A/N: I separated it into 2Chapters because of the time jump, same warnings apply. Hopefully you'll still read, review, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own TT or DC. This is why.

Raven's POV

"What is taking so long?" Negative-Man slammed his hands onto the table. Raven turned to him, slowly. "It has been a week and we have no leads. None! He praised you guys like you all were some elite team and I thought so too when I saw you in action, but now, an amatuer PI would do better than you all." Everyone, except her and Robin, were left gaping at the outburst. Raven was only surprised that it didn't happen earlier in the week.

"Negative-Man," Robin sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "We are trying-"

"Try harder!" Raven noticed Robin's harsh breathing and his fisting hands. Everyone was still looking at the irate Negative-Man.

"Well it's a little hard to get a lead from a close-up video and this is Slade." Robin said as he turned slowly to face Negative-Man. Starfire began glancing between the two warily. Raven shared her caution and stepped forward just a bit.

"I don't care if it is freaking Doomsday! That psycho killed my best friend and has my little brother. We need to find them, now." Raven flinched at Robin's growl.

"We're trying, but Slade has resources everywhere so it's hard to pinpoint his exact-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses!" Negative-man yelled at Robin. Raven could hear the snap on Robin's control.

"AND I HATE BEING INTERRUPTED!" Robin roared. In that moment, Raven could feel all the anger and frustration Robin was feeling. He was practically drowning in it. "You don't think I'm trying my best to find him! I know what it was like being in Slade's control." Robin growled again, but Raven could feel his fear. She understood it and part of her wondered if Beast Boy was still Beast Boy. Robin glanced at her, almost like he heard what she was thinking. "I'm scared too." She looked away from him. She always connected with him easier ever since her mind link with him.

To find him when he went crazy. To help him see truth. Knowledge quipped. Raven whipped her head up and looked to Negative-Man.

"I need you to come with me." Raven ordered. Negative- Man stepped back, hands up, before he could say anything though, Robin spoke up.

"What for?" She looked back at Robin. The moment their eyes met, she could tell he knew her plan. "That's too dangerous. We had more information at that time." He advised. Raven nodded.

"It's dangerous and it will take a lot of power. But it's the best thing we have. Going everywhere and anywhere isn't helping us." Raven argued. Robin bit his lip. She knew he wanted to do it, but he was also seeing the cons and the what ifs, that were possible to happen.

"What are you two birdies talking about?" Jinx quipped. Raven and Robin jumped. They looked to the others gathered in the main room. The tense anger died down but now confusion settled in its place. Raven looked back to Robin.

"We could get their opinion." Raven offered. She was close to winning him over. If the others were on her side, he would have to let her do it. Robin glanced at them but shook his head.

"They wouldn't understand." Robin said bluntly. She heard a few scoffs at that and held up her hand to silence them. A few grumbles, mainly from Kid Flash and Negative-Man, were left but all was silent.

"Then let me make them understand." Raven wasn't going to let this idea drop.

"But after seeing what's in there, you know it's not safe." Robin wasn't backing down either. Raven rounded her shoulders, keeping Rage in check. Ever since Beast Boy left, she had been more irritable or sluggish. It was hard to keep a balance.

"I know that, but you said it yourself. You know what it's like under Slade. He will break Beast Boy and make him do things that he will regret for the rest of his life if we don't find him. I would rather prevent that, wouldn't you?" She implored. She knew it worked when guilt settled in him. It hurt to feel all his guilt but she needed to win.

"What?" Negative-Man went back to being full of rage. Honestly, Raven didn't think Negative-Man was an emotional person. Yet this week, he was always either mad, not talking to anyone or scary determined. While she understood why he was like that, it still irritated her. "You had something that could've find him a long time ago and didn't use it." The accusation in his tone poked the bear Raven was trying to hold back.

