Chapter 6

It was an early dawn when Harry woke up; nobody else was awake, except for him.

This is my chance, he pensively thought to himself.

He forced himself to get out of bed, and he carefully walked out of the boys' dormitory, hoping that he won't accidentally slip on Kaito's long, sapphire blue scarf or step on Gakupo's hair. Once he successfully left the room, he raced over to the nearest desk, and grabbed a piece of paper and a quill. He began writing madly on the paper, occasionally looking behind his back, checking if anyone was watching him. When he finished, he carefully read the paper to make sure if there was any errors.

Dear Sirius,

Don't worry; I probably imagined my scar hurting. I'm alright now.

Sincerely, Harry

P.S A group of strangers arrived at Hogwarts; but they don't seem suspicious at all and are actually quite friendly.

Carefully, he went back to the room, snatched his Invisibility Cloak, and sneakily left the Gryffindor common room. As he went up the gray, marble stairs, Peeves shouted, "Where are you going, Parry Otter?!"

Harry groaned, "Oh, just shut up!"

The Peeves in response stuck his tongue at him and left him alone. Satisfied, Harry continued to dash the staircase and headed outside, hoping to get to the West Tower before anyone finds him. Once he got outside, he gazed toward the direction where the tall, aging tower.

Did they really have to build the tower far from the main castle?

Harry sighed and as fast as Crookshanks chasing Scabbers around the common room (the thought of Scabbers actually being Peter Pettigrew in his Animagus form still haunted Harry's mind), he raced over to the West Tower, hopping over all the stairs. When he reached his destination, he proudly grinned and entered the tower.

"Hedwig? Are you in here?" Harry whispered quietly as he looked for his beloved owl.

A snow-white blur flashed past him and angrily pecked his head.

"Ow, Hedwig stop that!" Harry yelped as he covered his head with his thin and weak arms.

Obediently, Hedwig halted and flapped her wings in a vexed manner. Confused, he began to wonder why Hedwig was in a foul mood this morning, until he recalled what happened a few days ago; when he was having breakfast, Hedwig came and demanded a treat for delivering a letter to Sirius, but instead she was rewarded with a scolding.

"Listen Hedwig, I'm sorry for being rude earlier but can you please deliver this letter to Sirius. It's really important." Harry begged and took out the letter to show it to her.

Reluctantly, Hedwig agreed, took the letter from his hand and hurriedly flew away from the Owlery to start her journey to deliver the letter to Sirius.

Harry smiled gently and waved to Hedwig before heading back to the common room.

It was a boisterous noon when the Vocaloids and the Golden Trio entered the entrance hall, trying to get to the Gryffindor common room, only to accidentally go to the wrong path that would lead them to the Hufflepuff common room.

"Geez, why is everyone blocking our way?!" Meiko complained, "I swear if they don't move over, I'll knock 'em down!"

Gakupo nervously laid his hand on Meiko's shoulder and told her, "Calm down Meiko, they're just kids…"

"Well when I was a kid, I already knew not to block anyone's way!" Meiko retorted with her crimson eyes glowing with frustration.

"But Meiko, you weren't ever a kid; Master created you as an adult." Kaito explained to her.

"Oh yeah, good point…" Meiko admitted.

Harry, (who was listening to their conversation) cluelessly glanced over to Hermione and Ron, hoping if they knew what they were talking about. Ron frowned and shrugged, and Hermione shook her head.

"I'm just as confused as you are, Harry." Hermione grumbled.

"Er...anyways, why is everyone crowded around here?" Harry asked curiously.

Len shrugged and sighed, "Dunno."

Ron heaved a sigh and began to jump, hoping to see what was the huge commotion only to be blocked by a group of girls.

"Just great, the only thing I saw was a bunch of brunettes…" Ron mumbled angrily.

"Allow me to try." Gakupo told them with a confident smile.

"Go ahead." Ron yawned as he plopped himself onto the cold, smooth floor and signaled Gakupo with his hand to hurry up and do something.

Gakupo nodded, made his way through the crowd as his eggplant purple eyes searched for the group of brunettes. Once he laid eyes on them, he casually approached them and flashed them with a charming smile.

"Hello there, ladies. Fine afternoon isn't it?" he greeted them.

"'s noon." one of the girls corrected him.

