only for him to grab it with his large, calloused, one. Tossing his head back he let out a hearty laugh and then looked back into your eyes with mischief twinkling in his own.
"I am Ivan. You named me, da?" He said, giving another laugh and snaking his other arm around your shoulders to pull you closer to his chest. You struggled slightly against his grip, and why wouldn't you? He was someone, a man no less, you didn't even know let alone be comfortable enough for him to hold you so intimately. Yet why did you feel the urge to lean into him and snuggle even closer?
"So you're say that you are the cat I picked up in the alley yesterday?" You asked looking into his eyes once more, determined not to look away due to your growing embarrassment.
"Da. And you are (name)." He replied with a slight chuckled as he noticed the blush gathering in your already rosy cheeks. Letting go of the hand he had captured when you retracted it from his face, and running his now free hand over the side of your face, rubbing his thumb over the cheek closest to his hand and placing his palm and fingers behind your head.
"H-how did you know that?" You asked, your voice shaking and a little morsel of fear creeping into your voice. Why is he touching me like this? You thought, your body leaning into him while your mind screamed the opposite. He was a stranger, yet you felt so comfortable with him.
"You told me last night, da?" He replied, twirling a strand of your (h/c) hair around his index finger. Oh... That's right, you thought, your tense shoulders loosening a bit and allowing him to pull you even closer to his broad unclothed chest.
"So kitten, vhat vould jou like to do now?" He purred naughtily into your ear as one of his hands slid down your body to grope your butt.
"Eep!" You squealed, struggling out of his grasp and clumsily getting off the slim cot, " I-I am going to make breakfast, that's what I'm going to do next!"
"Then I vill 'elp jou vith that." He said cheerfully, standing up. As he did this the blankets slid off of his well-toned and muscular body to reveal all that God had bestowed upon him. With a gasp and a squeal you covered your eyes and practically screamed, "Lie back down! I will get you some clothes!"
Careful not to run into anything, you successfully ran into your room. Looking through your closet you quickly found what you were looking for and covering your eyes again (though slightly peeking out through them occasionally) and directed "Ivan" to the bathroom when you handed him the clothes (a long-sleeved shirt and jeans your ex-boyfriend had left at your place) and gave him instructions on how to use the shower.
Sighing, you got to work making omelette for the two of you and occasionally glancing at the bathroom door waiting for him to finish showering and getting dressed. Finally, just as you were putting the second omelet on a plate, you heard the door click shut.
"I made omelette, I hope you don't mind..." Your voice slowly died off as you saw how the shirt (though a bit small on him) hugged his torso in all the right places and, if possible, making him look even sexier; while the jeans hugged his hips a tad loose as though trying to bait you into taking them off.
"Dat sound's gut. Vot are jou staringk at?" He said, running his hand through his damp hair, careful to avoid his little grey kitty ears, and giving you a quizzical look before sitting down at the table and gobbling up the cheese-and-sausage omelet.
"N-nothing..." You stammered before joining him at the table and eating your own meal. Then a thought came to you, where was his tail?
Trying to look inconspicuous, you looked under the table trying to find the seemingly invisible appendage when you felt something furry caressing your inner thigh. A bright blush started forming on your face as you looked up to see an innocent look plastered on Ivan's face.
"Vot is it (name)?" He said seductively, his tone matching his movements as he made eating omelets look sexy. The furry appendage continued moving it's way up your thigh until it reached the bottom of your pajama-shorts where it tickled you devilishly before making its way painfully slow down your leg where it pulled away from you.
"I-I... Ah... Nothing..." You stuttered the blush on your cheeks deepening until it reached a reddish hue while the two of you finished your meal in silence. You were the first to finish so you stood, gathered up your dining utensils and plate, and made your way to the sink where you filled said area with hot water and started to do the dishes. Just as you put your plate on the drying rack, a light squeeze to your right buttock alerted you to his presence behind you.
"Ivan!" You squeaked as you rushed to dry your hands and cover your abused rump.
You realized your mistake as you felt his muscular arms wrap around your chest, effectively trapping your arms to your sides.
"Vy are jou so persistent in defyingk me (name)?" He whispered into your ear, his hot breath dancing on your soft, (s/c), skin. You could feel yourself slowly sinking into him, allowing him to take control of the situation, to take control of you. He should have scarred you with his large and muscular build, his piercing purple eyes, and cold, commanding manner; yet he didn't. All you could see were the fuzzy, soft cat ears and tail that showed the possibility of a kind and comforting side to him. A side that caused you to melt and change in his grasp.
"This is better, da? I have loved jou since jou rescued me from the rain, mine little sunflower." He whispered passionately into your ear, slowly turning you to face him, tilting your head up slightly to get a better angle, and placing a soft, sweet kiss on your plush lips.
"I love you too Ivan." You whispered into his chest as you snuggled into him as though he was a large stuffed-animal.
With a kind and gentle smile he tilted your face up once more and placing another kiss on your lips, this one pushing deeper and more passionate. He politely licked your lower lip asking for entrance but when you gave no response he slid his hand up your shirt, the sensation sending a shiver up your spine and causing you to gasp. He took this chance to wriggle his slick muscle into your mouth, exploring its new territory, licking every crook and crevice before rubbing itself against your own tongue trying to get it to engage in the sensual play. When you finally gave in and allowed his tongue to take control of your own, he pulled it into his mouth, and sucked on it. This new sensation caused you to moan and writhe from the heat slowly pooling in your core.