"How dare you think I would do something like that?" Raven heard something crack she didn't care. She wanted to choke the unhelpful and irritating attitude out of Negative-Man. "I didn't want to mind link with Beast Boy because mind linking is a very strenuous process. If I do it without his consent I could break his mind. Plus, I have no idea where he is physically and most importantly mentally. If I do it, I could give the red energy enough energy to overtake him, or give another avenue for the red energy to come out of. Now, do you really want me filled with that kind of rage?" Raven's eyes flashed at Negative-Man. His gulp echoed in her ears, calming her down. "Mind linking with him, when he is not near, in an unstable state, and is not aware of it, has the potential to be more dangerous than helpful. But if done right, it can give us a solid lead." Raven stated. It was the only chance they had.

"The amount of energy to do that could kill you, couldn't it?" Raven, and everybody else was shocked when Bumblebee spoke up. "I'm just guessin' that's why Robin is freaking out." Raven bit her lip. The amount of energy needed to do a wide search and a mind link would probably kill her, but that was in a worse case scenario.

Which they should probably know. Rude commented sarcastically. Raven mentally toll her eyes.

"The energy needed to do everything has a small chance of damaging me." Raven worded carefully.

"Plus the fact that whatever happens to Beast Boy happens to her when they're linked." Robin chimed. Raven resisted the urge to shoot him a glare.

"There is that too." Everyone went silent, even Negative-Man. Raven waited with baited breath.

"Is there a way we could assist you?" Starfire was the first to speak. Raven wanted to tell Starfire no, but Starfire's determined gaze made her rethink her answer. She could use Starfire and Jinx's energy as a boost. Their powers and natural need for energy made them strong in that area.

"You and Jinx can. Your powers make great natural sources for energy." Starfire nodded and Jinx began to stand. They ignored the apprehensive stares of their boyfriends. "But it will still be dangerous and I can't guarantee your safety."

"I understand." Starfire flew towards Raven. "But on Earth I have learned that safety of oneself is a small price to pay for a friend." Starfire laid a hand on Raven's shoulder and the subtle warmth of care seeped into Raven. She was glad Starfire was on board.

"And it's about time things started getting dangerous. You guys have been a drag." Jinx smirked as she walked towards Raven. Kid Flash stopped her. Raven watched as his eyes pleaded with her not to go.

"You just got of the med bay, Jinx. I don't think you should do this." Kid Flash reached for Jinx's hand. She moved it from him. Raven almost winced at the pain that caused Kid Flash.

"Good thing I didn't ask for your opinion." Jinx walked around Kid Flash but he sped in front of her. "Wally." Jinx growled. This time Kid Flash took her hands and went on his knees.

"Please Jinx, don't do this. I'll do it for you!" Raven felt a tug in her heart but she couldn't comfort him.

"I would let you join Kid Flash, but the speed force is a different type of energy. It's more kinetic than mystical." Raven explained. Jinx gestured to her.

"See! I'm perfect for this job." She pushed Kid Flash off of her but he quickly stood and pulled her into his arms, her back facing him. He put his face in the crook of her neck.

"I can't lose you, Aline." Raven's eyes widened a bit at Kid Flash's soft vulnerable tone. Although part of her was also scared for him. She didn't know how Jinx would react. To her surprise, Jinx turned around and hugged Kid Flash back.

"I know, but I have to do this." They separated and gazed at each other. Kid Flash gave Jinx a lingering kiss on her forehead. It reminded Raven of those cheesy romance novels she secretly loved. The pure obvious love between the two characters in those stories was, kind of beautiful.

It's very beautiful, thank you very much. Passion said vehemently. Raven shook her head and refocused.

"Now that everyone is on board, Negative-Man, Starfire, and Jinx follow me." Raven turned and walked to her room. The sooner she did this the sooner they could find Beast Boy. She was getting the pages of the spells in her book when she heard them come in.

"So what's the plan? A Witches of Eastwick thing?" Jinx joked. Raven rolled her eyes but stopped what she was doing to look at them, specifically Negative-Man.

"Negative-Man, you told us the exact details you remembered from the video. Now, I need you to tell me the exact mental state Beast Boy was in." Raven and Negative-Man stared at each other.

