Chapter 7

I looked back at the Cullen's who had started to form a line either side of Rose and I and huffed out a laugh. This was going to be good.


"Leave Cullen's, this does not concern you. Once we destroy this outsider we will leave and the treaty will remain in tact" Sam spat out at the vampire family.

I growled at his statement, what an arrogant prick. My mate showed her disdain for his comment more verbally however.

"Oh fuck off, if you want my mate you're going to have to go through me first!" Rosalie's statement was met by loud snarls from the wolves and the Cullen family immediately shifted into aggressive stances, all growling back at the Quileute's.

"Oh they'll have to go through more than just you, Rosalie, if these mutts want to stand any chance of getting close to your mate" Jasper drawled in his Southern twang, glancing into the eyes of younger of the wolves making them whine and shift nervously when his gift influenced their senses.

I growled again, loudly and menacingly at the alpha of the wolves, challenging him to back down from this fight without words. The alpha looked me in the eyes for a few seconds.

"Leeches this is your last chance" Sam said, still not looking away from my eyes, "leave now and we will not harm your coven".

This time it was Carlisle who spoke up, "I don't think there is any need for violence here Sam. We can surely settle this dispute between our two groups without conflict" he spoke surely.

A dark grey shifter growled viciously at Carlisle for his suggestion, but Carlisle stayed strong and didn't waver his gaze from the alphas eyes, not submitting but not backing down either. I tensed my body completely, muscles poised and ready to spring into action at the wolf that had started to slowly inch closer to the line, whose alpha was completely unaware of the movement happening slightly behind him. Bella snarled internally at the incompetence of this shifter, can't even control a few measly teenagers, fucking idiot.

As his attention was no longer on his pack of shifters the strength of his alpha command wavered among one of the wolves. The wolf snarled and felt himself breaking away from the command that his alpha had placed upon him. Before Sam could utter another word towards the Cullen family, the shifter broke free from the treaty line, snarling and panting heavily whilst running full sprint at me, obviously hoping to catch me off guard with the head on attack. As soon at the wolf took a step forward I was racing to meet him head on, but shifted at the last side and used all of my body strength to ram my shoulder into his ribs, having the desired result in cracking and shattering them. Only a few steps past the treaty line, the wolf was tackled with my almighty force at his side, sending loud cracks through the air as his ribs shattered from the impact. As soon as the impact was made, I stopped my movement and held my ground in front of my mate and her family, hackles raised and body as large as I could make it look.

The wolf however, was soon back on his feet, but approaching me a lot more cautiously this time. He attempted to sound threatening as he snarled, but I just stood there, muscles tensed ready for him or any of the wolves that Sam could not control to break free and attack. The grey wolf, obviously male due to its size tried to have another go at me, but I was quick to dodge his clumsy lunge at my neck and instead grabbed him by my larger jaws through the scruff of his neck, tasting blood immediately as my teeth easily cut through his skin. He whimpered pathetically, god i've barely grabbed him. Instead of putting him down I shook my head like the dog I am and this in turn succeeded in tearing the wolf's neck enough that he wouldn't be attempting to attack me so unprepared again. Once the wolf submitted to me Rosalie walked up to my side and grabbed the wolf by the tail, sniffed The wolf landed a few feet away from the pack leader, who looked disdainfully at his fallen pack mate. Sam growled as best as he could in his human form at my blonde mate. He made an attempt to step forward but stopped when I fake charged at him, startling him that his step backwards had him stumbling on the pack mate left near his feet.

Rosalie smirked "Huh, guess you'll have to go through Bella first after all", laughing at the way some of the wolves shifted back slightly, scared at how I managed to put their pack mate to the floor so easily.

"Enough of this, you Cullen's have made the wrong decision being near this abomination!" the alpha of the pack shouted.

"Abomination? How exactly is Bella an abomination? Just because she is a wolf but isn't part of your pack?" Emmet asked slowly, confused.

Sam turned his hardened gaze upon the giant vampire, "Of course that's not the only reason!"

"Well then by all means continue", Jasper smirked, feeling the emotions coming from the angry alpha who was quickly becoming frustrated that this meeting was not going in his favour.

"Well, she.. uh she didn't.. she hasn't. Oh what does it matter, just bring her to us!" Sam screamed at the smirking blonde vampire. I snarled in outrage, how dare he think he can command me to do anything. When Sam looked me in the eyes he saw the challenge in them, I was itching to fight this fool and show him that he shouldn't be messing with me.

"Very well" the alpha stated, phasing and slowly stalking towards the invisible line of the treaty. He placed both his front feet directly in front of it before slowly raising a paw to step across the line.

"I would not do that if I were you Sam" spoke Carlisle from my side, speaking with an authority that judging from the looks of Rosalie and her family he did not use very often. Even Esme looked at him astounded, although that may just be what she looks like turned on, huh horny Esme is kinda hot. Almost as if Rosalie knew what I was thinking, turned and looked me in the eye, raising her eye brow and slightly glaring at me. I whined and butted my head at her, but couldn't ignore the situation that was still going on before us. "If you cross this line, bear in mind that one of your pack has already broken the treaty and it is only that we do not wish for violence between our two groups have we not retaliated. But, if you do cross that line, as alpha of the Quileute tribe with the purpose to attack I personally will retaliate with force" he stated firmly, his usually bright golden eyes slowly darkening.

Sam looked up and curled his upper lip at Carlisle before again raising his paw. Almost as soon as his paw touched the Cullen's side of the line did Carlisle roar so loudly that almost everyone in the vicinity jumped, especially Sam who suddenly realised what a big mistake he had made when faced with the ferocious face of the 300 year old vampire. I, as well as the other around me, could only look on in astonishment as this seemingly harmless vampire threw around the huge black wolf with such ease and confidence that it was hard to believe that the wolves had come here to fight us and expect to win. Sam whimpered every time Carlisle picked him up only to slam him to the ground again. Somehow, Sam did manage to nick Carlisle's hand with one of his teeth, but this only seemed to enrage the vampire even more. He brought up his fist and slammed it hard into the wolf's muzzle, and everyone in the clearing winced at the snap of the sound of the alphas jaw breaking. Seemingly satisfied that the wolf would not get back up, Carlisle checked the wolf's breathing before calmly picking the wolf up and placing him on the treaty line.

"Take your alpha and leave, and if I ever catch you wolves near this line again without reason then you can rest assured that I won't be so lenient in my or my family's attacks" the blonde vampire snarled out at the wolves. One wolf, a rusty brown, slowly stepped forward and nudged the alpha's paw. When the alpha did not respond the wolf raced off into the trees behind him, returning having phased and re-dressed. He picked up the unconscious body of his alpha, looking towards Carlisle the boy said "I apologise for my alpha and his anger towards you and your family sir. I will do everything in my power to ensure that this does not happen again". The boy also looked at me, nodded and turned and walked away with the rest of the pack slowly following the boy with confusion and in a few moments the clearing only consisted of myself and the Cullen's.

We were all silent, save for Emmett.

"Fucking hell Carlisle, who knew you could be so badass!"

AN: .hey? Not even going to bother using an excuse as to why I haven't updated as I don't have one. Hopefully I'll be able to continue writing this story as I do quite enjoy it, just really don't know where I want it to go. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!