Sunday morning. Lorelai leaned her forehead against the empty counter at Luke's. With the insights she'd wrote in her book the night before, she had half expected to wake up in her own bed, in her own body, this morning. She had made an effort. She had given Sasha's words a lot of thought and pieced together the clues she'd left about Jess' life in New York and she had, in her mind, cut him some slack for the way he'd been acting since he came to town. She had gained some understanding for the huge adjustment it must have been for Jess to come here.

But she was still stuck like this. She raised her head from the counter as she heard Luke descend the stairs. The fact that she was still stuck like this could only mean one thing – Jess wasn't doing his share of trying to gain a deeper understanding. She should have known he wouldn't take it seriously. Didn't he understand that this was the only shot they had?

Luke mumbled a good morning as he passed by on his way to unlock the door and turn the sign announcing Luke's was open for business.

"You could have slept in today you know." Luke informed her as he started preparing the coffee machine. "The rush usually don't hit until nine on weekends."

"I couldn't sleep." Lorelai quickly answered. Truth was she had dragged herself out of bed when she woke up for the fourth time at the break of dawn just so that she would be out of the apartment by the time Luke woke up. She couldn't quite explain it, but the sight of a half-naked Luke on her first night as Jess had stirred up feelings she wasn't prepared to deal with right now and so she did her best to avoid Luke in any state of undress so she could easier ignore those feelings.

"Huh." Luke simply said before he went into the kitchen, leaving Lorelai alone in the empty diner.

Lorelai pondered for a few seconds and then poked her head into the kitchen. "Hey Luke?" She waited for him to make a sound of acknowledgement and when he grunted in response, his head still in the freezer, she continued: "If you don't need me right now, I think I'm gonna head out for a while."


Luke was still searching for something in the freezer, so Lorelai went out on a limb and quickly poured herself some coffee in a to-go cup before she headed towards the door.

"Wait!" She froze on the doorstep as she heard Luke's voice behind her. Crap! She knew she should have resisted the coffee – now Luke probably suspected something was wrong.

"Yeah?" She slowly turned around, trying to hide the coffee behind her back.

"Where are you going?" Luke had emerged from the freezer and was now standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Out?" Lorelai suggested and pointed towards the door with her free hand.

"Oh. Okay." Luke seemed fazed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Stay out of trouble." He awkwardly ordered before he disappeared into the kitchen again.

Confused, Lorelai stared at the empty doorway for a while before she shrugged her shoulders and left the diner.

Leaning against the kitchen counter, Jess sipped at his morning coffee, waiting for Rory to get ready so that they could go meet up with Lane before church and have breakfast together at Luke's – which was apparently the way Sunday mornings usually looked like at the Gilmore's.

Jess had almost finished his coffee when Rory finally came out of the bathroom and declared she was ready to go. Maybe she found it weird that Lorelai hadn't spent an eternity and a half in the bathroom before making that same declaration, but he was too sick of everything to care. The chances of anyone figuring out what was going on were slim anyways.

He wanted to be himself again. He wanted to tell her that she looked beautiful – that she had looked beautiful even before she'd gone into the bathroom to make herself look even more beautiful. He repressed a sigh as he followed Rory out the door.

When he turned around to lock the door, he saw something moving out of the corner of his eye and when the turned his head to look closer he saw Lorelai, or well – himself actually, hiding around the corner of the Gilmore house, trying to get his attention.

He looked over his shoulder just as Rory reached the driveway and turned around to see what was keeping her mother. He rolled his eyes. Sure he was tired of this act and he didn't think anyone could ever figure out exactly what was going on, but there would be a whole lot of explaining to do if Rory saw Jess sneaking around trying to get Lorelai's attention.

He glanced over towards the corner where he'd seen Lorelai poke her head out and was relieved to see she'd had enough sense to hide when Rory turned around.

"I think I forgot my cell." Jess announced as he unlocked the door again and gestured towards the house. "You go ahead and meet Lane, I'll catch up with you at Luke's."