"Mental state?" Negative-Man scoffed.

"Yes, his mental state." Raven snarled. "I need to know exactly how he was feeling. If he was lucid or not. And if there is anything you can predict. That's what I need." Negative-Man sighed and sat down on the bed. He put his head in his hands.

"It was not good. Well, actually when I first saw him, he was angry and fighting Slade with his dumb remarks, as usual. Then I learned that he gave himself up, believing that Slade would let us go. God, that idiot. He really thought Slade was going to free us. He was so angry, but so heartbroken too. What was worse was the shocks. He was wearing a shock collar. Slade was proud to show how he had control of the collar, of Beast Boy's pain. I don't think Beast Boy had any sleep for a while and he was branded." Negative-Man gripped his head tighter. Raven didn't know whether the grief she felt was his or her own. "Branded and collared like some animal. That's what Slade kept calling him too. An animal or his pet." Raven felt the spit as Negative-Man talked. He was stewing in anger but she needed him to keep going.

"What did this do to Beast Boy?" Negative-Man looked up at her. He stared at her a bit then looked back down.

"He never minded being called an animal." Negative-Man chuckled darkly. "He accepted that part of him. It was the pet thing that got under my skin." Negative-Man fisted his hands. "It got under his. He hated it. I could see that he hated being collared. He hated the fear inside of him. At the first offer of, the deal, Beast Boy took it. He began to beat Galtry. All the years of anger and hate he kept inside, were unleashed. He used that to fuel him, to let go of his humanity. He was turning red." Negative-Man's voice held a touch of fer. Raven remembered how seeing Beast Boy turn red, was more frightening than she liked to admit. "Cliff told him to stop. He did, and the horror at what he done flashed through his eyes. But there was still a war raging in him. The red, the rage, was fighting the shame and guilt. Cliff brought him back. Yet, when, when, when Cl," Negative-Man paused, choking on his words. Raven bit her lip. She hated seeing people in pain, but she was glad that the desire to help Beast Boy burned brighter than his grief. "When Cliff died, I heard him howl in anger, despair, and guilt." Negative-Man looked up. Raven was paralyzed by his apprehension. "I know that kid blames himself for not saving his parents. What happened with Cliff, he will never forgive himself for. If that happens again, if he has to choose taking a life over saving one of us, he will give up his humanity. He'll be Slade's pet."

Beast Boy's POV

Beast Boy paced on all fours in the empty cage. He was falling asleep, and he didn't want to be shocked. He quickly learned that Slade shocked him every time he fell asleep. And in the, well he didn't exactly know how long he he had been in the cage, it may have been hours or days, either way he wasn't allowed to sleep. Every time he did, Slade shocked him and now he could smell something burning when he was shocked. A loud rumbling made Beast Boy whine. Nor had he eaten. He regretted not eating with Robin, or was it Cyborg? It was a lifetime ago since he last saw his family, at least it felt like a lifetime. Do they even care about me? Beast Boy shook his head.

"N-" A shock coursed through Beast Boy and he landed on the floor with a hard thud. Beast Boy began seeing red and smelled burning flesh. Despite the pain of being electrocuted, the smell of blood and burning flesh increased his hunger. Red flashes of hunting and killing prey ran through Beast Boy's mind.

Snap out of it! The Beast's roar helped Beast Boy's vision return to its natural hazy and watery state. The shock continued a little while after that. When it was done, Beast Boy threw up bile outside of his cage. This time blood came out as well. Beast Boy mentally shrugged and laid down on the cool metal floor. A while back Slade started shocking him when he started to talk. Granted, he had started singing to keep himself occupied.

I guess I'm just that annoying. Raven's face flashed into mind. It lifted his spirits a bit, while also making him feel convicted. Thanks Beast. I was, I was close to losing it.

