What Happened in May

A/N: Hey guys, this fic just popped in my head when my friend was telling me what was going on with her life. Alright, this is really loosely based on that. Rated T because of mild swearing, but don't worry, they don't swear that much! I hope you enjoy and don't forget to Review! One-Shot but I might turn it into more if enough of you guys want more!

To my friend: Win Young

Jeff came bursting in the Common room in panic, glancing around to check who were in there before promptly shutting the door and locking it.

"What are you doing?" Wes frowned, looking up from his newspaper.

"I know we don't talk about feelings and what not, but-" Jeff rambled on while he was stopped by David.

"Do you have a crush Jeff?" David raised his eye brows questioningly, "Because as much as I love being one of your best friends, I don't think I'll be quite comfortable about talking about your love life."

Wes gave David a stern look while adjusting his seat to look up at Jeff who still seemed to panicking and fidgeting in his spot.

"Ignore him. Now, Jeffery, take a seat." Wes pointed out to a comfortable looking arm chair which Jeff seemed to sink into.

"It's not a crush for one," Jeff frowned shooting a dirty look at David who just shrugged. "But, this guy. He...he sort of asked me to go to that valentine's soiree thingy."

"Which one is that?" Wes wondered out loud.

"You know the one that's coming this week." Jeff incredulously, "The one that you planned to take your girlfriend to?"

"Right! That one!" Wes exclaimed and clapping his hand as the memory got back to him.

"So? Who is then?" David asked, interested all of a sudden, leaning forward in anticipation to hear Jeff better.

Jeff furrowed his eyebrows at David, "I thought you didn't care." He scowled accusingly.

"Well, now it seems quite interesting." David grinned, "Now, who is it?"

Jeff took a deep breath, glancing at his best friends who were staring eagerly at him.

"It's Drake." Jeff groaned, falling back in his chair in frustration.

David and Wes glanced at each other and winced.

"Man, Drake huh?" David frowned sympathetically.

"God, that's awful!" Wes winced.

"Tell me about it!" Jeff groaned, sinking further into the couch," I mean, he's not mean or anything... But how do I say this? He's um, well..." Jeff trailed off, trying to find the right word to describe him.

"Awkward?" David supplied helpfully.

"Sorta weird looking? A real show-off even though he'd one of the dumbest person in the whole damn school? Not to mention, he only likes you because of your looks." Wes huffed in annoyance.

"True enough. I mean-" Jeff paused, glancing at Wes, "What do you mean he's only using me for my looks?"

Wes groaned, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

"Alright, dude. Here's the deal, you're sorta like the 'hot innocent guy'." Wes explained using air quotation marks.

"I AM NOT." Jeff protested in shock.

"Uh, yes you are," Wes said, in a tone implying that it was the most obvious thing in the world, "You're handsome, and you don't know it. And think of it as a compliment from a straight guy. I'm still not gay." He added upon seeing Jeff's knowing look.

"Uh huh, alright." Jeff frowned suspiciously. "Any way, you guys are my closest friends. You've got to help me with this."

"Just turn him down." David shrugged nonchalantly, ignoring Wes and Jeff's look of surprise.

"God, David! You can't just walk up to someone and tell them no! It's hard as hell!" Jeff gasped, looking absolutely shocked at David for suggesting such a thing.

"Yeah, Jeffery's right. David, you're stupid." Wes shook his head and raised his hand for silence when David tried to protest, "How about…. You tell him you have a boyfriend!"

Jeff scrunched up his face thoughtfully. It could work, could it?

"That might work." Jeff whispered, more to himself.

"But someone has to be your supposed 'boyfriend' " David quipped up.

"Oh, I'm sure he didn't think about that!" Wes exclaimed, sarcastically.

"Ok jeez, touchy." David grumbled.

Jeff looked at both of the expectedly, while the both them glanced at each other in horror.

"Well, I'm not pretending to be your boyfriend!" Wes frowned, crossing his arm indignantly.

"Sorry man, not going to be me either." David shook his head.

"But you guys are my best friends! Who else am I going to ask?" Jeff exclaimed in frustration, running his fingers through his blond hair.

"Try to find someone you're comfortable with, and most likely gay." David suggested.

Wes pointed towards David with a grin, "Yeah! I mean, I don't know, maybe… someone like…Logan?"

"Nahh, Logan really isn't my type. This has to be believable guys!" Jeff groaned waving his hands in anticipation.

"Um, uh… how about Kurt?" Wes pointed out.

"You pretty much know that Kurt is pretty much datingBlaine right? The sheer amount of times I have to be in the same room with them endlessly flirting was pure torture. And everyone knows it's only a matter of time before they make it official, then it would be a disaster!" Jeff glared at Wes accusingly.

"Hey! I was only trying to help!" Wes frowned, thinking of other gay guys he knew in Dalton. "How about… Nick? I mean Nick is totally your type right?"

Jeff propped his chin up using his arms and rested them on the couch, thinking.

"Nick is pretty decent isn't he?" Jeff wondered out loud, sneaking a glance towards his two friends who were nodding enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Actually you two would make the perfect pair!" David ginned, pausing for a while to contemplate the thought, "Actually, if this wasn't for getting Drake off your back, I genuinely think you two would be perfect for each other."

"Don't get carried away," Jeff frowned, "This is just a friendship thing to get turn Drake down without hurting him. Besides, we aren't sure that Nick would even agree to this proposition. I mean what's in it for him?"

"Good point," Wes grimaced, rapping his head for ideas, "Isn't Nick your seat mate for Chemistry?"

Jeff nodded in confirmation.

