Why, Toby?
Toby is "A". I still can't believe that Toby the guy which stole my heart could do this to me. I loved him. And I still do, but it turned out that he's the one me and my friend have feared, this whole time. This whole time... this is not true, this can't be true. "Why, Toby? Why, would you do this to me?" I asked out loud. I thought he loved me, but apparently I was wrong, if he loved me he wouldn't do this to me.
Aria, Hanna and Emily still don't know, I'm gaining strength to tell them the truth, that I've been dating the devil.
Isn't it ironic before I would bet any money, that Toby was guilty for everything then I started to believe, that he's innocent and now I saw him in a black hoodie.
I watch myself in the mirror and see a different Spencer, the strong and independent girl was gone in her place stood a girl which is broken and is not herself anymore.
All I want right now is for him to hold me and tell me, that what I saw wasn't true, that it was just my mind playing tricks on me, that the hate and the anger I saw in his eyes isn't real.
Many thoughts have gone through my head from, maybe he's really evil to maybe he's a double agent spying the A- team from inside to help us. I hope that the second theory of him being a spy is true, because I still love him and probably will never stop loving him.