A/N: Oh look another The New Normal/Glee crossover where Kurt or Blaine's parents are Bryan and David! *Le gasp* Anyway I was quite taken with this idea and rather than my mind letting me to update my other stories it kindly told me to shut up and so this was born.

Anyone else think that Bryan and David are like a grown up version of Kurt and Blaine, or is it just me?

I've only seen the first three episodes of the New Normal, because Britain has only just aired it. But I love it! Obviously this story won't follow the same track as the show, so no surrogacy.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN The New Normal or Glee.

All mistakes are my own

There will be slash

Some characters may be OOC

Pairings: David/Bryan, Blaine/Kurt (When they are old enough) Other pairings will occur during the story.

I hope you enjoy reading this and please don't forget to review!

Chapter One: Second Chances


Bryan was watching David from his position, curled up on the sofa. His head was propped up on his hand and his brown eyes were filled with absolute adoration and love for his boyfriend of four years.

"Bry, honey, is there a reason why you are staring at me?" David asked as he lifted his gaze from the book he was reading on the chair next to the sofa.

Bryan smiled "I want to have a baby" He stated as he straightened up into a seated position.

David's only sign of shock was the way his movements paused as he went to rest his book on the glass coffee table.

"A baby? Babe, what's brought this on?" He asked as he stared at his lover.

Bryan moved till he sat on the edge of the sofa cushion and placed his hands on his knees, rubbing them; it was a nervous gesture that David picked up on instantly.

"I've been thinking about having a child with you since our first year together, I just never had the courage to bring it up. But now that our carers' our established and we have enough income to support ourselves five times over, I thought it was time to bring the subject up"

David sat in shock he never knew his partner had been wanting a child for this long, he always thought that he knew what Bryan was thinking; obviously not.

Bryan looked worried as he watched as David sat in shocked silence for well over a few minutes.

"I, I mean we don't have to have a child if you don't want one, I just thought that a baby would make us a family, a proper family. I mean it's not like I had my heart set on it or anything" Bryan trailed of in a nervous laugh as his hands kept up the repetitive motion on his knees.

He never considered that David wouldn't want a child; he just assumed that he would agree with him.

David's heart went out to his partner and he found himself walking over to him and kneeling next to him. He placed his hands over Bryan's, rubbing them soothingly as he met his boyfriend's deep brown eyes.

"David, honey, of course I want to have a baby with you"

Bryan's face broke out into a beaming smile "Really?"

"Yes" David laughed as Bryan launched himself at him in excitement and squealed.

"Oh my god, we're going to be parents!" He exclaimed as he tightened his arms around David's neck.

It was the next day when the couple decided to sit down and properly talk about how they were going to have a child.

They were once again in the sitting room, this time they were both sat on the floor, their two dogs lay down next to them. Bryan's silver laptop was on the glass coffee table, sat ready and waiting for the information they'd need to search.

"So, which route do you want to take?" David asked as he rubbed one of the dog's ears.

Bryan didn't answer; instead he pulled up a web page that had been top in his favourite's list for quite some time.

"Adoption?" David asked as he adjusted his black framed glasses as he peered closer at the screen.

Bryan nodded his head "Yes." He stated "Well that is, if you want to I mean we could do something else if you want to" Bryan hastened to add.

"Bry, babe, just calm down, I'm happy as long as you are. Why adoption though?" David asked as he grasped one of Bryan's smooth hands in his.

Bryan started gesturing with his other hand, another trait David had picked up on just after their first date. It was a sign of excitement.

"Well, I gave all the options serious thought but my mind kept going back to adoption. Just imagine it honey, we can rescue a little child from a bad start in life and give them anything they ever wanted. We can make their life wonderful."

David smiled at his partner.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" He murmured as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Bryan's.

Bryan hummed in surprised delight and kissed back, pulling David closer to him as he deepened the kiss. They broke away not long after David initiated the kiss.

"What was that for?" Bryan asked as he smiled at his boyfriend.

"Just for being you"

Bryan was shifting in his hard plastic chair, rubbing his hands over his knees as he and David waited for their interview with Caroline Edwards, head of the adoption agency called 'Second Chances'.

David just reached over and pulled one of Bryan's hands to his lips a pressed a gentle kiss to the back of his hand.

That alone calmed Bryan down and he squeezed the firm, strong hand in his grasp and he whispered "Sorry" to David.