"When do you guys have chemistry?"

"Uh… Actually I have chemistry right after this break." Jeff frowned thoughtfully.

"Great!" David clapped his hands together, pointing at Jeff with his left hand, "You could tell him after chemistry!"

"I'm not sure guys," Jeff sighed, wringing his hands nervously, "Nick's sort of new and I haven't really talked to him aside when I'm hanging out with you guys."

Jeff paused, "Wait, don't you guys know him better? Can't you guys just ask him instead? It's less embarrassing if he says no!" Jeff grinned hopefully at his two closest friends.

"No way man," Wes shook his head, "Your problem. Not ours. Besides, we already gave you an idea!" Wes pointed out triumphantly.

Jeff sighed, hanging his head down from the couch exasperatedly.

"You guys freaking suck." Jeff pouted, standing up from the couch. "I have to go, chemistry starts in 5 minutes and it's all the way in the other side of the building."

"Good luck!" Wes and David drawled out simultaneously as Jeff exited the common room with the roll of his eyes.

"The worse he could say is no, It's going to be alright. Uggg, why can't I just be mean and tell Drake no? Oh that's right, because I have an actual heart," Jeff groaned, having an inner dialogue with himself.

Nick was packing up his chemistry books and placing his pencils in a secluded section of his satchel as Jeff brought his chemistry close to his chest instead, packing faster than Nick.

Jeff gulped, wondering why he was so nervous, it wasn't like Jeff was asking Nick out on an actual date.

"God, he's so cute…" Jeff trailed off glancing towards Nick's hands which were tucking a loosed curl onto the back of his ear.

Jeff quickly shook his head at the thought, frowning. What was happening? Jeff pushed the tough aside quickly as he took a deep breath.

"Ehrm," Jeff cleared his throat getting Nick's attention.

Thankfully the classroom was already cleared out, leaving Nick and Jeff in an awkward silence. Nick turned around and smiled at Jeff, which caused an unusual array of butterflies to appear at the bottom of his stomachs.

"I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Wes and David's friend. I'm-"

"Jeff. You're Jeff," Nick laughed at Jeff's flustered expression. "You're the guy who has the same musical taste and adoration for TV shows, just like me."

"Oh, yeah. It's great that you remember me." Jeff smiled shyly, lifting up the books higher into his chest.

"Do you want something?" Nick chuckled when another silence rose upon them.

"Oh yeah! Alright, ok, this might sound a bit crazy… but you're like the only gay guy I kind of know that isn't attached. And so kind of hoped that, that you could do me a huge favor?" Jeff managed to stutter out.

"Depends." Nick raised his eyebrows looking at Jeff oddly, "What's the favor?"

"Ok, here me out here, don't freak out just yet." Jeff spoke slowly making his hands give a signal to be calm.


"Ok, you know Drake right?" Jeff asked, "You know, the one with the black hair, sorta short for his age, laughs almost manically, and has like a few freckles." Jeff explained further upon seeing Nick's befuddled expression.

"Ohhh. You mean the Drake which is sorta weird?" Nick nodded, remembering.

"Yes, him." Jeff nodded embarrassedly, "He asked me out for the valentine's soiree, and I really don't have the heart to tell him I'm not interested."

"That sucks man." Nick frowned sympathetically. "But I still don't know how I'm involved with all of this." Nick gestured towards the ground, but implying on the situation.

"Alright," Jeff stuttered out, closed his eyes.

His palms became all sweaty as he slowly looked up to meet Nick's confused gaze.

"I need to tell him no, and the only way how without hurting his feelings, is to say that-that I'm attached." Jeff managed to choke out, "I need a boyfriend."

There was tension between them as Nick smiled at him funnily, but when Jeff didn't show any expression of this being a joke, Nick began to panic. Jeff's eyes were dead serious and expecting him to say something.

"You, you mean…." Nick gulped down nervousness, shaking his voice

."Yeah," Jeff grimaced, "I mean, it's just pretend and maybe we could just supposedly 'go out' for only 2 months or so." Jeff added, with a glimmer of hope.

"Oh." Nick managed to breath out, looking anywhere except Jeff's pleading look.

"Fine," Jeff sighed, "I know we don't even know each other that much. But please Nick!" Jeff pleaded intertwining his hands begging him.

Nick sighed, "I don't know Jeff."

"Please! I'll, I'll help you in chemistry for the whole time we're 'dating'!" Jeff exclaimed, his eyes just screaming for Nick to help him.

"Iam bad at Chemistry." Nick trailed off, contemplating the pros and cons of this supposed deal.

"So? Would you do it then?" Jeff grinned like an excited puppy.

"Alright, fine." Nick sighed, rolling his eyes and laughing at Jeff's adorableness.

Was it possible to think someone's adorable after only the second encounter?!

"YES!" Jeff fist pumped and ran into Nick's arms, pouncing on the shorter boy, causing Nick to stumble back but with a faint blush on his cheek.

Nick awkwardly patted Jeff's back, smiling slightly. Jeff slowly released his death frip, hands still on both sides of Nick's shoulders and stared intently into his eyes smiling wildly.

"You're the best!" Jeff muttered and leaned in to place a soft sweet kiss on Nick's cheek without thinking making Nick blush even harder.

Jeff skipped away happily out the door leaving Nick confused and nervous.

What had he got himself into? And why was Jeff making him blush so much?

Questions filled Nick's mind as his brain was trying to process what the fuck was going on. Did Jeff just ask him out? Well technically they were only pretending to go out, but God. If Jeff keeps on acting so touchy feely with him, how could he help but fall in love?