Hey guys! So I am back with this new update! I intended on updated everyday but the way my job is set up…ugh but in any case, lets get to comments!
Symone0939: Liv will have to endure her for the semester. But this Olivia and Mellie. Who do you think will win?!
Crabapplect: Thanks, it feels good to be back! She and Fitz have loose lips. And you know what they say, "Loose lips sinks ships."
Charleighxo: Mellie may not get what she deserves on the show but she will get hers in the stories I write. I get that every character is multidimensional but Mellie does the absolute most with the least. Mellie will cause problem for Olitz unfortunately but they are strong. They will make it through.
Guest: I'm sorry you are upset with the transition. It was done for a reason not just lazy writing. We will jump between past and present until they meet. And I hope you enjoy they way it unfolds.
Guest Lyn: Mellie is a horrible bitter person and she will get more personal as time goes. Olivia is so wrapped up in the good changes in her life that she might overlook the bad but she is always Olivia Pope.
Sister1256: Fitz will assist but this win is all Olivia. Not to give the story away lol
ScandalOlitz4Ever: And here is next time!
Noro: I'll try. Updates will be focused on this story until it's finished.
Coralsue3: Mellie is apart of this story for a reason. She is our villain and it's fun to make her pay like the show wont. But she will be around for a bit.
PS: The explanation of the class came from merging two course that is taught at Harvard Law. And the definition of a country lawyer is not mine either!
Oh! and "quod irrumabo" is latin for "what the fuck?" lol
**Flashback One Month Ago**
"We are officially one semester away from being lawyers. I never thought this day would come!" Abby said popping open a bottle of red.
"Calm down, Abby. We aren't home free just yet. We still have our last semester."
"Yes but Olivia Pope, Valedictorian and Abigail Whelan, Salutatorian have great rings to them. And plus, who would turn us down for jobs!"
"Anyone who knew what we did to pay for law school." Olivia said with a smirk.
"Oh, please miss me with that faux feminist bullshit. You must have been on some white girl shit last night." Abby said with a snort.
"Oh, I was on something white but it was not a girl." Olivia replies.
"Not what I remember for that one night." Abby replies.
They both stop what they are doing to stare at each other. They let our a loud laugh that last for several minutes. Olivia lays on the countertop while she gets her breath while Abby is leaned against the refrigerator.
"And here I was thinking our night was special." Fitz said with fake pout.
"Oh baby. You know I love you." Olivia says unguarded. She said it as if she had been saying it everyday for the last five years. And for all Fitz knew, she could have been saying it to herself for much longer than when she finally admitted it aloud to him.
"And that is my nudge to leave you two crazy kids alone. Besides, Me and Charles are going out."
"Be careful Abby! And use protection."
"What kind of woman do you take me for Liv? I always use mittens when I cook!" Abby said with a cheeky grin.
Fitz groaned loudly as Olivia and Abby laughed. Olivia tidied up a bit more before looking to a quiet Fitz. She looked at him thoughtfully. Gosh, she loved him so much. It was like once she broke the dam that held back her affection for him, she couldn't keep it contained anymore. She had to show him her feelings one way or another when they were free to do so. They spent so much time hiding, she wanted to make up for that when they were alone.
Alone. Something they hadn't truly been since the B&B and even then they just held each other. They both understood that even though the thought of sex would be a great idea, right at a two month long cold war and very emotional confessional, it was not the time. Their first time shouldn't be bogged down with the raw feelings that were still present after they talked.
But even though her mind was telling her not to rush, her heart said something totally different. This didn't make any sense. She safe guarded her life and heart so well for so long but just one look, like the one she is receiving now from Fitz and she could see their whole life together in a blink of an eye. And maybe when he wasn't the professor and she wasn't the student, they could be together in public. But for now, she was content on loving him in her apartment as she feed him this amazing casserole she worked on.
"Take a trip with me." Fitz said as she plated the food.
"What?" Olivia said stopping everything.
"We are out of school for a while. Go on a trip with me." Fitz said approaching her slowly. He didn't want to scare her. "We can go wherever the car or airplane leads us. We can focus on us and not who's around to tell on us. I don't what to spend our first Christmas together hidden in an apartment…no offense."
"None taken." Olivia assured him. "What about your father's party? You are supposed to be in attendance and I was supposed to work it."
"To the hell with it and to hell with him. I don't want you anywhere near them after what happened last time." Fitz pleaded.
Olivia just shifted her weight from one foot to another. She didn't necessary NEED the money but they paid good money and she already told her boss she would go.
"Please don't think I am trying to rule your life. I told you when we became a couple I would not bar you from working. But you know my rule about the Good 'Ol Boys. I attend or you don't." Fitz said with fierce passion. His eyes blazed a protective flare. He was adamant about that and he would not bend.