Rory nodded. "Okay." She didn't seem to think anything was weird or out of the ordinary, so Jess guessed she hadn't seen Lorelai sneaking around the house.

When he closed the door behind him, he stopped for a second, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He wondered what kind of crazy non-solution Lorelai had come up with this time. Another psychic maybe?

Knowing there was no point in postponing the inevitable, he went to open the back door and let Lorelai in.

"I'm still you." Lorelai pointed out the second he opened the door.

"I kind of figured…" Jess calmly answered as she rushed past him towards the kitchen. "…since I'm still you." He muttered the last part as he sighed and followed her into the kitchen.

Lorelai moved frenetically around the kitchen, opening drawers, lifting a magazine on the table and putting it back down again all while darting her head to the sides, scanning the kitchen counters. Jess simply stared at her, waiting for some sort of an explanation.

However, no explanation was offered and Jess followed Lorelai's frantic search as it continued into the living room. She lifted all the pillows on the couch and looked under them and she got on her knees and searched the floor under the table and Jess didn't know if he were more amused, scared or confused by her fit.

Lorelai stopped mid-through her second search under the couch pillows, holding one pillow in each hand and with a triumphant "Aha!" she dropped the pillows and hurried up the stairs. Jess hesitated for a few seconds and then decided it was probably better to follow her and try to find out what was going on.

"Where is it?" Lorelai took a step out of the wardrobe in her bedroom, which she was apparently rummaging through, and turned to face Jess when he reached the doorway.

"Where's what?" He answered and was met with a frustrated grunt from Lorelai.

Lorelai picked up a purse that was thrown on the floor next to the bed. "You haven't used it, have you?"

"Used what?" Irritated at all the craziness and Lorelai's disinclination to explain, Jess took a few steps towards Lorelai and snatched the purse out of her hand. "Used what?" He repeated his question now that he had her attention.

"The notebook." Lorelai finally explained, not that the explanation made Jess any wiser as to why she was running around like a crazy person searching for it though.

"The notebook?" He echoed.

"Yes." Lorelai threw her hands out. "The notebook the psychic gave you. Where is it?"

Jess hadn't given the notebook much thought since they left the psychic's studio, so he shrugged. "I don't know."

Lorelai let out an exasperated sigh and snatched the purse back from Jess' hand. "You haven't even opened it?" She started searching through the purse.

"It's empty." Jess pointed out.

She found the notebook and picked it up, dropping the purse to the floor. "It's not supposed to be." She flipped through the pages. "You're supposed to fill this with insights and deep understandings."

"Ah, jeez." Jess rubbed his eyes.

"If only you'd done what you were supposed to do, we could have been back to being ourselves by now." Lorelai lectured in an agitated manner and Jess felt he was reaching a breaking point in how much of her craziness he could deal with on top of everything else.

"How?" He spoke the question slowly and distinctly. "You think the universe or whoever orchestrated this thing is reading the magic notebook and keeping score? How many insights or understandings do you think we need to reach the magic number that will change us back?"

"I've written down two." Lorelai pouted.

"Well good for you." Jess glared at her. "Too bad I didn't run into any of your old friends that could hand me a couple of insights on a silver platter."

Lorelai scoffed and Jess continued; tired, angry and annoyed, at the situation more than at her, but she was tangible – the situation was not. "I don't know what Sasha said to you or what insights you think came from that conversation, but don't make the mistake of thinking you know anything about me or my life – because you don't!" With that he turned around and left the room.

When Jess had left, Lorelai slumped down on her bed. She missed her bedroom. It had only been a little more than two days but it felt longer. She missed her life. She missed Rory. She missed being herself.

She looked around her bedroom and bit her lip to try and stop herself from crying, but it didn't take long before tears were streaming down her face. She buried her face in her hands and let it all out, sobbing audibly.

An hour later, Lorelai was back at the diner, leaning against the counter trying not to stare at the table where Jess, Rory and Lane were having breakfast. If Jess weren't currently residing in her body, she would have strangled him slowly and painfully for his lack of trying. But then again, if Jess weren't currently residing in her body, there would be no need for strangling.

