So new chapter. I wanted it to be longer, but my friend that I dedicated this fic to (Mistical Hearts) wanted me to update. So I'm gonna now. ENJOY!

Chapter One
The Mirror

(11 years later)

Her name was Erika. At least that's what she had been told. She had no family, (besides Master, who demanded for her to regard him as a fatherly figure) and no surname to back up her first. When she was small, he treated her like his own, but the older Erika got, the more cruel and resentful he seemed. She had even gone from having a great room to a filthy cell. However, she was able to pick the lock, and was extreemly well at sneaking around, and might have been famous for pranking other Scarlet Hand members.

Erika was a pretty thing. It made Cinderella's Ugly Stepsisters hate her second to Cinderella. She had long blonde hair that she always kept in a braid, but that was the very least of her beauty. The most magnificent thing was her eyes. They were a brilliant green, with hints of blue, like the crystal clear depths of the ocean on a summer day. Too bad she had never experienced one. Now she could check her apperance even more now that she had found the mirror.

The mirror was nothing too special, but was a fantastic find. Among her years with the Scarlet Hand, which was about her whole life, she had collected trinkets and fairytale heirlooms. Some were magic, but this one wasn't. Oh well, it was still a nice thing to have. The handel was a vintage looking gold, probally from the 1600's, it had an intrcate design carved in the frame and after what was probally three centuries, the glass remained without spots or cracks. Maybe it was magic, the mirror that would last forever. However, all it was to Erika was something to keep yourself looking decent. Her apperance was radient, yet simple. All Master had given her to wear were rags. Meaning: A brown dress, probally as old as the mirror, and modern day sneakers. Luckily, her feet didn't grow that much. Then again, she didn't really grow at all. She was pretty sure she wouldn't be that tall in the future. But it was alright, her short stature helped with sneaking around.

The Scarlet Hand, though she would NEVER consider herself a member, was dead set on putting an end to the Grimms. Erika was told, centuries ago Whilhem brought the Everafters (fairytale characters) to the US. The rest was history. The Everafters started to pick fights with regular humans and started to plan expanding thoughout the world. Wilhem, realiing that the same thing would happen except bigger, bargained with Baba Yaga to cast a barrier over the town, trapping all Everafters in the town called Fairyport Landing. Chessy much? But all magic comes with a price, blah blah blah. So as long as there was a living Grimm in the town, the barrier reamined. But if there were none, or they died out, then the barrier would die with them. So the Scarlet Hand was formed in order to eliminate the Grimms. They didn't sucseed the first time. Infact, they were defeated by a twelve year old girl. Well, that was a rumor... that she might have heard while sneaking around. MIGHT HAVE. But now the Scarlet hand was back. Something about being fueled on revenge. Revenge. That was all master talked about. The thing was, Erika didn't even know who the Grimms were.

"It's your birthday Erika." Ugh. Speak of the devil. Master stood outside of her cell. In his hand he held a single cupcake with a flickering candle. "I thought I would bring you a little treat." He gestured to the dessert.

"Right." Erika spat. "And I'll eat it right away because you could always poison me. I know, I shoud just take the candle and set you on fire. Happily Ever After for me!"

Master chuckled deviously. When he set the cupcake down she accepted it, but only because they hardly fed her. Of course. It was vanilla with red frosting in the shape of a hand print. She nibbled it reluctantly, but wasn't surprised when she didn't choke on some kind of poison.

This made Master even more ammused, but he played along. "Oh Erika, I would never kill you. You're the prie of the Scarlet Hand. Like you're mother in so many ways, with fragments of your horrid father. Such a shame." He shook his head in mock disapointment.

"I don't even know who my family was or is." Erika snarled. "You never told me. No one ever has. It's like that if I find out, it will be a component that will make me long to rebel against you even more. But I can tell, even without anyone telling me, everyone else knows. I'm the daughter of someone powerful." She finished the cupcake and balled up it's wrapper in order to throw it at Master.

He nodded, but still kept his horrible smirk. "What a clever one you are. But judging by your looks, your parentage is crystal clear. You my dear are the offspring of enemy number one." Then Master left without another word.

Erika gaped in shock. Enemy Number One? The Grimms! She trudged over to her bed in frustration. "I don't even know who the Grimms are! The mirror's rim peeked out from its hiding place, under her pillow, and she pulled it to face herself. "Wish this thing could tell me who they are. Show me the Grimms!" She boomed, but not too loud, it would be a disaster if Master found that she knew how to get out of her cell.

To her shock, the Mirror began to glow, and an image of a whirlpool spun into a 'reflection' of a family. There was an elderly couple, a dark-haired couple, and a couple with blonde hair. Standing to the side were three children, two dark-haired and one blonde, the blonde being the oldest. Everyone in the room, besides the children who looked confused, were in tears. It was evident that they were mourning. The blonde man was trying to comfort the blonde woman who seemed to be his wife. But Erika could clearly see that it was no use, his own green eyes were clouded over in grief. The woman was far from quite and shuddered while her body wracked in-between sobs. What was going on? Who died?

Wait. Green eyes? Blonde hair? That was her appearance!

"Show me my family!" Erika's fist tightened around the mirror and her voice shook as she gave the command. And to her excitement and dismay, the same people appeared on the screen, in their depression state. She dropped it in shock and the mirror clattered to the floor, but thankfully it didn't crack. Well, that was magic for you.

Then she was startled by the horrid screeches of Ugly and Uglier, but still has enough sense to hide the mirror back under her pillow.

"Erika! We have chores for you to do!" Anastasia flung open the cells door and entered with a large basket full of clothing. Drizella followed in suit with an equally large basket.

"Our clothes are ripped. And you must fix them."

She groaned inwardly. Talk about a second generation Cinderella. On top of that, they were so picky, that one loose seam meant the article of clothing was considered ruined. Had the two seen what Erika wore? She picked up a tank top with the lowest V neck possible and held it between her thumb and index fingers. It was a horrid green color, and had only a small rip at the sleeve.

"How did you manage to damage your stuff this time?"

Drizella waved a hand at the baskets which they had dumped on the floor. "We fight over things. This is what happens."

"NOW FIX THEM!" Anastasia barked.

Too late Erika realized the mirror wasn't fully hidden. It's golden handel peaked out from under her pillow. Oh No. She made a move to shift her pillow but Drizella beat her to the bed.

"Ooh! What have you got there E-wreck-a?" She held up the mirror like a trophy.

Erika was in trouble.

So that's it... sorry.

Mistical Hearts: PM me!

anyone else: PM me for suggestions... cuz I really need them. I'm running out of ideas!

Love is for infinity