" is…?" Gakupo absentmindedly stammered.

Another girl stared at him with pure disdain and groaned, "Yeah, it is."

From the other side of the room, the Vocaloids and the Golden Trio couldn't help but laugh wildly at Gakupo's failure at trying to charm them.

Luka couldn't help but facepalmed and grumbled, "Oh my tuna, what an idiot!"

"Amen to that." Rin agreed with her.

Hermione tapped Luka's shoulders and in response, Luka glanced over her shoulder with her cold, blue eyes that shined with hidden warmth.

"Yes, Hermione?" Luka asked with a slight smile.

"Is Gakupo always like this?" she asked with slight curiosity.

Luka's frown returned instantly and sighed harshly, "Yes, sadly we have to deal with him."

"Aww Luka, don't say that! We all know that deep inside that cold facade of yours, you would totally glomp him right now!" Miku giggled mischievously that immediately silenced by Luka's glare.

"O-oh, shut up." Luka growled embarrassedly as she stared at the ground.

"Oh, look the charming Romeo is back!" Meiko sarcastically announced.

Gakupo walked back to the group with his pale hand rubbing against his right cheek revealing a red mark.

"Let me guess; you got slapped." Luka commented as she tilted her head to get a better view of the mark.

Gakupo chuckled sheepishly, "Yup."
"Continue." Luka told him and motioned her hand.

"Apparently there's an event that's going to happen soon called the Triwizard tournament and two schools are going to come on October 30th or something like that." he explained to them.

Ron grinned and exclaimed happily, "Hey Harry, what if the assembly takes place during Potions! Wouldn't that be great?!"

"I hope it does! I don't want to hear him saying…" Harry paused for a moment before mimicking Snape's deep voice, "...50 points from Gryffindor for sneezing!"

The two boys bursted into fits of laughter like a group of hyenas as they continued to mock Snape's voice and such. Even Rin found it amusing and joined in the conversation.


Immediately, the laughter from Ron and Harry died out and their jolly expression was replaced with confusion.

"What's a hipster?" Ron asked her.

"They're people who aren't mainstream," an annoyed gleam in Rin's eyes as she explained to Ron, "Geez, is this the 90's or something?!"

"Actually, it is." Harry seriously commented to her.

Rin gaped at them as if a foreign person came up to her and began talking to her in a random language.

They have to be joking, Rin silently told herself.

"You don't know what's a Nintendo 3DS?!" Rin gasped.

"Nope." Harry and Ron responded to her as quick as a Golden Snitch shooting itself across a Quidditch field.

"Do you even know the famous Kagamine twins or Vocaloids?!" Rin asked as she grabbed Len's arm and pulled him over to her.

Harry shook his head and continued to stare at Rin who began to talk in a gibberish manner.

"Okay, okay, okay. How about Len and I sing you a song of ours." Rin prompted.

Harry and Ron nodded excitingly as they sat down onto the floor to hear the twins' song.

"Okay, Len we're going to sing the ULTIMATE song." Rin told him with a prideful smile.

"Um...okay?" Len responded with a slight hesitant tone in his voice.

The twins took a deep breath before they began singing the song that they hope will make Harry and Ron recognize them.

It's already been 3 months since we debuted as the second generation,

but it's still always the first generation (Miku) that's getting the top rank.

We will try to bloom a flower of our own here,

and we will rise up and overthrow our predecessor.

First, I'll take that spear

as Kagamine Len the raid squad captain.

As I repeatedly hit F5, it seems that due to some weirdos' fantasies,

I'm being treated as a shota character on Nico.

Now hold it right there! I am a real man!

If you dare look down on me, I'll run you over with my road roller.

Your image of me is somehow wrong, don't you think?

My hidden strength, actually, is my unprecedented beautiful voice.

Listen to me, turn up the volume,

and ignore my horrible mispronunciations.

Give me a song!

Give me strength to overthrow the first generation!

Give me a song!

I will make it my weapon!

Here we come! We'll overthrow the strong!

Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members!


Everybody in the entrance turned their head away from the poster that announced the arrival of the two academies Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and began giving all their attention to Rin and Len's song. Miku stared shockingly at the twins and crossed her thin arms; she couldn't believe that they would actually sing the song that was about overthrowing her popular position as Vocaloid before they actually met her and became close friends...unless they never felt that way. Miku quickly shook away that awful thought as she continue to listen to the song.

