Help Him Remember

Summary: One finally confesses his love to the other, and an accident occurs. One forgets his memories and I'm really just making this up as I go. So I have no real plan yet... I'll probably have the summary in every chapter and it'll grow. Or I'll be lazy and wont. Who knows?

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto...not now, not ever...unfortunately... *mehhh*


It started as a mostly normal day. But I decided that today would be the day that I confessed my feelings for the one I loved most.

I had asked if he wanted to go out with me about a week ago. I was super happy when he said yes! I had been planning to confess for a while, but I never worked up the courage. I've loved him for a while... But I don't know how he'll react. That one thing kept me from telling him, in fear that he was going to reject me.

But now I just can't keep it secret anymore. I'd rather him find out from me than from some rumor or some nosy girl.

So I took him out to a high mountain, we brought a little lunch to eat on the canopy of trees. Man. I remember the look in his eyes when he saw the sight. He was calm, but looked kinda impressed.

After we ate, I remember exactly what happened.

"Hey, I have something to tell you..."

He looked up from his sandwich with questioning eyes. "Yeah?" He mumbled out.

"Well um...It's really important, so I need you to promise that you won't laugh...or hate me."

He swallowed and laughed, "Jeez, what, are you going to tell me that you're the one who mad the horrible, ugly side of human kind? Sheesh, can't be that bad. Just spit it out."

"I looked down at the ground far below us and stuttered out, "Well, I uh...l-l-...I LOVE YOU!"

He just looked me up and down looking unimpressed and said, "Yeah?"

I gaped at him. "I just confessed my love for you and you don't react at all? Seriously?"

"Dude, Are YOU serious? Like the entire village knows! I've known for like weeks, maybe even a month or two by now and I knew that today you'd confess to me. I've known it all along."

I looked up surprised. It just didn't fit in my head. I thought I had always kept to myself...I never told anyone about it... ""

He laughed at this of course and he said, "You know that not only I but like the entire village can hear you when you talk to yourself while you walk?"

I felt my face burning and I looked down. He just laughed some more. "What's so funny?!" I demanded. He simply smiled, his eyes opened just a bit from laughing, "Obviously, I find this whole situation funny. I mean come on, have you NOT noticed ANY of my blatantly obvious attempts to flirt? I noticed that you had just walked off and muttered to yourself, so I turned it into a game. I was trying to see how long I could keep up the whole game until you noticed, or confessed."

"Seriously?! You've known for that long and you haven't confessed to me yet?" I knew my face, ears and neck were probably tomato red right now. He simply laughed some more and said "Man, it was too funny, I actually was going to confess to you one day, but I heard your mutterings again and you were planning this very date, and how to ask me out. Man, that was funny." He laughed and leaned closer to me.

I sputtered incoherently and pushed him away out of embarrassment. Oh...If only I hadn't done that. I forgot that we were up so high in a tree. He fell out with a shocked look on his face, silently. He fell headfirst, and if that wasn't bad enough, he hit the edge of the cliff which knocked him out as he fell the remainder way down the cliff as well.

I stared for a bit until just a nanosecond after his head impacted with the cliff and I jumped down branch by branch as fast as I could as I kept my eyes on him as he fell, fell, fell. Streaming blood from his head. It scared me, I thought for sure he would die, I thought for sure that if he die from the fall, it would have been from the loss of immense blood coming from the hit on his head and multiple cuts on his arms, legs, torso...everywhere, some deep, some shallow, all leaking insane amounts of blood.

When I found him at the bottom of the cliff I looked above him and saw all the tree branches he hit on the way down were broken. Damn. I looked down at him, his eyes closed...crap! He wasn't breathing! I knelt and put my ear to his heart...and waited...

And waited...

No! Oh god, please NO. Th-thump.

Oh thank god he still had a heartbeat. But it was so faint. I knew I had to get him to the hospital right now. He started breathing very, very, very shallowly. If there had a been even a little bit of wind, then I wouldn't have heard it. I picked him up gingerly, afraid he may just break if I even ran. So I took my steps lightly but swiftly, and got to the hospital where Tsunade took him immediately.

I feared because the moment she saw me with him she jumped up, bolted over to me and put her hand on his chest, then started barking orders, shrieking actually, as if the entire world was going to collapse. Which I think it may just have for me. But she did scream, "HURRY WE HAVE A PATIENT IN CRITICAL CONDITION!" Meaning that he was still alive and he would somehow be able to live.

She turned when she was done barking orders to get everything ready, but she looked panicked. Panicked and determined. "Look kid, I'll take him from here." She swiftly picked him out of my blood soaked arms and turned on her heel racing into the emergency ward where about half the hospital staff was setting up.

I fell into the waiting room chair, "Damn...I'm so sorry. So, so sorry" I put my elbows on my knees and me head in my hands as I cried. "I'm...s-so s-s-sorry!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Shizune looking at me with a kind but worried face. I could barely process anything, but I followed her into a room where she laid me down, and I promptly fell asleep sobbing.

I'm so sorry...Naruto

A/N I just wanna say that this story about forgetting has been in my head. But I needed more to actually make it a story, I was watching Pandora Hearts (AWESOME ANIME AND MANGA) and an idea suddenly hit me. I paused my video and started typing. Without stopping, I got out 4 chapters. I also wanna say that in this story (don't ask me why) only the medical ninja (Tsunade, Shizune, others...not Sakura) have ninjitsu and stuff. Cuz I want it to be mostly like a real world, no magical things and stuff, but in order for them to heal Naruto they have to have yeah