Beckett Oliver kicked the red ball at his feet. The ball gently rolled across the dirt ground and tapped against Andre's ankle.

With a smile Andre kicked the ball back, "So is this all we're going in Thailand?"

It was summer vacation and Tori's parents had gotten tickets for the group to go to Thailand. Alhough her parent's had refused to come when Trina begged to go, they had Sikowitz to go with them again, hoping it wasn't like the last vacation they had taken. They were chilling beside the hotel pool while Skiowitz was in the bar, demanding for coconuts.

Tori looked up from her magazine, her black sunglasses covering her eyes. "No Andre! There's a tone of things to do, like..."

"Get burnt to a crisp" Jade snarled from the shade of a palm tree.

"That's only you, Jade." Beck rolled his eyes with a soft smile to his girlfriend.

The Goth growled in response.

Cat squealed as Robbie chucked her into the pool. "Robbie!" Cat whined as she broke the surface.

He shrugged and repositioned his glasses. "You asked for it."

"Hey guys!" Trina called as she waltzed up to Beck, her pink dress moving in the wind. "How do I look?"

"Zip it Trina." Jade hissed, standing up threateningly.

"Alright ladies!" Beck held out his hands as the red ball flew over his shoulder. "How bout we just go down to the beach?"

"That sounds like cheese" Robbie smiled happily as Cat pulled herself out of the pool.

"Cheese?" Tori asked, "Really, you're going onto the cheese thing again?"

"I was always on it." The nerd pouted, slipping on a blue shirt.

Cat wringed her red hair with a glare at Robbie, "Can you get me my clothes?"

A small blush crept onto Robbie's cheeks as he threw Cat's demin shorts and tank top at her.

"Alright chica's, let's get this party started!" Andre fist pumped the air and headed to the beach.

Beck stood with Jade, the beach stretched in front of them. Tori and the rest of the gang stood in the shade of the tree's. The waves rolled slowly, but something wasn't quite right.

"Guys..." Trina stared at the ocean, a distant look on her face. "What's up with the sea?"

"It seems that its low tide." Robbie pointed his finger. The ocean was way back, drawn towards the deepness of the sea.

Other people stood on the sand, gawking and murmuring at the sea.

"You don't think it's a...tsunami, do you?" Cat looked at her friends, hoping for the best.

"No, of course not!" Tori shook her head, "They haven't had one since 2004."

"Doesn't mean that there can't be another." Andre whispered, leaning towards Tori so Cat couldn't hear.

"Robbie!" Cat grabbed the nerds arm, "Can we go swim then?"

Robbie looked at the sea and back to the small red head, "I dunno Cat."

Beck squinted at the ocean, seeing waves form faster, "Guys!" he yelled. "Waves!"

The tide started to push towards the beach faster.

"Crap." Jade hissed beside him, "Run!"