Aren't we lost already? The Beast offered sarcastically. Beast Boy smirked and nodded. No one was talking to him, and he was fine with that, for the first few whatevers. Then he reverted to talking to himself and the Beast, which was also him. Beast Boy knew he was hanging by a thread, but at least he was still hanging. We just have to wait a little longer. Slade took our freedom, our sleep, our food, and our voice. Don't let him take your humanity.Beast Boy knew that the Beast was trying to help, but it just reminded him of Cliff's death which was his fault, so was Jinx's.

You're right, I can't let Slade win. But what if I deserve this. Beast Boy looked up at the mirror, it was blurry and the reflection kept moving, but he saw that even in a weird moving reflection, the green and slightly red blob was out of place. What if me trying to be something I'm not caused the people I loved to be harmed?

What are you trying to be? The Beast asked warily. Beast Boy mentally sighed but sat up slowly. Beast Boy ran his hand through his hair, trying to avoid saying what he was beginning to believe. He didn't want to say that Slade was right, maybe he was just an animal. As he brought his hand back down, he saw his clawed hand was blood red.

No, no, no! Beast Boy began scratching at the red furiously, his heart pounding. The red wasn't coming off. He was becoming the one thing his parents, the Doom Patrol, the Titans, and Cliff didn't want him to be. He kept scratching despite the burning pain and the voice in his head.

STOP! Beast Boy froze at the Beast's roar. He blinked away his bleary vision. The blood red color on his hand was replaced with actual blood oozing out of his hand.

Is it any different? Beast Boy examined his bloody hand. You know I always miss that vein. Beast Boy stared at the the intact vein and fingered it gently with a claw. Beast Boy began to dig his claw deep into the vein but it suddenly retracted itself. You're such a killjoy Beast. Ha! You're a killjoy of suicide! Beast Boy began to laugh hysterically, until another shock went through him. When this shock ended, he was laying in his own blood, bile, and he was pretty sure he smelled pee. He should've cared but his pee and crap were everywhere around the cage. And he began peeing when the shocks happened awhile back. Although, thanks to his low water intake, it wasn't a lot. All of a sudden the sliding doors opened. Beast Boy shot up using the bars as support and heard robots shuffle in.

"Wh-" A shock went through him and he went to his knees. His grip tightened on the bars denting them slightly, and his vision was red.

I found you.Raven's voice echoed in the room. He looked around to see her in front of the light of the open door. The shuffling and cleaning of the robots were something he barely noticed. He scrambled to Raven and reached out to her.

"Ra-" There was another shock and he went to the ground again. The unusual gasp from Raven made his heart flutter. When the shock ended he looked up to see that she was still there. He didn't smell her but through the red haze, she was the clearest thing he saw. He knew it was most likely a hallucination, since this Raven looked close to tears. Still, it was enough for him. A loud roar rang in his head and both Beast Boy and Raven doubled over. He felt an animalistic rage come over him.

You have to fight it.Raven ordered. Beast Boy focused on her voice. Letting its soothing sound carry him back. Don't let Slade win. Don't let the pain blind you. We'll be there soon. Beast Boy's vision and pain cleared some. He looked up to see vivid violet pools gazing at him with determination. We will save you.

