Winter break was finally here! After convincing my roomates that I wasn't going to runway or do anything "stupid" they were leaving. Liz, was already on her way to the airport, to spend the holidays with her parents in Alabama. Macey had just gotten into her limo. It would be taking her to a private jet that would be taking her and her many bags to New York. There she would do last minute shopping and attend some high class auction that would make her spend 28 hours looking online for the perfect dress. In the end she couldnt find one so she would being wearing my strapless red dress for the sophmore year dance. Bex was staying. Not for the whole break though, her parents were flying in (they should be here any minute,) from London so they could be here for Dads memorial service at langley. They were honnoring him for all he did for the CIA and his work in the take down of the Cirlcle of Cavan.

"Cam, earth to Cammie!" someone had said while waving there hands in the air, like mant do when they are trying to get the attention of someone. Then I realized that it was my mother and that someone she was trying to get the attention of was me. "Sorry, I must have spaced out for a minute." I said finally coming out of my fog. Mom smiled and strightend her navy blue blazer. "Thats okay, Kiddo. I kow you have got alot on your mind," she smiled motherly as if she wanted to take the stress out of me. Because the truth was I had alot of stress. I had just finished (and i am talking less than 3 hours ago) all of my makeup work that had pilled up from when I MIA last semester, when I left to find answers. I had finshed finals. Mom and I had planned Dads service, but I still have a lot to do and think about. Like how am Iplanning on kidnapping Preston Winters? LIke I am I going to speak at my dads service? What will I do the rest of break? Go to Nebraska? Risk my grandparents safty just because I missed them and Grandma Morgans cooking? "Thanks mom, Whats up?" I asked. "The Baxters are here!" she said excitedly.

We walked down to the main corridor, where Bex was hugging her mom and Abe Baxter was shaking Zachs hand. When we walked in Mrs. Baxter hugged me and Mr. Baxter hugged mom. Then we swithed I hugged Bex's father. Father. I remembered than mine was gone, dead. For a minuted I envied Bex. Not for the reason that she was a killer spy (no pun intened). Not for the reason the she was drop dead gouregous( again, no bun intentend). But the for the reason that she had a father. Someone to walk her down the isle. Someone to pat her on the back and say "Goodjob Sweetheart." I wanted that. I didnt have it. It was that simple. Then I did something that I hadnt done in a while. I wished I was normal. That the Circle Of Cavan hadn't killed my father. That never knew about the circle. That I was normal. But then I looked around. I saw my mother whos face light up when Joe Solomon walked in. At my bestfriend, whom I almost lost, whom was talking to her mom. At Abe Baxter who cracked a joke with Agent Townsend. At my Aunt who talked in a circle with my mom and Joe. And then at Zach who was smirking and walking closer to me. And I remembered that a very long time ago I agreed that normal was totally overrated.

Dinner that was made by my mom, Abby and Mrs. Baxter consited of homemade pizzas. One was cheese, that was burnt(mpm was incharge of that one) and one hambruger. I failed to mention that all of the Gallagher Academy staff was on break as well so that mean't no cheif. Joe and Mom were the only ones brave enough to try the cheese one. While the rest of us ate little slices of the hamburger.

"So, tomorrow we need to leave by 9. In car one, Racheal, myself, Abe and Grace. In car two, Townsend, Abby and by recomendation Bex," Joe sighed as if it pained him to finish his thought. "In car three...Cameron and...-sigh-Zachary. Now you two need to remain on task. You. Can. Not. Be. Late. Do you understand?" I think the whole room got what he was saying. Bex and Abby snikerd. Abe and Grace look at their laps pretending to not be listening. Mom gave me the death stare which meant He means it. Townsend cleared hos throat uncomfortably. Joe was glaring at Zach alomst-fatherly- as if he was telling him to keep is hands off his..daughter. I blushed and sneaked at look at Zach. Of course he was smirking. I rolled my eyes. Than made his smirk turn into a smile. "I get it Joe. I wont even think about doing this-" before I could object his nose was touching mine and he smirked. He kissed me. IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY. I pulled back, and looked around Abe and Grace were gone. Abby and Bex were staring and smiling as if to say I told you that you would end up totally in love. Townsend pretending to be very interested in the crown molding and high ceilings. Joe was staring just staring trying noy to crack a smile. My mother, looked at me disaprovingly as if she were saying I get that your boyfriend and girlfriend but seriously not at the table AND NOT IN FORNT OF EVERYONE!

"Well its not like he gave me a choice." I said gesturing to Zach, trying not to get giddy. Willing myself not to blush and not smile.

"Dont act like you didnt like it, Cameron." Zach smirked putting a hand on the small of my back. "Shut up, Zachary" I said staring at my mom. She got up and looked down trying to hide her smile. I knew that I was not in trouble so I smiled. Joe laughed and said something about meaning it.

"Well, It was a long flight. Wasnt it Abb's? Lets head on to bed." Townsend said fake yawning wanting to get out of the awkwardness. Abby took his hand. Wait?! Did Abby just hold hands with...TOWNSEND? I saw a glemps of somthing on Abbys hand as I turned to my mom. We exchanged a look as if to say what the hell?

They left and the subject was dropped. Bex went to her parents room. Mom and Joe left to. Leaving me with all the dished and a smirking boyfriend. This was going to be a long break.

Hey everyone! Thanks sooooo much for reading! It would mean the world if you reviewed! This is my first FanFic and I uploaded it on a whim! Please tell me what you think! Even if you hated it!