"Nothing to apologise for, I'm nervous too. I mean I know we've filled out all the paperwork and had background checks, but what if Miss Edwards says that we aren't fit to adopt?" David stated as a frown appeared on his face.

All the worry that Bryan had was pushed away as he watched his boyfriend, he never realised how worried David was and he felt guilty for not paying better attention.

"Sweetie, you are the kindest, most generous, most sweetest man I know. You are the most perfect person and you'll be a great Dad." Bryan said "Now stop frowning, you'll get wrinkles" Bryan pouted at his boyfriend and gently rubbed David's forehead.

David laughed lightly and leaned over to kiss his adorable boyfriend "You're wrong" Before Bryan had a chance to object David continued "You are the most perfect person" Bryan leaned in to kiss David and pressed their foreheads together and murmured a "Nuh-huh" in response.

A cough interrupted their moment "I'm sorry to interrupt but I believe you're my next interview; Mr Collins and Mr Murray"

The pair broke away from each other and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm so sorry, have we kept you waiting?" David asked as he gently tugged Bryan's hand as he stood up.

The woman just laughed lightly "Not at all, I just got in myself actually" She waved his comment off and gestured for them to follow her. "I am of course Caroline Edwards, but please just call me Caroline"

She was dressed quite casually for someone in her position. She was wearing a pair of black, form fitting trousers and a brightly coloured, long flowy top that swayed when she moved and a pair of shiny black flats with a little bow on each one. Her light brown hair was left to tumble down her shoulders and around her face in wild curls that reached her lower back.

Bryan and David felt slightly over dressed, in their suits, not matter how casual and relaxed they looked.

Caroline stopped at a dark wooden door and pushed it open. "Please go and have a seat on the sofa" She said as she gestured for them to enter the room first.

Her office was a mess of bright colours and pictures that filled the majority of the back wall.

She noticed their gaze and smiled "You can look at them, if you want. They are pictures of all the children I've rehomed with parents who signed up with me!" She exclaimed happily.

Bryan and David were shocked and impressed with the amount of pictures on the wall, there must've been at least a couple of hundred. All of the children ranged from babies to teens and each couple looked ecstatic along with the children.

"I can't believe it, there must be at least two hundred pictures here" Bryan stated as he took a seat on the purple squishy sofa.

"Two hundred and ninety nine actually" She chirped as she went over to her desk and scooped up a red file "But who's counting" She laughed as she went over and plonked herself down in the matching chair opposite the couple.

The couple shifted nervously as they watched the bubbly woman flick through the file, who every once in a while made a little humming sound.

Bryan gipped David's hand and felt himself relax slightly as David squeezed back, throwing him a small smile.

They started slightly when the file made a thump as it connected with the coffee table that sat between them and the woman who would decide their parenting fate.

"Now you boys can take a deep breath and just relax, okay?" She said as she crossed her legs and clasped her hands together. "Now, would either of you like a drink?" She asked as she watched the pair across from her.

"Erm, could I have some water please?" David asked with Bryan chiming in with a "Me too, please".

Caroline lifted one of her eye brows "Water? Are you sure I can't tempt you to a hot chocolate or coffee, or maybe even coke or something"

They both just shook their heads "Water's fine, thanks"

Caroline just pouted "No-one ever says yes to hot chocolate" She all but leapt up from her chair and walked over to a cabinet that was pressed against her wall, behind her desk. She fished out the water jug from her mini fridge and filled two glasses with the cold liquid.

She carried over the glasses and placed them on a couple of napkins in front of the couple.

"Sorry, I would use coasters but I haven't found a set I like yet" She then went and placed herself on the chair.

"Now I guess I'll just get right to the point here; you want to know whether or not I'll approve your application" It wasn't a question, it was a statement and the seriousness of her voice had them sitting up straighter.

"You're not going to decline it, just because we're gay are you, because two adoption agencies have already kicked us out because of it, even though it's not against the law" Bryan blurted out before he could stop himself, he was still angry and upset that had happened.

Caroline gasped in horror "They didn't! How dare they do that to you. I'm sorry that happened to you but please, rest assured that here we do not discriminate, in fact I've had quite a few gay couples who adopted through my agency."

"Oh thank goodness" Bryan stated as he smiled at Caroline.