Out of all my hallucinations, you are the best. Does that mean I'm going to die? Beast Boy knew he should be scared, but a small smile came on his face. If you were the last thing I saw, I wouldn't mind. Definitely not. Raven's eyes grew and she was gaping. Beast Boy reached out to touch her, until a fist was slammed into his stomach. All the air left Beast Boy, and Raven disappeared from view. In her place stood Slade looking down at him. Beast Boy was mad that a shiver of fear went through him and he stayed down.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Slade's deep voice was the last thing he wanted to hear but fear of the little gray remote in Slade's hand made him stay silent. "Get up." Slade ordered. Beast Boy did, slowly. He was afraid to outright defy Slade and receive punishment, but there were other ways to defy him. Beast Boy was nearing a full standing position, when Slade pushed the little remote. A quick but horrible shock, sent Beast Boy back to the ground. Slade grabbed Beast Boy's hair and pulled his face against the bars. "You will do what I say when I say it, or suffer the consequences." Slade shook the remote in Beast Boy's line of sight. Beast Boy hated the automatic whimper and tremble that came out of him when he saw that stupid remote. He could tell that Slade noticed his reaction. There was a gleam to his eye. Beast Boy would've bet the rest of his life on Slade smirking underneath his mask. "Now let's try this again, stand up." Slade let go of Beast Boy and Beast Boy took a second to glower at Slade. A quick painful shock went through Beast Boy and he stood up quickly. "Kneel." Beast Boy looked down and kneeled to the ground. "Good." Beast Boy began to growl but a shock cut him off. "Resume your position, pet." Slade didn't wait for the shock to end. Beast Boy couldn't do it fast enough and was shocked again. This time Beast Boy let out a scream, almost roar, of pain. His vision was turning red, but Raven's words kept him gripping his sanity. "Resume your position!" Slade yelled. This time, with a growing red vision, Beast Boy went to a kneeling position. The shocks ended as soon as he was in position. Beast Boy panted in relief, but he could feel that his teeth were sharper and he was still fighting the red haze. "Stay." Beast Boy didn't move as the cage slid open. Robots came in and cleaned up around him, but he didn't move. Slade came in and tilted his head up. Beast Boy wasn't focused on Slade. The red haze was so strong and he was so tired. If it weren't for Raven's words, Beast Boy knew he would be gone.

Keep fighting, for Raven and the Titans. Beast Boy nodded, forgetting that Slade was watching him.

"Almost, you just need a push." Slade let go of Beast Boy's head and it dropped down. "Bring them in." Beast Boy didn't react at Slade's command.

It's not my command. Beast Boy heard the robots go out and soon he heard them dragging things in. The first thing smelled so good that saliva dripped out of his mouth and the pain of hunger came back tenfold. So caught up in his hunger, he missed Slade's dark chuckle. The second thing dragged in was groaning and smelt familiar. The third thing, Beast Boy automatically recognized the smell and muffled cries. Beast Boy's head whipped up, out of his haze.

"R-" Another shock made Beast Boy yelp. Rita's cries intensified.

"Resume your position." Slade ordered and Beast Boy obeyed automatically. He was done getting shocked. He hadn't been shocked this much in a while. The pain helped weaken his mind to the red energy. The moaning dinner that was thrown into his cage wasn't helping. "Sit." Beast Boy sat on his hind legs like a dog, still not looking up.

"What the hell have you done to him, you bastard?" Rita's rage filled voice almost made Beast Boy look up, but he glanced at the remote Slade moved forward.

"I'm training him. Stand." Beast Boy stood but he couldn't bring himself to look at Rita and Mento now that he recognized them. He knew that they would hate him for what he did to Cliff. "Look up." Beast Boy let out a whine, but a shock went through him and his head moved up. He saw Rita pull against her restraints towards him.

"Garfield!" Beast Boy let out another whine and a shock went through him.

"As you can see there-"

"You sick twisted psycho!" Rita yelled at Slade. Slade narrowed his eyes at her but she was unfazed. "What did you do?" She seethed. Beast Boy watched as Mento acted like he was still groggy.

"Where?" He said slowly, keeping up the act. Slade's chuckle got everyone's attention but Beast Boy didn't move.

"Well, Mento and Rita, I gave Garfield a choice, kill Galtry or I kill Cliff. You can see which he chose. Beast Boy looked away when their stares came to him. A shock went through him and Beast Boy looked forward again but avoided Mento and Rita's gaze. "Now I am training him to make the right decision."

"You're killing him." Mento snarled. Slade simply nodded.

