Alright, because I like Jareth and think those scenes with him and Toby are extremely adorable, I thought to myself, wouldn't it be adorable if Jareth was the one who put Toby back in his crib? Of course it is! Besides, I think Jareth would make a great father given the chance. And for the record, who hasn't been tossed up and down in a blanket before? It's almost the same as being tossed by a Goblin King... right?

All characters belong to Jim Henson and David Bowie and Brian Froud and Lucas and whoever else owns Labyrinth. I only daydream about going there.

In that split second before he turned to an owl, he realized somebody had to put the baby back in his crib. Of course, he wouldn't trust the goblins to do it, they'd most likely drop him down the stairs. Jareth retrieved Toby and carried him up the stairs. Now, recognizing his surroundings, the happy, and sleepy, baby boy, cooed in pleasure. Jareth smiled sadly as he laid the child in his crib. "Goodbye, my fine fellow," he said, puling the blanket up and with that, he started out the window, but Toby turned over and stood at the edge of the crib, his tiny fists grasping the edge. Jareth turned around. "Now, now," he turned back to Toby and laid him down again, "Go to sleep and be good to your sister. She did a lot to get you back."

"Toby? Toby!" Sarah's voice ran out from downstairs. Jareth started out the window again.

"But you still have my eyes, little Jareth." And with that, he took off as an owl, swirling around Sarah's head once before leaving to the Underground once more.

And fluff it shall be! Thanks for reading!