She thought of all the reasons her heart and her sense told her to say no but instead she whispered yes as he hugged her close and kissed her forehead. Thanking her silently for seeing things his way.
**Current Day**
"What the actual FUCK?!"
"Please refrain from such language in my classroom."
"Ok, quod irrumabo?" Abby asked snarky.
"Funny. You should go on the road Ms. Whelan with that comedy show. Because disrespecting me will only lead to you being expelled. Then maybe you can go back west. I'm sure you Mom needs someone to run the frosty machine at Wendy's"
"And you should sit in a body of water and let that salt that is marinating in you go and create a new dead sea. Because guess what? Just because you chase after a man and basically through yourself at him doesn't mean he will touch you with a ten foot pole. Even if you let strippers dances all over you."
"Abby!" Olivia stressed pulling her aside. "What the actual fuck is wrong with YOU?" She whispered.
"You know how I feel about my mother. The bitch is obviously trying to one up us…for whatever reason! She is FUCKING CRAZY!" Abby roars the end of the sentence at Mellie.
"Abby!" Olivia screams pulling her further away. "Look at me, I know she is up to something but being expelled is not going to help us. We have to stay on top of things and try a new angle. We have to do this the right way."
"You are oddly calm. What do you?" Abby asked adjusting her bag on her shoulder, flipping her hair.
"I had a conversation with Ice Bitch twenty minutes ago. She mentioned my parents. Now she mentions your mom. She has an angle and we have to figure it out."
"Well we wont do it together in her class since she couldn't take one extra person. I'm in Old Man Strong's class."
"We'll, catch up after class." Olivia said biting her lip in thought.
"Do me a favor." Abby said rolling her eyes as Mellie watched on, "If I'm not out in the hall when class is over, please come and wake me up. That man could put the dead into a deeper sleep. "
Olivia laughed, slightly pushing Abby towards her class.
"Good Morning. I am Professor Melody Van Kinney. But you can call me Mellie. This Advance Negotiation : Practice and Procedure 9810 I am going to teach this class due to Professor Tallery's unfortunate accident. May she get well soon." Mellie said with a bow of the head in respect.
Now, you will learn that I am unforgiving in my teaching and I expect nothing but perfection from you. You are all seniors. I expect your mistakes at this point to be slim to none."
"Well looks like Queen Pope will be her favorite."
"I know who I'm studying. Pope will have a crowd people around her asking to be in her study group."
"I know! You know David Rosen? He made an A in Dr. Scott's class last semester."
"What? That guy couldn't make a case if the person admitted in open court. How?"
"Olivia Pope."
Mellie heard for the back of the auditorium. She frowned slightly.
"Excuse me, you want to share with the class?" She continued without waiting for a response, "My job is to make sure you understand the coursework. It will focus on two major section
Alternative dispute resolution in the criminal arena. Include plea bargaining, problem-solving courts, police interactions (including "know your rights" initiatives), and restorative justice.
Decision Analysis, Games and Information: focuses on alternative dispute resolution. Topics will include plea bargaining, problem-solving courts, police interactions (including "know your rights" initiatives), and restorative justice. Making decisions, ranging from the settlement of lawsuits to the purchase of property. We will explore a standard technique that has been developed to organize thinking about decision-making problems and how to solve these problems. We will also consider strategic interactions between parties and considerations related to imperfect information.
I do not care how great you have been to this point. I do not care how much everyone has told you how smart you are or how you will be a great lawyer because you have made it to the end of your law school career. All that matters now is the work that you produce when I tell you too. Because as far as I am concerned, you are future jackleg lawyers until you have proven yourselves otherwise."
A hand in the back goes up, "So we are guilty until proven innocent? Isn't that incorrect and flawed thinking. We, as lawyers, are bound by commitment to fight and correct injustices. Your comments are basically upside down. The point of law is to turn things right side up." Olivia answered.
"Exactly. So show me you are not the hyped up country lawyers I suspect you to be." Mellie said while a pointed look directly into the eyes of Olivia.
"Country lawyers?" Someone whispered.
"A lawyer with modest intellectual abilities. She basically called us stupid." A girl muttered.
Olivia smirked. And there it was. Everyone tips there hand, even if it's just a bit. Ice Bitch obviously had a problem directly with her. And her front insults. That's sad. She was actually expecting a fight. But why dig up dirt on her and Abby? But hey, if this bitch wanted a piece of her so bad, she would wipe the floor with her every class. The term "Being Poped" will soon be retired. "Being Mellied," sounds like an excellent replacement. Olivia grabs her pen as the lecture starts. She could have a bit of fun before graduating and save her friend from an crazy as loon at the same time.