"Animals always need to be broken." Slade looked towards Beast Boy. "Shift into a jaguar." Beast Boy did, and soon regretted it. The smell of the meat behind him was driving him mad. He began to turn to the live prey, when a shock went through him. With a pained roar he looked forward. For once he was grateful for the shock. It reminded him of the issue at hand. "Pet, I'm giving you the same choice," Slade brought out a gun and walked behind Rita. Beast Boy felt his hackles raise. "Kill the man behind you or I'll kill her." Slade put the gun to Rita's head. This time Beast Boy didn't hesitate. He turned and pounced on Galtry. His high pitched scream hurt his ears but that wasn't what stopped him.

"Garfield no!" Mento and Rita screamed in horror. Beast Boy turned back to them, the red haze filling most of his vision. He was tired, hungry, and hurting but, they wanted him he sane. He couldn't hurt them more than he already had.

"Do what you're best at Beast Boy and fight." Mento commanded. It encouraged Beast Boy. Despite what he did Mento saw him as a Doom Patrol member.

"Please honey," Rita begged. Beast Boy looked at her. Tears were pouring out of her eyes and she was trying so hard to get to him. Beast Boy made a little whine. "You are not an-" A shock sent him bending forward. "Garfield!" Beast Boy looked back up to Slade. Slade jammed the back of the gun into Rita's head.

"Kill him." Slade nodded to the prey behind him. In a split second, Beast Boy saw Rita getting shot and felt the guilt and hate that would come with that. He was faced with a choice. Beast Boy turned and looked at the prey, eyes red. It was small and bounded. It shivered pathetically as he approached it. He heard yells and screams of something calling him, but he was so tired, and so hungry. His mouth salivated as he growled at the prey. The spike of fear made its smell intoxicating. Beast Boy fully red pounced at the prey and bit into it's throat. It quickly stopped moving and the taste of blood spread into his mouth. It was delicious.

The red jaguar began ripping at the prey, eating as much as he could. He heard more yelling, interrupting his eating. He turned to see three threats looking at him. He felt most threatened by the one with one eye and pounced at that one. A sharp sting that went through all of his body elicited a howl of pain from him and he shifted into a more normal state. The one eyed threat came at him and grabbed his collar.

"You belong to me, pet." The threat had a deep voice that made raised his hackles and cower in fear. A small grey remote was in his line of sight and he began to tremble. Then the one-eyed threat threw him to the ground. He whimpered but still stood and, bending his legs and making sure he was lower than the more powerful animal, the alpha. "Kill them." He faced to where the alpha was pointing. There were two threats, a male and a female that were noticeable mates. They were bound and smelled of anger and sadness, not fear. Another shock came through him. "Now!" The alpha roared. After getting over the pain, he tackled the male. The female screamed and he heard something in the male crack. The male was still alive and gasping in pain, which served to make him more excited. He bit the male's shoulder, but not damaging it, and the male went back to screaming. He needed to quieten the male. He needed to kill it. He lifted his hand, intending to rip its throat out, but he glanced down at the male's odd purple covering. A flash of violet eyes crossed through his mind making him hesitate. A force protecting the male pushed him back and freed the male and its mate. The force made him dazed and he couldn't kill the threats as they escaped. Sounds began ringing and the stinging was back but worse. He began to convulsive as the pain went on. He even tried to claw at the collar on his neck causing him pain. He only deepened the wounds already there. It was pure agony.

He could smell the scent of death that accompanied the alpha. Everything stopped, the sounds, the daze, and most importantly the pain. His body sagged, but the alpha grabbed his collar and threw him in the cage. He realized that the smell of anger that was coming from the alpha was at him. The alpha approached him and grabbed his bleeding neck.

"Listen pet! I am your master and you will do what I say, when I say it." The alpha, now Master seethed. He, Pet, began whimpering. Master dropped him. He looked up at Master. "Now, eat." Master pointed to the dead prey. Pet jumped at the carcass and began ravaging it. He was so hungry and the fresh meat was so good. He glanced at his reflection on one of the cage's bars. He was red all over, his hands covered in blood, and a chunk of meat hang from his mouth, he looked like a monster, but he didn't care. He couldn't. This was what he was, a monster pet. He dug his head into the guts of the prey. He heard Master leave with one comment. "Good pet."