A/N: Hey! I've had this idea for ages! I've so wanted to do it for ages. It came about while I was talking to Jersey (JERSIIIIFIED) on the bus. She asked me if I was born into GoT which family would I join. I automatically said Lannisters; I thought I'd make this a bit of a funky project thing. I want to make it different so I hope you enjoy and I'm so sorry for rambling!

Sometimes when I close my eyes, I pretend I'm alright,
But it's never enough.
'Cause my Echo, Echo, Is the only voice coming back.
Shadow, Shadow, is the only friend that I have.

It had started as normal as any day does at Castley rock Igraine hopelessly wondered into the safe shelter of the library holed up drawing and imagining another life, until she was summoned to dine with her lord father Tywin Lannister. Igraine had learnt to hide from the stares of the common folk and knights alike. The gasps and pity which ensued were unbearable; but the young girl of eighteen had long since given up caring what others thought of her.

You see, Rae was beautiful; She had long dirty-blonde hair that fell to her waist—much like her older brother Tyrion's, She had her father's hard features and jaw-line. By any definition she was gorgeous. Until you came to her mossy green eyes, where a huge scar which began at her eye brow and stretched the whole width of her face to the bottom of her cheek resided there. It used to embarrass her, but her brothers tried to help her in each of their own unique ways.

Jaime had told her it just enhanced her beauty and Tyrion—Well Tyrion always understood his youngest sister, The two always saw eye-to-eye, they'd both excepted they weren't like the other two; He told her to embrace what she was for she could never change it. And for some reason he's words helped the most.

So she did, She got on with her life and as she did she slowly became colder. She still lived with her father, She was not yet married though she'd had countless offers. That surprised her most, people still wanted her; though it should have come as no shock she was still a Lannister—The richest house in the whole of Westeros.

As I was saying Igraine was called to dinner earlier than usual, she met her silent father in the dinner chambers, as she sat down servants scurried around the room filling her goblet with wine.

"Did you wish to see me father?" Igraine asked

"Yes. I wanted to inform you of your betrothal."

Rae's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "Betrothal?"

"Yes. You will marry the Stark heir. If it is agreed"

"But father-"

"There are no ifs and buts. My word is final. You are to pack your belongings and be ready to leave for kings landing by first light. I will send a patrol with you, do you understand?"

"Yes, My Lord."


"My apologies father, I appear to have lost my appetite." Igraine stood from the table. Bowed respectfully and turned and bolted for the door. She ran for her chambers; She fell onto her bed and sighed. Winterfell was in the North. Igraine tried to remember every piece of information she could about the Stark's, though in all truth; she was struggling. All she remembered was their mighty dire wolf Sigel and that didn't exactly give her much hope. She was a lion—by blood and name only, Entering into the den of the wolves; hopefully they weren't going to tear her apart limb by limb.




Rae and the patrol rode fast and hard, they reached Kings Landing in record time; Four days. Igraine knew what she was to do. So she walked through the deserted halls of the palace, her heeled boots clicking as she walked briskly. Her Lannister red hood was up concealing her face away from the outside world and her warm cloak propelled out behind her; She wore no dress only breeches and a red and gold leather overcoat, Which was embellished with a Lannister lion broach. Rae hid her shy self away, continuously repeating her house motto. She tried to channel Tyrion; Cool, calm and confident. Her two braids fell either side of her face though they served no help to hide her scarring.

She pushed open the throne room doors and was met with the council of the 'king'. The guards went to seize them; though stopped in their paths when they noticed the banner the patrol was wearing.

"Dear Aunt, What a surprise." Joffery the little shit said. She'd had no problems with Mycella or Tommen, but Joffery he was sadistic and cruel.

"Indeed. I bring word from my father, I wish to speak to your prisoner; Lord Eddard Stark." There was a collective gasp as she drawled out the 'traitors' name.

"What business do you have with a sworn enemy of the king." Cersi asked smirking victoriously.

"Bring him before me, and I shall explain all."

Joffery turned to his guard captain and nodded, and ten minutes later Ned Stark was dragged before the court and was forced to kneel before Joffery.

"Lord Stark." He looked up at the feminine voice to the side, where a cloaked figure stood. "News has spread to Casterly Rock of your… Vile allegations" She muttered watching as Cersi's eyes narrowed as she spoke of the relationship both her siblings. "I come to offer you peace, before the small council. Keep your secret to yourself and these matters raised shall never come to light and return to Winterfell with both your daughters; this need not escalate to war."

Ned Stark stayed bent upon the marble tiling, thinking through his options. From what Igraine had heard he was an incredibly honourable man, she knew it was a long shot.

"I will give you time to think, Lord Stark. Take him to a chamber, feed him and allow him to bathe, He is no longer a prisoner but a guest, providing he cooperates." The guards immediately bustled into action.

Cersi glared at her meek sister, She had shredded her book worm persona so quickly, and for what? To make her life just that little bit harder? She was in a nest of snakes; she didn't need that murdering bitch to complicate this situation further. She looked to her son but Joffery was unaffected.

"Under whose authority do you take our prisoner?"

"I take Lord Eddard Stark under the highest authority we know, beloved big sister. Fathers."

Cersi was at a loss. She knew too well she couldn't argue with her sisters logic.

"It had been a pleasure, Your Grace." Rae told her nephew, she fell into an over exaggerated bow and turned on her heel and left her men following closely—ready to defend her with their very lives. She gave the men leave and told them to ready her things, either to set out back to Casterly rock or up into the vast northern lands of the Starks.

She gave Ned ten-and-ten minutes before she knocked on the wooden door, of the hands old chambers. Upon a gruff voice calling for her to enter, she did just that.

When emerged into the room she was greeted with the sight of the once gallant and strong Ned stark frail and leaning onto the head board of the bed, trying to hold himself up.

"You're not like your family… Are you girl?"

"No. I'm not a poisonous viper like my sister."

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because, I respect you. And my father ordered me to present you an offer."

He raised an eyebrow, obviously intrigued though trying to remind himself of his pride.

"Leave, go back to Winterfell with your daughters, everything said will be wiped away, there will be no recollection of what has occurred here."

"I cannot betray Robert this way."

"Betray him? It's the best manoeuvre, Return to Winterfell gather your strength… make treaties and unity's then strike while strong… Or stay here, allow your girls to become prisoners, have your boy start a war to get you home."

"You betray your house so quickly."

"I bare my house no love. My father can't stand the sight of me. And the only two I have even the smallest recollection of loving are my brothers. Though his offer comes with… a price of sorts."

"A price?"

"You must wed me to your heir." The man was shocked by her words and stared at her seemingly thinking, He was weighing out his options. But before long he sighed.

"Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and warden of the North, Do we have an agreement?" The young lioness asked her voice filled with hope and her hood still concealing her face.