Hello demigods! I'm back with another story, more Percabeth fluff. There's a really weird twist at the end, but I hope you'll enjoy it! Thanks for your amazing responses to my other stories, reviews are definite icing on the cake. On Their Feet will be updating soon, till then- thanks for reading!

"Do you ever think it's weird?"

Percy turned his head towards Annabeth, who was staring up at the sky.

"You're going to have to be a bit more specific."

She looked towards him, rolling on her side in the grass. They'd been lying side by side in the field, surrounded by nothing but wildflowers. It was unusually quiet, and that hadn't been a bad thing. Lying there in the sun, Percy thought, with Annabeth, was nice. Peaceful.

She looked at him curiously. "I mean, we've known each other since we were twelve. We spent our teenage lives together. And the whole time, we were just that. Together." Percy raised his eyebrows, still not understanding her point, and she clarified. "Don't people normally date more than one person throughout their lives?"

"When have we ever done anything even a little bit normal?" asked Percy, grinning at her. Annabeth threw a handful of grass at him, and he propped himself up on one arm. "Would you ever wantto date another person?"

"Never." She responded instantly. "And that's the thing that... confuses me, I guess."

Percy knew that Annabeth hated admitting to not knowing something, so he held back a snarky comment and instead laced his fingers with hers.

Wait- Did she want to be with someone else?

His face must have fallen, because Annabeth squeezed his hand tightly. "Percy." He met her eyes, and she started "I..." She trailed off, then seemed to pick up from somewhere different. "Remember in the stables that night, on the Argo?" He nodded. "The reason I was so surprised when you started talking about the future was that I had never really thought about it. I never really needed to. It was always going to be you and me, and I just never thought otherwise."

Percy's eyes pored into hers. "I couldn't see a future with anyone but you. I wouldn't want to."

She smiled at him, hands clasped tightly as she lay back down on the grass. They both looked up, lost in thought for a few moments, before he spoke, not looking at her.

"Since we were twelve years old, Wise Girl, I couldn't imagine being with anyone other than you. That's always the way it's been, and I guess always will be." He sighed contentedly. "You and me, we're just-"


Their eyes met, and Percy lost himself in their familiarity. Him and Annabeth had gone through (quite literally) every challenge they could have faced. What's more, they had made it through, together.

And maybe it was sort of weird, he thought, that his entire life he'd never loved anyone but her, but then, he'd given up on anything even remotely normal a long time ago. He had her, and she had him, and it would stay that way for... well, forever.

Because, really, they were inevitable.

And as they lay, looking up at the broken dreams and lives floating past in the sky of the underworld, Percy felt all the painful memories and regrets of his past float away, past the rest of Elysium, and towards the infinite somewhere.

Being dead wasn't that bad, really.

As long as they were together.