Hermione knew he would get his revenge.

He was a Slytherin, that's what he did.

He was also a pureblood; there were no muggle ties for her torture, it was pure magic that had her bound to the bed posts.

She had come in from work to find a small note on the kitchen table. It was a Tuesday, so he should have finished work before her. He also normally made dinner on a Tuesday and Hermione had been craving Draco's handmade spaghetti Bolognese. Their apartment was dark when she finally stumbled in. Hermione had struggled out of her ministry robes and hung them up, leaving her briefcase at the door she padded in to find the small post-it note on the dining table.

Post-it notes; the beautiful muggle invention that Draco had adored, their dinky cuteness had been the attraction for him.

Meet me in the bedroom.

It had been a month and half since Hermione had sprung her last "gift" on him and in all truth she had given up worrying that he was going to get payback. But that was the Gryffindor mentality; domesticity had made her compliant, and she utterly forgot that he was a Slytherin, and cunning was the very basis of Draco's Hogwarts house.

She walked in to a pitch dark bedroom and felt the pull of magic, without warning she was flipped onto the bed, her wand was in her robes and the door banged shut.

"Draco…?" She called out, fairly sure that there were no malicious intentions from her captor.

"That's Professor Malfoy." He purred, the darkness fading as he illuminated the room with a flick of the wrist. She felt the last dredges of panic fade into a heady mix of lust and love. Fuck Draco was too damn hot on a regular basis, let alone when it was revenge sex.

She felt her mind puddle in the base of her skull as he appeared from the shadows, black robes adorned his body, covering every inch of sculpted muscle, hiding him completely from her view. His blonde hair shone out on the wand-light as a stark contrast and just as Hermione caught her breath he took it away again – the lazy flick of his wand removed every scrap of her clothing. She gasped and felt a new wave of lust wash through her system.


"Professor…" He cut across her, watching with satisfaction as she swallowed hard. He loved Hermione for this reason; she was so beautiful, no matter the situation but to watch her blush made something well deep in his stomach into his heart. Then she let out a small whimper and Draco was snapped back to the present and his eyes raked over her body.

"Professor Malfoy. Please." She whined, he'd practically broken her already – she was begging for him now and he barely even started. The only problem was that Draco truly adored Hermione and watching her writhing on the bed, before he'd even touched her made him a little crazy. Taking a deep breath, Draco slowly walked to Hermione's bound form and brushed his fingers across her thighs, counting desperately to distract him from the mewl that slipped from her lips. She was already incoherent he realised and watched her tug fruitlessly at the bonds that bound her to the bed; Draco felt himself stiffen impossibly more – thank god for robes.

His fingers grazed her thighs again, circling down her knees, to her calves and then back up, skirting her sex up her hips. She whined again and he pressed his lips to her throat.

Her mind was in a massive state of disarray as he continued his assault on her senses and nerves. She was vaguely aware that his need for teasing, and revenge lessened somewhat. His robes were tugged off into a heap on the floor but she still remained bound. Draco's lips worked furiously over her neck, her chest, nibbling on the twin peaks of her breasts. Hermione cried out and arched into his touch, desperate to be released, desperate to touch him as well.

"No chance Granger." He read her mind, damn legilimens. He always promised not to use it on her, but he also told her that she practically screamed her thoughts at him when they were in the throes of passion. "You're staying all tied up." He murmured and kissed her hard, he did compromise though; he released her ankle restraints and wasn't surprised when her legs lacked around his waist, feet scrabbling for purchase on his back.

"Draco pleaaase." She moaned again, her own teeth nibbling on his neck.

"Want something baby?" He purred in her ear, listening to her huff in irritation with that insufferable smirk.

"You know what I want…" She pleaded, staring at him, desperate lust oozing from her aura.

"I don't think I know what you want Granger." He was cocky and arrogant again, while she was bound begging for him. Hermione both loved and hated it.

"I want you to fuck me so hard I see stars, that even Merlin hears me scream your name." Hermione knew that had done the trick because Draco froze in her arms, she watched his eyes close and could almost see the cogs whirring inside his head as he tried to process Hermione Granger dirty talking him. All the years they'd been together and he still couldn't accept it when filthy words slipped from her mouth. She still loved the affect it had on him.

He entered her in one quick thrust, her restraints gone with the remnants of his will power and they were like animals. Her nails almost tore at his shoulders as he pounded into her; she was a tease and a turn on and Draco adored her when she was wild and uninhibited like now. Her hair fanned out on the pillow as her legs locked around his hips, his thrusts now deeper, hitting the spot that made her gasp wordlessly.

"Mione." He grated out, his orgasm impending at the mere sight of the women beneath him.

"Dracccccooooo." She chanted his name like a mantra as she reached her peak, she felt his body spasm through her own beautiful haze and he collapsed next to her, both exhausted by their tryst.

"Dirty Slytherin." She panted as his cuddled into his sweaty chest.

"Naïve little Gryffindor." He whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as they both drifted off.