Why wasn't he even trying? Sure it seemed hopeless right now, but if Jess was giving up they'd be stuck like this forever. She had to make him understand that they at least had to try and follow every lead that might help reverse this switch. Lorelai looked around the diner, trying to think of something that she could say or do to make him realize the necessity of at least trying.

Maybe if she went over there and said something real rude to Rory it would motivate Jess to want to try harder to get back into his own body and try and right the wrong. Because no matter how hard he tried to deny it, there was no doubt in Lorelai's mind that Jess had fallen for her daughter.

It wasn't a perfect plan, because for some reason Rory really liked Jess and would most likely be hurt if he said something mean to her. Lorelai didn't like the idea of Rory being hurt, but in the long run it might save her from greater hurt in the future. Jess' rudeness might serve as an eye-opener and help Rory see what a great guy she already had in Dean.

Still not sure about the greatness of the idea but driven by the need to do something to shake Jess up and force him out of his numbness, Lorelai started making her way over to their table. She saw Rory looking at her from the corner of her eye and faltered for a few seconds. What exactly was she going to say?

Lorelai backed a few steps and grabbed the coffee pot and started refilling cups to buy herself some time to think as she slowly moved closer to the table where Rory and Jess were sitting. Maybe she could just blow her off, go over there, refill their coffees and completely ignore Rory and any attempts she made at flirting or starting a conversation. Lorelai sighed. Rory probably wouldn't do anything like that as long as the person she thought was her mother was sitting at the table – and Jess hearing the conversation was the entire point of going over there in the first place.

As she searched her brain, trying to come up with what to say that wouldn't hurt Rory too much but still spring Jess into action, she spotted someone walking on the street outside the diner, and in a heartbeat she replaced her plan with a new one.

"Luke!" She called towards the back as she undid her apron. "I'm taking my 10." She threw the apron towards the counter, placed the coffee pot on the nearest table and dashed out the door before Luke had had a chance to react.

"Shane!" She called towards the girl she'd seen walking by and when the girl stopped and turned around with a sly smile on her lips well within viewing-distance from the diner, Lorelai slowed her steps and tried to look cool as she approached the girl.

"Hi." Lorelai stopped a few feet away from the girl.

"Hi." Shane smiled.

"So, I was thinking about that date…" Lorelai glanced over her shoulder to make sure she had Jess' attention and found both him and Rory staring at her through the window.

"Yeah?" Shane's voice was filled with anticipation.

"Are you free tomorrow?" She figured the setting of the date would be the first push to get Jess in the right direction and if that didn't help and they weren't switched back by tomorrow night, the actual date would serve as a second, harder push.


"Good." Lorelai nodded. Now, all she needed to do was to make sure Jess found out about the date as soon as possible. "Say…" She waited for a few seconds, pretending to be a little nervous. She figured that would sit right with Shane to see the cool guy acting nervous around her. "…are you doing anything right now? I'm working, but I spend most of my time hanging out at the counter anyways, if you want to grab a coffee or whatever."

Shane smiled. "Coffee sounds good."

"Great."Lorelai placed her hand on the small of Shane's back as she ushered her towards the diner. The move was maybe a little too intimate for a couple that hadn't even started dating yet, but she hoped that would do the trick and force Jess to stop being so damn stubborn.

Jess knew what Lorelai was doing. She was pissed off because he hadn't written anything in the notebook and now she was using Shane to get back at him. Fine. Two could play at that game.

He was just about to get up from his seat and go express Lorelai's undying love for Luke – which wouldn't, unlike her move with Shane, be a total lie, just not something that Lorelai wanted out in the open for some reason, but when his eyes fell on Rory he sat back in his chair again.

Her eyes were trained on Lorelai and Shane over at the counter and she didn't seem to hear a word Lane was saying as she was having some sort of monologue about her mother or a guy…and something about church?

"What does he think he's doing?" Rory ripped her eyes away from the couple at the counter and interrupted Lane's monologue.

"Who?" Confused, Lane looked around the diner and stopped when her eyes reached the couple. "Ah." She uttered when she caught on.

