A/N: A naughty miniature that I was going to use in the challenge but I couldn't wait. It needed to be published. Enjoy.

He strained against the red and gold bindings that had lashed him to the chair. Once around the wrist then tied to the chair itself, damn impossible to escape from. Draco had only been in this position once before which he'd never care to remember let alone talk about. But in his fourth year, she'd tied him up as well then.

Completely different reasons between when he was fourteen and twenty four, at fourteen it had been out of anger and revenge, now it was still revenge but far less anger... He hoped anyway.

"Hermione?" he called into the darkness, tensing against the gaudy ties in a desperate attempt for freedom. No answer. First he thought of his wand but no amount of silent or loud summoning would bring him his wand. That was powerful magic but he could only blame himself for going out with the brightest witch of the age.

She stepped from the shadows and his jaw dropped; a fine silvery gauze kimono hid any of neither her flesh nor the delectable clothes covering it, the red high heels with the red knickers and bra, and as she drew closer Draco could see gold stitching in the shape of a lion across each cup. He slavered at the thought and his tugging on the binds became desperate as he longed to touch her. She neared him and then circled round, her nose trailed from his ear to his clavicle, kisses occasionally pressed down his throat as he bared it to her.

"It's Miss Granger to you." Her husky voice sent ripples of desire to his already tented crotch and he whimpered before clearing his throat.

"Miss Granger? What have I done to offend you?" Draco could feel the lust coiling in his stomach, he loved her imagination and while he'd never admit it he loved her bossiness as well. If it was a turn on when he was 14, ten years on it had him worshipping her.

"This needs to be gone." She ignored his question then touched his wand to his shirt and it vanished. His wand? Yes if only he could call to it and tried so mentally but found it unresponsive, what was this!? "A very powerful piece of old magic Draco, one that is based entirely on how connected the wand and wizard are. I told your wand my plan and asked if it would obey me for the night, it agreed most quickly. Amazing how wizards underestimate the powers of the inanimate." she murmured against his ear and without warning her nails tugged into his hair, pulling his face back for Gryffindor red lips to press to his.

"Mione..." Draco panted as she tore herself away, the wand vanished his jeans and underwear leaving him to her mercy. He groaned her name again but she tapped at him smartly with a finger and he watched her with a wolfish grin. He bit his lip, eyes raking over her body as she sat in his lap; she was soaked through already, heat radiating from her centre.

"Ruined those knickers Miss Granger?" he growled and sat back, he wanted to struggle against the bonds, grasp her, take hold of her butt and breasts, rid her of annoying underwear ... He was brought back to reality with a whoosh as the kimono slid down his shins eliciting goosebumps from him and her.
She rubbed her core against his shaft and whimpered at the familiar yet shocking size before moving back slightly.

Her hand slid down her red thong, a miniature lion stitched across that as well and her eyes fluttered closed. She made lazy movements against her clit and was quite content to murmur softly at her slow pace. But the reality of what she had done set into her imagination and Hermione realised a very frustrated and horny Draco was in front of her, tied up and waiting for her because of her. It was an ego boost and a turn on.

She stood up and stepped out of the thong. Reaching back she unclasped the bra and stroked light circles over her nipples as they pebbled from the cool air and her arousal. Staring down at her blonde lover he was ramrod and sweating, 'Enough foreplay' her body was screaming and she slid onto his length, moans and incoherent whimpers slipping from her mouth as she reached for his bindings. He felt the tie go and his fingers instantly dug into her soft flesh of her hips, as her hips came down he pushed up and soon it wasn't enough, it was good but not enough. She pulled away to his protests before turning around, hands braced on the dining table, her perky butt swaying from side to side.

The growl that rumbled through his chest made her squeeze her legs together tighter, the ache building between her thighs and Draco plunged into her in one swift movement.

It wouldn't take much, not after that length of torture and Draco felt his orgasm building but held on by the skin of his teeth until Hermione cried out and clenched around him in a vice grip.

Stunned by his evening Draco sat heavily on the sofa and pulled his naughty girlfriend with him.

"Next time Miss Granger it'll be Professor Malfoy to you." his voice, while tired was passion soaked and ladened with promise that made the heat flare in her exhausted body. Draco looked around at the room, her kimono and red underwear scattered around the room, his wand on the table, the chair still in the middle and the ties around his wrists still. He watched Hermione make herself comfortable and felt his eyes close.

"Yes sir." She whispered before she too fell asleep.