Benny's POV

"And then, I ran all the way here." Sarah finished, panting whilst dusting the dry mud off of her ripped jeans.

"Anna really did that to you?" Ethan asked, his eyes dropped sadly like what people would call 'puppy dog eyes'. He's so in love with her its unbelievable. Sarah nodded whilst picking leaves out of her wavy, brown hair. Ethan noticed her stomach grumble and gave her a pack of Cheetos to munch on. Mmm, Cheetos. Best snack ever. Mine and Anna's favourite.

"Okay, let me get all of this straight. You saw Anna, and asked her if you could talk and she said no," I began as Sarah nodded whilst scarfing down a second pack of Cheetos, "then, you ran after her in the woods and stopped her. She got angry, you got angry, and then you mentioned me. Then, her eyes turned black and she threw you across the woods and made you land in a tree?"

"Then I came here." She finished for me, flopping down on Ethan's now-dirty bed.

"Why could Anna possibly be this mad at you? You didn't say anything bad to her did you?" Ethan asked.

"Why would I ever do that? I've known her since the first grade. She may have done some pretty bad things to me before but she made up for it. Plus I've never been mad at her enough to say something really bad."

"What kind of 'bad things'?" Sarah asked.

"Well, one of them was getting my Darth Vader teddy bear murdered by Tasha, but," I paused as I walked over to my messenger bag, pulling the bear out of it, holding it close to me, "I guess she made up for that."

"I never thought I'd see the day where Benny actually likes a girl." She snickered, I pouted as I sat at the computer desk and cuddled the teddy. I think I blushed.

"That's actually true you know." Ethan remarked and smirked.

Yeah, only cos Sarah said it! I thought.

"That's actually true you know." I mocked Ethan angrily.

"Hey, don't snap at me! Sarah said it too ya know." They both shared amused looks while I sighed.

"Sorry, I'm just so... confused? About a girl?" I mainly said the last bit to myself.

"Yeah... Its not like you to be confused about a girl." Sarah remarked sarcastically while trying to stifle a laugh behind her Cheeto- covered hand. I picked up another bag of Cheetos and threw it at her head. "Here, stuff yourself even more Santa."

"don't mind if I do." She said as her eyes grew a fluorescent yellow. I backed away from her before steam could rise from her ears. Literally.

"Wait..." Ethan began, with an I-got-an-idea look on his face, "why don't you ask Grandma Weir? Anna's an Earth-priestess so, Grandma might know what's up."


"Well, good luck with that," Sarah said whilst standing up and checking through her phone, "I gotta go. Mom wants me to prepare dinner. See ya." Then flashed out of the room before we could say goodbye.

"Well... that went well. For me, anyway." Ethan said grinning.

"You are so head over heels for her, dude."

"Hey, Grandma." I greeted as I saw her in the kitchen, I closed my front door and slid my keys into my messenger bag, then, throwing it on the floor.

"Hello dear." She smiled softly, whilst stirring some kind of... soup?

"Er, what'cha making there Grandma?" I said whilst peering at the green goop.

"None of your business." She smacked my hand away from the wooden spoon, that I was trying to stir it with.

"Alright then... can I ask you a question?" I asked as I slumped into one of the ancient wooden chairs we've had for years.

"Sure honey, what is it?"

"Well... You know who Anna is, right?" She turned around and brought me a pizza leaflet... yes!

She laughed and turned back around to her cooking, "of course I do, she's practically your girlfriend." She giggled.

"Um... okay." I said awkwardly.

"I'm joking honey, what did you want to ask?"

"Well... she's an Earth-priestess, as you know. She's been acting really weird lately. Today I saw her and she hated me after she found a letter saying I... liked her... which I do, and, well, she likes me too. But I don't understand why now if I talk to her or anyone else talks about me, to her, she hates it! She flipped out on Sarah today and threw her! She threw a fledgling vampire across the woods!" I rambled on. Grandma rose a hand, gesturing for me to shut up. She sat down on the opposite chair of me.

"Haven't you got some guide book on this or something?" I asked.

"You're really asking me that?" She asked, lifting an eye-brow.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Maybe she's going through a tough time right now, and just wants to be left alone. Or she could have anger issues. You never know."

That was true, she told me about her parents divorcing. I know how it feels. But I don't know if she knows, that I know, what she knows...
If that makes sense.

"do you want me to talk to her for you?"

I nodded, "yeah, please? Thanks Grandma!" I jumped out of my seat and gave her a squeeze.

"Careful, son. I'm still old!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled then pulled out my phone and pizza leaflet."Time to order some pizza!"

Sorry for taking so long! I know its shorts but trust me, there will be more in the next chap! Promise!