"Well them, I'm going to be honest with you here, I've already mentally approved your application, and I did it as soon as I saw you in the waiting room. I'm sorry to say that I may have eavesdropped" She admitted "But I swear I didn't do it deliberately, you two were just so cute I couldn't stop myself"

Bryan and David broke out into beaming smiles "We've been approved? Really?" Bryan asked as he excitedly shook his boyfriends arm.

Caroline let out a small giggle "Yes, let me make it official" She went to her desk and grabbed a pink plastic stamp. She walked over to the coffee table where the red folder lay and flipped it open to the first page and pressed the stamp down, pulling it way to reveal, in capital letters the word 'APPROVED'

"Well, now that's done I'd like to welcome you to 'Second Chances' adoption agency"

"Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to us" David stated as he as Bryan pulled her into a hug.

She burst out giggling and wrapped her arms around them both. This was one of the reasons why she loved her job.


Two weeks had passed since the meeting with Caroline Edwards and Bryan and David were eagerly anticipating a phone call from the bubbly woman, they'd already seen the children she did have, which were only a handful, but nearly all of them were early teens and as much as they deserved a new home they either were too hostile to them or too old for what the couple were after.

Bryan and David wanted to watch their child grow and the majority of the children had already done that.

Rocky watched as her boss was pacing around his office, that's all he and been doing for the past two weeks and she had just about enough of it.

She stood up from her seat on the brown leather sofa and marched towards Bryan and placed her hands on his shoulders, causing him to stop.

"Would you stop this never ending pacing? I am not paid enough if that's all you are going to do. I know you are worried or whatever but you need to calm down and prepare yourself in case you do get a phone call. Are you even prepared to have a child running around the house, destroying all your things? Have you even got a room prepared for a child?"

A look of horror crossed Bryan's face "You're right, Oh God! What the hell am I doing I need to go shopping, oh but wait I don't even know how old our child is going to be!" Bryan was breathing heavily and was on the verge of having a panic attack until Rocky tapped his face.

"Boss, calm down"

Bryan nodded and sat down heavily on his sofa "You're right. You know what why don't take the rest of the day off, I won't be able to concentrate on anything today."

Rocky picked up her handbag and patted Bryan's shoulder "You'll be fine Boss" She left, already on the phone cancelling the appointments that Bryan had that day.

Bryan pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket and hit his speed dial, waiting impatiently for David to answer.

"Bryan, is everything alright?"

"Honey, I'm freaking out! We're not prepared to have a child, we need to decorate the room, get toys, books, clothes. What if we never get a child, what if we do but I'm a terrible parent?"

"Bry, babe, just calm down okay? You know that it takes week for the paperwork to clear until we bring our child home, so we have plenty of time to get appropriate clothes, toys and furniture for their room. And as for you being terrible, there's no such thing. You'll be a brilliant Daddy"

Bryan's mouth turned up into a small smile "You're right, except you'll be an even better Daddy"

David's laughter filtered through the phone. "Bry we can't both be Daddy, it'd get too confusing for our child, don't you think?"

Bryan pouted "Oh, you're right. It would get pretty confusing, but how would we decide who gets to be called what?"

"How about you are Daddy and I'll be Dad or Papa"

"Are you sure Sweetie? Because I don't mind if you want to be Daddy"

"Bryan, it's absolutely fine, anyway we may decide differently when we meet our little guy or gal"

Bryan sighed "You're right, again. Whatever would I do without you handsome?"

"Gosh, it must be painful for you to admit that I'm right three times in a row. And Babe I ask myself the same thing every day. I've got to go now, but will you be alright?"

Bryan let out a giggle "I'll be fine, love you"

"Love you too"


"You know this book is not helpful, like at all" Bryan huffed out as he dropped the book onto his lap.

"I don't think you really can learn to be a parent by reading about it" David stated as he turned the page in his book, his glasses perched on the end of his nose "You learn by trial and error"

Bryan placed the book on his nightstand and turned off his lamp and slid down under the covers, placing his head on David's thigh "I just don't want to mess up"

David's hand fell down into Bryan's hair and he began running his fingers through the soft locks.

"We're both bound to mess up, everyone does, but we will become better parents because of it. Stop stressing yourself out"

Bryan just let out a hum of agreement "How are you feeling about all of this anyway? You know you can tell me" Bryan turned his head so he was looking up at David's handsome face. It never failed to make his heart pound every time he looked at his boyfriend.

David smiled down at Bryan and placed his book and glasses on his nightstand giving Bryan his full attention "I've been worried like you, but I don't think it will really hit me fully until we actually have a child, you know?"

