A/N: I was mystified by the ambiguity of the 19 years in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows" between the second war and 19 years later parts. That is why I'm writing this story. This is my version of the story and my very first one. I have also added a few of my "tweaks" as well along the way. I hope that as you continue to read the story, that you will begin to like it. :-) Reviews are welcome and critiques would be greatly appreciated via private messaging. Well here goes and I hope you enjoy it! Please pardon me if there are any typos.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. They are entirely JKR's.

Warning: This story is rated M and will have considerable amounts of sexual details and content, especially in later chapters. So readers beware! No matter how innocent this story may begin. It is not suitable for children or teenagers.

Chapter 1: After The War

Harry sat there in the Great Hall while Madam Pomfrey bandaged his cuts and bruises. He was still in shock after what had just happened, especially to him. He had now indeed become not only "The Chosen One" but, also "The Boy Who Lived". He was lost in his own world of thoughts as Madam Pomfrey said in a soft voice,

"Harry, every year since year 1 you have always had to come to me from some injury or another. Your scars already have a story to tell of your time here at Hogwarts".

Harry didn't realize that Madam Pomfrey was addressing him until he heard her say "Hogwarts" and he returned to reality from his thoughts.

"I'm sorry Madam Pomfrey, you were saying" said Harry apologetically.

"Mr. Potter, I was saying that you have several scars since your first year at Hogwarts and it looks like they can tell a story.", she said as she finished putting on the last of his bandages.

Harry had a bandage on his left forearm, another on his right cheek, a bruise on his neck, a bruise on his forehead, a big cut on his right shoulder, a cut on his palm and a huge lightning cut on his chest from where Voldemort had struck him. By far, it was the most cuts and bruises that he had acquired in one battle.

"I suppose so" and he gave her a small smile but winced at the pain from the cut on his cheek.

"Here Mr. Potter, put these ointments on twice a day and the scars on your face and body will be less noticeable. I fear that it won't be as effective on the big cuts. Here are also these potions to help alleviate the pain and bruising. Mind you be careful when you take them because these ones here" She said indicating two red bottles before continuing, "because they will alleviate your pain and make you sleep for eight hours and these others," this time indicating the blue bottles, "will alleviate your pain during the day. The orange vials are to be taken if you have trouble sleeping. They are a dreamless sleep potion in case you get any nightmares. These too will also make you sleep for eight hours. Any questions?" she said with a soft look on her face, which was not common.

"No thank you Madam Pomfrey", said Harry as he started to stare into blank space again.

Harry was lost again in his world of thoughts. He still couldn't muster at what had just happened, the vision of those who had been killed by Voldemort and then confronting Voldemort himself and then getting killed. He had lived. He was more than certain and felt that he was going to die at the hands of the mortal enemy to the wizarding world. Voldemort's voice still rang in his head as he remembered hearing them, "Avada Kedavra". Harry was so engulfed in his thoughts that he didn't even hear Hermione call him.

"Harry", she said putting an arm around his back.

Harry hadn't heard her or even felt her and Hermione called his name louder, "Harry!" but to no avail. This time Hermione shouted his name and shook him by the shoulders that Harry finally realized that somebody was trying to get his attention.

"HARRY, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!", Hermione said it so loudly that everybody turned around to look at her and she sheepishly lowered her voice and head as Harry finally came to her attention.

"Oh yeah, sorry Hermione. I just can't get over the idea that Voldemort tried killing me one more time and that I'm alive" said Harry furrowing his brow at her.

"I know Harry, I know that you must be tired of hearing this but, you are now definitely the boy who lived", said Hermione with a small smile at the corner of her lips.

"That and Madam Pomfrey wrapped me up like a mummy. I think I have been 'mummified'", he said with a small smile on his face. Hermione gave a small smile in return at the mention of his words.

Hermione then said, "You can say that again, look at you, you are all bandaged up and you must be in a lot of pain. Fighting Voldemort definitely is no easy task" and she gave Harry a soft hug making sure she didn't hurt him, but she heard him wince. He must have been in a lot of pain and he was pretending not to be in pain. Hermione helped Harry jump of the cot as he winced in pain, she grabbed the bottles and vials for him and walked outside of the Great Hall.

Harry and Hermione walked outside through the main doors and went near the Black Lake and they could see in the reflection that the Ravenclaw and Gryffyndor towers were still in flames and completely destroyed along with other parts of the castle.

"It's not going to be the same is it Harry?", asked Hermione looking at Harry with a deep sadness in her face.

"No it isn't Hermione. There are a lot of memories here at Hogwarts, for me, for you, for Ron and even for Ginny", and tears started sliding down his cheeks and then he continued, "Hermione, Hogwarts was like a home to me and now it has been completely destroyed and nearly to the ground. I don't even know if Professor McGonagall will be able to open Hogwarts in time for the new school year" and just then they heard Professor McGonagall come out as she heard them.

"Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger, I want to thank you for what you have done for the school. To answer your question Mr. Potter, I feel more than certain that Hogwarts will reopen before the new school year and look forward to having you, Mr. Weasley, Ms. Weasley, and Ms. Granger back." she said with a firm voice but then it softened and she said, "Come now, let's go inside it is rather chilly out here" and she waved them inside once more.

Harry and Hermione walked back into the castle. Neither said anything but, they felt that the chill of the night air had done them both some good and they felt slightly better.

Just then, they caught a glimpse of the Weasleys. They were all surrounding Fred's body. He had died and there wasn't a Weasley in sight that wasn't crying. Even Arthur couldn't hold the tears back at the sight of his dead son. Especially Ginny who was sobbing uncontrollably over Fred's body while Molly held on to her. In an instant, after having considered Hogwarts to be like a home, Harry noticed that it had become a funeral parlor as others mourned their loved ones as well.

Just as he and Hermione walked back into the Great Hall, they noticed the Weasleys mourning over Fred's lifeless body. When Harry saw them, his heart went out to the family who had loved him as if he were a part of their family. Tears eventually began to slide down his cheeks. It grieved him to see especially Ginny in so much pain. It looked like her crying had no end. He never imagined that the girl he would rescue from the Chamber of Secrets would become someone special in his life and yet be in so much pain.

Harry and Hermione walked over to them and Harry winced in pain as he sat next to Ginny, on the other side of Molly and put his arm around her back and held Ginny as she continued to sob over the body of her brother's lifeless body. Ginny eventually put her hands to her face and continued to cry into Harry's chest. The family was so engulfed in their loss that they didn't even notice the bustle of healers coming and going to St. Mungos.

"There now Ginny, you just let it all out", said Harry as he rubbed her back up and down trying to soothe her. He continued comforting her with his words, "you just give it a good cry Ginny...I"m here with you... Shhhh, I know you're in a lot of pain... you'll be okay...there there now..." said Harry as his voice broke at the last word as he felt the gulp in his throat and he wound up joining Ginny in her grief for someone who had been more than a brother to the two of them.

The time came for the healers to come and take Fred's body away to St. Mungo's morgue and as they levitated Fred's body on to the cot, Ginny tried to stop them from taking Fred's body away.

"No please! Don't take him away! Not Fred, he belongs with us" as she kept the healers from taking the cot. Harry got up and unhooked her fingers from the cot and nodded the healers to take Fred's body away.

"No please! Bring him back!", yelled Ginny with her arms extended as if she could conjure Fred back to her and then she sobbed even harder into Harry's chest.

"There now Ginny... it was time to say good bye... there now... you will have another chance to say good bye at his funeral... there now... shhhh, you'll be okay...I'm here for you" said Harry soothingly as he continued to rub her back with his good arm.

"Harry, what am I going to do? He's never going to come back. How... am I... supposed... to continue living... without... him?", said Ginny in between sobs as they were muffled while she continued to cry into Harry's chest. As Harry quietly told Hermione, who was looking at them and told her in a low voice, "please go get Madam Pomfrey, I think we need her", nodding towards Ginny who was still crying endlessly and his shirt had grown wet from her tears. Hermione nodded back as she wiped her tears away and went to look for Madam Pomfrey.

A few moments later Madam Pomfrey came looking at Harry with a look of concern and looked at him from head to toe, but harry nodded towards Ginny. Madam Pomfrey saw that Ginny was still sobbing uncontrollably and gently tried to pry her away from Harry.

"Come on Ginny dear, why don't you drink this so you can calm down a little", said Madam Pomfrey with a gentle voice

Ginny turned around at looked at the glass with the liquid. Ginny looked at her mother and Molly , with red eyes nodded and said, "Go on Ginny dear, it will help you feel better" as she took the glass from Madam Pomfrey and helped Ginny drink it. For the first time in what seemed a long time, Ginny's sobs had come to a halt.

"There now", said Molly with a sad smile, "That's my girl, go on and be a good girl and drink it" as she saw Ginny finish drinking the contents in the glass.

"What I just gave Ginny was a calming and sleeping potion in one. I have charmed it so you have time to get back home before she falls asleep. So you will have about 30 minutes to get home and get her in bed. Once the potion takes place, she will sleep for a good 10 hours" said Madam Pomfrey and then she continued, "Here are the other bottles of the two potions and directions as to how to mix them. I am also including vials of the dreamless sleep potion so she can sleep peacefully. I already put one in the glass. She should be a little more calmer in the morning. If in a couple of days she isn't feeling better, get her to St. Mungo's so they can give her a stronger dose. Well, that does it here and I hope you have a good evening" said Madam Pomfrey as her long skirt rustled behind her.

As they all said "Thank you Madam Pomfrey" in unison.

Moments later the entire Weasley clan, Harry and Hermione apparated at the Burrow in several pops.

Arthur with Molly, Charlie with Bill, Percy with Ron and George, and Hermione with Harry and Ginny. They all headed upstairs and went to bed. In Ginny's room, Hermione helped Ginny put on her pijamas because Ginny was become very tired from the potion.

Hermione then remembered and went upstairs to give the bottles and vials to Harry before going back to her bed to sleep.