Bumblebee sat on the rooftop. He couldn't go into recharge, so he figured he'd go sit on the rooftop. A trail of light lit up in the sky. "Cool, a shooting star! Wait, is it getting bigger?" The shooting star seemed to be growing in size. "Either that, or it's getting closer!" Bumblebee yelled and jumped aside.

The yellow autobot had his servos covering his head, waiting for impact. It never came. Bumblebee lifted his head and saw the strange metal pod a few feet away. He walked towards it, careful not to make sudden movements. He laid a shaking servo on it, and it opened with a hiss. Bumblebee would've gasped, if he could. A Sparkling was inside the pod! An honest to goodness, Sparkling! It was orange and white, had thick horns curling off it's head, a glass dome over its head and a glass chest. It onlined big, orange optics, then let loose a terrified wail.

Bumblebee panicked, he knew nothing about Sparklings. So, he did the first think he thought of. He picked the infant up, holding it, some what clumsly, like he saw on the TV. The infant squeaked in surprise at the sudden movement, then looked up at Bumblebee curiously. The yellow mech grinned, and the infant returned it with an adorable smile, squirming happily. Then Bumblebee noticed the two rotors protruding from the little mech's back. He couldn't help but laugh. The Sparkling resembled a certain two tailed fox.

Bumblebee sat on the roof, the infant still in his arms. He identified the Sparkling as male, now the matter was naming it. "Hmm... Blazer! No, no that's stupid. Um, Clockwise!" The Sparkling in his arms made a face. "Yeah, guess you're right. Hmm... I got it! Blades!" He looked down at the baby in his arms, who giggled and squirmed happily. "Blades it is than!"

Light started spreading over the city. Bumblebee shifted Blades into one arm, and made a show of spreading his other hand across the horizon. "Look, Simba. Everything the light touches, belongs to us." Then he burst out laughing, Blades joining in, even though he had no idea why. Then, Bumblebee's empty engine rumbled. "I'm hungry, you hungry?" Blades' own engines rumbled in response. "Thought so. Inside!"

Once inside, Bumblebee placed Blades in the rec. room and turned to leave, but Blades grabbed his servo. "Oh, you wanna come with, little dude?" Blades tightened his grip and spoke a series of squeaks and beeping noises, commonly known as Sparkling babble. "I'll take that as a yes." Holding Blades close with one arm, Bumblebee zipped off through the hallway.

He carefully held two Energon cubes and walked back to the rec. room, so as not to drop the cubes, or Blades. Once back, he placed Blades on his lap and broke off the corner of one cube. He held Blades up to the the cube, who grasped the edges with tiny black servos. The yellow mech watched with interest as the Sparkling quickly drained the cube, engine purring contently. Once the cube was empty, Blades drifted off into recharge, and Bumblebee started his own cube. Once he finished, he suddenly felt the long night catch up with him. He leaned back, going into recharge aswell.


Yay, Two of my fave bots together! I wanted an adorable baby Blades being taken care of by Bumblebee, but I wanted to use the Bumblebee from Transformers Animated. Because 1) I LOVE his personality! 2) I needed a Bumblebee that talked(Also think his voice is awesome) 3) I LOVE the animated series! And before anyone asks, no, the other Rescue Bots will not be in this. Probably. You never know with me!