"Well I'll be there when you have a panic attack, just like you were there for me" Bryan sat up and pulled David in for a kiss, it lasted several long moments until they pulled apart and David turned to turn off his lamp. They both slid down in the bed and fell into the position that came so naturally to them.

They drifted off to sleep with Bryan's head rested on David's chest.

The morning dawned bright and early, too early. The shrill ringing of David's phone pulled the couple out of sleep.

David sleepily groped for his phone while Bryan just snuggled further into his lover's chest trying in vain to ignore the horrible, annoying noise. He sighed in relief when David finally answered the phone and the noise stopped.

"David Murray speaking, how may I help you?"

"David, you and Bryan need to come right away, I believe I've just found your baby!" Caroline excitedly shouted down the phone.

"What do you mean?" David carefully sat up and left the bed, hoping to be less confused if he was more awake.

"I mean, silly that a baby has come to the agency and I believe that the child will be perfect for you and Bryan!"

"But isn't there a waiting list?"

"Not at my agency, all my couples get their child pretty quickly when they sign up. Anyway get your cute assess down here to the hospital right now, I'll be on floor four, room 412" Caroline hung up and David was left with the dial tone.

He couldn't believe it; he never thought that they might get their child this quickly.

"Sweetie, what is it?"

David turned around "That was Caroline she told us to get down to the hospital as soon as possible"

Bryan's eyes lit up "Does that mean..." He trailed off as he saw David's nod "Oh my God, we have to leave right now.

They scrambled to get ready and were washed and dressed and out the house within thirty minutes.

Caroline was stood with her back to the door, looking down on the sleeping baby. A sad smile tugged at her lips. "I swear you'll love you new parents, they're really great guys, I promise little one" She whispered as she gently stroked his delicate cheek with her finger.

A knock on the door made her turn around.

"Yes, nurse" She crossed over to the door, not wanting to disturb the baby's sleep.

"I have a couple here who say that you told them to come and meet you"

Caroline's eyes lit up "Bryan and David are here? Great send them to me"

She watched as the nurse rounded the corner and not even a minute later came back around, this time with two men in tow.

Caroline couldn't help but wave at them "Hey guys, glad you could come so quickly."

"Well, we must admit to being excited about the prospect of potentially meeting our child"

"There's no potential about this David, I just know you'll love him, he's so adorable!" She stated happily.

"It's a boy?" Bryan asked.

Caroline gasped "Oh shoot! I wanted it to be a surprise" She shrugged "Ah well c'est la vie. Now before we go in there I need to tell you about him"

Bryan and David just nodded, their hands clasped tight.

"Sadly this little guy was with his parents on the way home when a drunk driver crashed into the car. Both of the parents died on impact, but miraculously he survived. He's been in the hospital for a couple of days, just to make sure nothing was wrong with him but he's been given a clean bill of health. He's only two months old and was born on the 27th June, a month premature.

That's why he's still so little. I've already called all the relatives and they want nothing to do with him, apparently the couple were high school sweethearts and had the baby just as they left high school and were disowned from the family because of it. They signed away all their rights, so if you want him then Kurt is all yours"

Caroline led them into the room and stayed near the door as she watched the couple meet little Kurt.

They both had tears in their eyes as they looked at the tiny bundle.

"David, he's so precious" Bryan whispered as he reached out a finger to stroke down the baby's soft head.

"He is, isn't he?" David replied as he too stroked Kurt's face. Kurt gurgled in his sleep and shifted slightly in the plastic cot he was placed in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but if you want Kurt as your son, you'll need to sign the paperwork"

They were both quick to sign the required forms.

"Now, as procedure states, it'll take a week for the paperwork to be processed and in the meantime Kurt here will be looked after until you can take him home"

"Who will look after him Caroline?" David questioned.

"Why, I will of course. I always look after the children during this transitional period."

"Now don't worry about him and think about what you want his name to be on the adoption certificate, okay."

Bryan had to be practically dragged away from Kurt's side by David.

"Hey, the week will fly by. Anyway now you have time to go shopping for him and decorate his nursery" David said soothingly and he and Bryan left the hospital with their hands clasped.

In seven days' time, they will officially be parents to the cutest baby boy either of them had ever seen.


A/N: So guys, what do you think? Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Should I continue? Should I stop? Did you enjoy it?