Stay Tuned for Further Adventures of Jane!

(someday, sometime)

Thanks so much to everyone who has read this! I really hope I've done a service to Edgar Rice Burroughs, and entertained you in the process. This was truly a labor of love.

Here are my current plans for this work:

I'm going to get a cover designed and then issue this as a FREE ebook that you can share with friends.

Then I plan to re-write this novel as a space adventure…sort of Jane meets Avatar (but it will be an Original Universe, so no N'avi or Unobtanium or Tarzan per se). I'll rename the characters etc so the resemblance to anything copyrighted will be incidental. I hope to publish this with a mid to large publisher as a YA SF title. This may take a year or more.

Story Notes

I've received a lot of feedback which is all very much appreciated.

Some of the questions revolve around Jane's character. I have a lot of questions myself, the foremost being,

Is Jane crazy?

I don't know. The story just came out the way it did. I try not to question the Muse too much. I've put myself in the position of Dr. Porter, trying to figure out this girl. Can what she says be trusted? Or was all this a delusional fantasy, brought on by some kind of extreme stress?

I think this is all really a question for the reader to decide. Maybe she's Bipolar. There's a lot of manic, self-aggrandizing behavior. Maybe she suffers PTSD, whether from her mother's suicide or from some of the situations in Africa. Maybe she's schizophrenic, attributing actions and motivations to inanimate objects or simple animals.

Whatever the case, I personally like to think of her as perfectly sane but emotionally charged, just a Type-A personality with tons of energy and drive. Despite being brilliant, she doesn't think through her actions and their consequences, and also tends to think in black and white. If I write a sequel, I think I'll need to introduce a older female mentor character who can get her to calm down. I also think taking care of a baby will change her as well.

Thanks so much for reading!

Updated 6/22/2013