The two of you broke apart, gasping and panting for air. With a little chuckle Ivan scooped you up and carried you into the bedroom, carefully placing you on the bed before clambering onto you and leaning down to share another passionate kiss with you. An idea popped into your head, and with a quiet giggle, you reached back to lightly tug on the cat-mans tail. The response was instantaneous, an animalistic moan echoed deep in his throat and his violet eyes became glazed over with lust.
"Jou should be more kareful about what jou do. I am on the verge of losingk kontrol." He growled into your ear before lightly nipping on the rim, causing you to moan and lean your head back; giving him more surfaces to nip and suck.
He sucked and licked his was down your neck, occasionally nipping and suckling, until he finally hit that one spot that caused you to writhe and moan in pleasure beneath him. He smirked into your skin and continued to tease it.
"I-Ivan.." You moaned, bringing his attention back to your flushed face. You reached your trembling arms out and latched them onto his cat-ears. When you gave the slightest tug you heard him growl and moan in pleasure, his hands sliding up your shirt and tearing it off your body to throw it into some remote corner of the room. Soon after he made quick work of your pajama bottoms.
You gazed through eyes glazed with lust to see him crouching on top of you, removing his own shirt; tail lashing back and forth before descending upon your body where it caressed your hardening buds and trailed up and down your sensitive body. By now your mind was a moaning and groaning puddle of pleasure and you relished the feeling.
"Now, I haf lost kontrol." He growled into your ear before latching onto your lips once more and sliding his hand down into your soaked (f/c) panties to tease your sensitive button with his thumb while he prodded your entrance with his middle and forefinger. You groaned into the kiss and he slid his tongue in once more, your tongues colliding in a battle for dominance. The struggle was brief, and your mouth became dominated by his slick muscle once more.
When he pulled away from your ravaged lips a strand of saliva kept your appendages connected, and then you saw the large bulge that had formed in his pants. Tentatively, stopping a few times when you moaned in pleasure from the attention he was giving your womanhood, you reached out and lightly stroked his clothed erection. This earned you a deep moan, and Ivan quickly held your wrists together above your head; using his tail to continue pleasuring your lower half and his, now free, hand to unzip and remove his jeans and boxers in one fell tug.
Letting go of your wrists, his attention turned to your needy breasts where he lightly sucked and licked one hardened nub while pinching and groping the other. You moaned, you could feel the heat in your core becoming almost too much for you to bear; when you felt him slide one digit into your tight, warm cavern.
"Ngh.. Ah... Hnn..." You gasped and moaned as you felt a sharp pain in your side from his unexpected entrance.
"Heh... So jou are a virgin," he murmured into your ear, leaning in to kiss it, "Everythingk will be fine, eet vill hurt a leetle bit... But after jou get over it, the pleasure vill be unimaginable." He continued to whisper sweet nothing's into your ear and slowly thrusting his forefinger in and out of you until you felt the first waves of pleasure start hitting you.
Taking your pleasures moans and grunts as a sign to continue, he started thrusting them in and out of you faster and faster; until you finally hit your first climax, causing you to scream his name in ecstasy. Without stopping, he put another finger into your depths. Scissoring them and twisting them until you felt comfortable, and the adding a third and a fourth.
After he had loosened you up to fit his considerable length (and width), he pulled his fingers out of you and positioned his manhood in front of your entrance.
"Are jou ready, mine leetle sunflower?" He asked soothingly, brushing a few stray strands of your hair off of your sweaty forehead. Giving a timid nod, you looked up into his violet depths and wound your arms around his neck, preparing yourself for his intrusion.
He tried to enter you as gently and slowly as possible; but he was almost too large for your tight, virgin hole. He stopped halfway in as he saw the tears streaming down your face from the pain.
"I am sorrie, my sunflower, I will stop right now in order to prevent further pain." He grunted moving to exit you.
"N-no... It's...A-ah!" You moaned as he started moving out of you. You could feel more heat pooling into your core and you felt so close to the edge, "P-please k-keep going," you whimpered into his ear as more pleasure racked your body.
"Votevher jou say sunflower." He murmured, distracting you by pulling you into another heated kiss as he made his way slowly into your cavern until he was in up to the hilt.
He gave you a little time to adjust yourself to the intense feeling of him filling you entirely, when you nodded he started moving. Slowly at first, but he gradually picked up speed until you were both moaning in ecstasy.
"Ah ah... I'm gonna cum!" You practically screamed, your hips matching his pace bring you both ever closer to your release.
"Me too..." He breathed into your ear before giving a strong and violent thrust that sent you over the edge.
"IVAN!" You screamed in your release. Giving a few more shallow thrusts, Ivan experienced his release and came; sending his hot seed deep into you, some of it even spilling out. He wait a couple of minutes for you to loosen up and then slowly pulled him limp member from you and then rolled over to lie on his back next to you.
After he had caught his breath, he reached down and pulled the comforter over the two of you and snuggled close to your exhausted form; wrapping his arms around your chest and pulling your back to his own before settling his head in the crook of your neck.
"I luf jou mine leetle sunflower." He whispered softly, burying his nose into your soft (h/c) locks.
Just as the two of you were falling asleep you sunk into him and murmured "I love you too Ivan, my Russia cat," in reply.
-The End, aru-