Strange New World
Chapter 3
*Several weeks have passed finally making it to the Monroe Republic*
Bella POV
It's been a long journey so far, but we should finally arrive at my Uncle Ben's place tomorrow. I hope daddy is there but knowing him, I doubt it.
"Let's take a break and I'm hungry." I announced.
They all nodded and started to set camp while I went to hunt. Taking my crossbow I entered back into the woods. I had to go further than I normally would with having vampires as traveling companions. I believe I was about a mile out when I stumbled upon a playground that vines and such overtook.
Miles had just come back from his first tour and decided to surprise his five-year old daughter, who Charlie had taken to the park to meet. Charlie was pushing Bella on the swing. Bella was laughing and kicking her feet have a good ol' time. Suddenly Miles snuck up behind her and stopped the swing. Bella couldn't understand why Uncle Charlie stopped. When Bella turned around suddenly to discover who it was. Her eyes widened in shock as tears began to roll down her cheeks.
"Daddy!" Bella cried as she jumped out of the swing rushing to Miles.
"Hi, baby girl." Miles said engulfing his daughter in his arms.
*End of Flashback*
Suddenly the sound of a twig snapping brought me out of my memories. I snapped toward the direction of the sound and ducked behind a tree. I was hoping it would be a deer or something but instead it was a girl. She had shoulder length sandy brown hair and hazel eyes, slender in build. She was carrying a crossbow similar to mine and shoulder sack. I thought she seemed familiar but I wasn't sure. As I moved closer it looked like she was holding an old tin box in her lap while she was looking at what looked to be some old postcards in her hands.
Charlie M. POV
I was wondering off before I to hunt after the argument I had with Dad and Maggie. So here I was in the abandoned park looking at my box. The sun was suddenly blocked, I looked up to see if a storm was rolling in but the sky was clear. A twig snapped a meer couple a feet behind me.
"Who's there?" I said turning quickly aiming my crossbow.
It was a girl. She held her hands palms up out at me in surrender.
"I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was out this far. I was trying to hunt before my group entered the next town." She explained.
"Where is the rest of your group?" I said scanning the edge of the wood.
She just shrugged her shoulders before she spoke.
"They're about two miles back. By the way I'm Isabella, Bella Matheson." Bella said.
I was utterly confused. Why did she have the same last name as me?
"Well this might sound odd but I'm Charlotte, Charlie Matheson." I told her.
Bella and I snapped our heads to the right as nine people came out of the woods.
Cullens POV
We began to worry after a few hours and still no sign of Bella. Over the last few weeks it was a rarity that Bella drifted out past their senses. Did another group of militia soldiers jump her? We decided to wait another hour if Bella didn't show up we would pack up camp and follow Bella's scent. We just hope she's not in trouble.
*An hour and a half later*
Edward POV
My family and I just caught up with Bella. As we drew closer we heard someone else with Bella. It appeared to be a girl by the sound of the person's voice stating she was "Charlie Matheson". When we came into view you could tell they were related somehow. I couldn't read her mind either, it has to be a Matheson trait.
"What are you guys doing here?""What the hell are you?" Bella and Charlie said clearly irritated at our presence.
They both quickly looked at each other than simultaneously plopped themselves on the ground before Bella waved us over to them. They act to similar not be related. Honestly it's borderline creepy.
Bella POV
Well's story time again.