He remembers the first time he saw Dan.
Stood in the freezing cold, at a YouTube gathering in central Manchester. Phil didn't particularly feel like talking to excited fangirls in subzero temperatures, and being crowded by this many people nearly always triggered anxiety attacks. But he couldn't disappoint them; he didn't want to let the fans down.
As the crowd began to clear and dusk settled in the air, he sighed with relief. It would probably only be another half an hour before he could slip away to meet his flatmate, PJ, for a quiet coffee in Starbucks.
A male voice interrupted his thoughts, and Phil jumped slightly, caught off guard by the sudden approach. "Hey!" Phil replied with all the enthusiasm he could muster, most of it having been completely drained in an effort to keep up his carefree facade all day. He looked up to see who was addressing him, and felt his heart stop in his chest. A tall, slender boy stood in front of him, with his hands in the pockets of his black skinny jeans. His dark brown hair fell perfectly around his face, framing his delicate features perfectly. His striking brown eyes took Phil's breath away. He was the picture of perfection.
Realising he must have been staring for a while; Phil cleared his throat and blushed, suddenly becoming all too aware of how scruffy and tired he looked. "You're AmazingPhil from YouTube, I mean, sorry to state the obvious but- sorry, forget all of that, I'm Dan." The boy stared at his feet, and Phil was relieved that Dan seemed as nervous as he felt. He found he couldn't help smiling at him. "Well, I'm Phil as you already know." 'That is the lamest thing you have ever said' Phil internally cursed did he care so much about impressing this boy? He didn't even know him... But there was something about him that made Phil want to know him. Maybe it was how his heart melted when Dan smiled. Maybe it was because he was wearing a Muse t-shirt, and they were his favourite band. He didn't know. But for the first time in his life, Phil decided to be impulsive.
"It's getting really dark and Manchester is pretty full of crazies at this time, but I want to talk to you some more. Would you like to come for coffee with me and my friend PJ? I mean, if you don't and that's really creepy and I shouldn't have said anything-" "I would absolutely love to." Dan cut him off, throwing him another heartbreakingly beautiful smile.
The two of them had hit it off almost immediately. Although originally Phil was meant to be going to Starbucks to spend time with PJ, he spent all of it laughing with Dan. Talking about things they had in common, video games they liked, and generally enjoying each other's company. PJ didn't mind, he had his boyfriend Chris to keep him company. And besides, it was hilarious to watch Phil blush as he threw him knowing looks over the table.
When it was getting late and Dan announced his parents would be getting worried, Phil insisted on walking him home. He only lived around 10 minutes away from Phil's own apartment, and he was worried about him walking back alone. Besides, he wanted to spend more time with him. They reached Dan's house, a small, well kept terraced building, identical to all those that surrounded it. Dan turned to Phil and pulled him into a hug.
"I had a wonderful time tonight. Would.. Would you like to hang out again sometime?" Dan asked, biting his lip nervously.
"I would love to." Phil replied, with the first genuine smile he had worn in months. Dan stepped forward and leaned up slightly, placing a light kiss on Phil's cheek.
"Goodnight Phil."
A/N: First chapter of my first chaptered fic! Let me know if you want me to post more, or if you think its terrible!