"I mean…first Paris…and now..." Rory gestured towards the counter.

"Paris?" Lane asked, the confused look returning to her face.

"I thought you didn't want him with Paris?" Jess tried to reason.

Rory looked fazed for a few seconds. "I don't."

"Okay." Although he'd kind of liked it at first, Jess was growing tired of this constant battle that seemed to be going on inside Rory. How was it that she was so completely clueless about her own feelings? Why did she torture herself like this? "So, good."

Rory glared at him across the table, a look he was sure wasn't sent Lorelai's way that very often and she drew a breath to say something, but was interrupted when Lane finished the last of her soda with a slurping sound. "I have to get to church…" She looked between Rory and Jess. "…but fill me in later, okay?"

The battle went out of Rory's eyes and she turned to Lane. "I'll fill you in on your way to church." She glanced over at Lorelai and Shane again. "I need to get out of here anyway."

Jess lingered in his seat, he figured the girls needed some time alone and he wasn't quite finished with Lorelai yet. "I'll catch up with you at home later, okay?" He checked with Rory and she nodded.


The girls left the diner and Jess took a deep breath. He wasn't sure whether what he was about to do was really the smartest move in the situation they were in, but he couldn't do nothing and let Lorelai think she could get away with whatever she was up to with Shane.

Determined, he got up from his seat and made his way over to the counter where he made an effort not to look at the couple to his left as he waited. He didn't have to wait long, before Luke came rushing out of the kitchen with a plate of pancakes in each hand.

"Hey, Luke?" He called for his attention.

"What?" Luke asked, sounding a bit stressed as he looked across the diner, searching for the customer that had ordered the pancakes.

Game on, Jess thought to himself with a quick sideway glance in Lorelai's direction. "Would you like to go on a date?"

Luke stopped dead in his tracks and stared at him with the plates still in his hands. "A date?"

Jess forced himself not to glance over to see the look on Lorelai's face. "Yes. A date. Two people going out together, eating dinner…"

Luke rolled his eyes and placed the plates on the counter in front of him. "I know what a date is."

"Good." Jess smiled and he didn't even have to fake it. He knew this date would make his uncle happy and once Lorelai was back in her own body, she wouldn't back out on him, because deny as much as she wanted – this date would make her happy too even though it probably irritated her to no end at the moment. "So you want to go on one?"

"A date." Luke repeated dumbfounded. "With you?"

"Yes." Jess nodded.

Luke's face cracked up in a smile. "Sure."

"Good." Jess couldn't resist looking over at Lorelai and when he did he found her staring at them with her mouth wide open. He turned back towards Luke again. "So…you're free tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Luke scratched his head. "Well, I…"

"I can't cover at dinner tomorrow!" Lorelai suddenly appeared by Luke's side. "I've got plans of my own." She added with a pointed look towards Jess.

"Day after tomorrow then?" Jess suggested with a smirk to show he wasn't fazed by Lorelai's interjection.

Lorelai opened her mouth to say something, but Luke beat her to it. "Day after tomorrow." He nodded in confirmation and Lorelai closed her mouth again, staring at Luke with an odd expression on her face.

"Good." Jess nodded again. "So…" He started walking towards the exit. "…I'll see you around."

Luke nodded and smiled. "Yes." His smile grew wider. "Day after tomorrow." Luke seemed lost in his own thoughts for a few seconds before he added: "Well…I'll probably see you before then…but…"

Jess smiled. Another genuine smile at his uncle's nervousness. "Day after tomorrow." He confirmed.

When he turned to leave the diner, he really felt like he did a good deed and he couldn't stop smiling as he heard Luke's voice behind him, talking to Shane. "You want a piece of pie to go with that coffee? It's on the house."

It wasn't until the door closed behind him that Jess realized he was now in a hurry to try and get back into his own body. There was no way he was going on a date with his own uncle and cancelling wasn't an option as he was sure that would break Luke's heart. Right now, he couldn't quite remember why he had felt the pressing need to complicate things even further…