"Gale Gossip here on the scene, where the ninja are currently rescuing three girls from a burning building! Three of four ninja, along with one of the girls, have escaped, but two of the girls are still trapped inside... That remaining ninja needs to hurry it up!" Cries Gale Gossip, a pretty reporter. Zane suddenly bursts through the window of the smoldering building just as it collapses behing him. In his arms is a toddler, and on his back is a 5th grader. Zane lets his legs absorb the shock of the landing, surviving a 3-story jump. He sets the toddler on her feet, swinging the 5th grade girl in front of him as the building suddenly explodes behind him, taking the blast himself. "Are you two okay?" he demands. They nod, and scamper to their parents.

Gale has chocolate brown hair, and big green eyes, almost like a chibi's eyes. She is wearing her hair in a bun at the moment, and is wearing a blue sundress. She yells "And the white ninja still makes it, keeping both of the girls safe! Now that's one impressive save!" Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane observe each other from a distance, and Zane walks unsteadily towards the others. Gale watches Zane quietly. She notes her heart is beating hard. What was happening...?