Sebastian p.o.v.

My work days have much longer than usual, which is to be expected when your one servant short. It has been 2 days since Mey-Rins disappearance. During that time a new body has turned up, anther red head. I and my young lord are in the carriage on our way to inspect the crime scene. When we arrived there was a crowed as usual, we make our way to the crime scene. Ciel smirks and flashes the letter. The yard reluctantly let us pass the crime had the same M.O. red hair, female, drained of blood, and there bodies bear with some signs of rape. The good news was it wasn't Mey-Rin, the bad news is the killer left no evidences. On our way out I notice a figure in the shadows; I smirk at sir author while he claims no help in this case. "Really now Sir Author if you could handle this then the Queen wouldn't have sent us. And further more if you are actually as capable as you sate you are, you would have notice the woman in the shadows." He looks at me shocked, "what woman! There is no woman!" he declares. Then he hears footsteps.

We all look in the direction of the body… and there we see the back of a woman with long dark purple hair. She murmurs something along the lines of "hmm how strange no sent, he must have wash the body with care." She sighs and starts to walk down the alley. Ciel being Ciel decides to chase her. "Halt! In the name of the Queen!" he calls after the woman. She starts to do something unthinkable in human standers. She starts to jump from wall to wall. Ciel being surprises stops, and gives me a look. "Sebastian capture the suspect!" I respond with a simple "yes my lord" and start scaling the building. When I reach the top I notice there is nothing average about this woman for one thing she wears a mask, a white skull cat mask. She is also is wearing a 'short' white sun dress. Well short for this age and time. Her assets and curves where very exquisite, her thin dress showed that off nicely. I could spend all day describing her; but it seems I cannot do that for one of her strange silver bracelets just transformed into a sword.

She comes at me with extreme speed and acutely. I doge of course, but she wastes no time in gaining distance. We continue like this for a few minutes, I try to ask her questions, but she's smart and keeps her mouth shut. 10 mins later something happened that we didn't count on. Ceil came up to the top of the building.

Ciel p.o.v

I was tired of waiting so I went up to the roof of the apartment building. But what I didn't expect was the wind being so strong. My ultalmet mistake was being so close to the edge. And because of this I am now falling about 300ft to the concuret.