Because our whole family had a heated discussion,

the number of our net comments dropped. Oh well!

I, Rin, will properly apologize to everyone,

and treat everyone to Ringer Hut champon.

Compared to Miku,

my loving style is so much cuter, right?

Being cute won't change anything though,

so I'm going to start being all sharp and serious.

Good? Listen now! Our motto is,

"Yes, of course! Green is the enemy!"

As the second generation, in my burning bosom,

a soul not found in machines thrives.

Under the banner of the Kagamine family,

the assembled artists and musicians are brandishing a burning flame.

With an all-mighty tiger being our leader,

we'll act according to the circumstances, and seize victory.

To the musicians who give us songs,

we will give back our wish-granting voice.

To the artists who draw us,

we will give back our smile.

Kagamine ikka the authors (who use Kagamine), good job! We'll overthrow the strong!

Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members!

The authors (who draw Kagamine), good job! We'll overthrow the strong!

Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members!

The authors (who made Kagamine), good job! We'll overthrow the strong!

Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members!

The authors (once more because it's important), good job! We'll overthrow the strong!

Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members!

Here we come! We'll overthrow the strong!

Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members!

The crowd around the blond twins began to cheer joyfully as the sound of clapping echoed throughout the hall.

"What a lovely voice!" a Hufflepuff girl commented.

"Maybe they should sing at the gathering on October 30th!" a Ravenclaw boy announced with a smile.

"That would be an awful idea! If they sing the students from the other schools will have their ears bleeding as they run out of Hogwarts screaming in agony." a voice retorted.

The Vocaloids and the Golden Trio glanced over the direction of the voice, revealing to be Draco Malfoy who smiled smugly.

"You again?!" Meiko groaned in annoyance.

"Can't you learn to shut your yap for once?!" Harry angrily told him.

Draco chuckled, "But I'm only stating the truth. We don't want singing chipmunks at our gathering."

"Well at least they sing ten times better than you do, Malfoy!" Ron argued back.

"At least I don't-" Draco began to counter back only to interrupted by a familiar growl.

"Malfoy!" the voice growled.

Draco's face turned pale and his legs shook in pure fear.

"Y...yes, Professor Moody?"

Moody's voice snarled again, "If you don't stop teasing those children, I'll turn you into a singing chipmunk!"

"Yes sir!" Draco answered.

Quickly, Draco raced out of the hall without looking back at the group or thinking about taunting them. The only thought that occur in his mind was possibly turning into a chipmunk if he didn't get out of there quickly.

Harry and the others glanced around them, looking for Professor Moody but they couldn't seem to find him. He heard a chuckle behind him, so he turned around only to find Kaito laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Len asked him.

"I think it's because he imitated Professor Moody's voice," Hermione guessed and turned to the laughing Vocaloid, "Am I right?"

"Yup!" Kaito childishly laughed with his sapphire blue eyes shone with mischief.

"That's our Bakaito, following our footsteps!" Rin dramatically announced.

"Geez Rin, you sound like a grandma!" Meiko teased playfully.

Rin's cheeks began to turn into a rosy pink and growled, "Oh s-shut up!"

The group couldn't help but roar with laughter as Gakupo and Miku began pinching Rin's cheeks and teasing her.

Hermione giggled but immediately calmed herself down as she realized what time it was.

"Come on, we better get going to the common room or else Professor Filch will find us." she told them.

"Aw fine." Ron groaned and walked up the steps of the marvel stairs.

"Um, Ron." Harry said.

"Yeah, what is it, Harry?" Ron asked him.

"You're going the wrong way; that's the way to the Hufflepuff common room." Harry commented.

"Oops, my bad…" Ron awkwardly mumbled as he went down the stairs and headed the other direction.

Quietly, they fled from the hall and raced across the flight of stairs, occasionally glancing around to see if Professor Filch was nearby. Once they reached the common room, they sneaked inside (but they had to whisper the password to the Fat Lady) and bid goodnight to each other before they fell into deep slumber in their beds, thinking about October 30th…

(Yes, I finally finished the chapter~! But, I must apologize for the taking forever to update this and about Rin's comment about hipsters, I have nothing against them. Anyways, ChibiJ signing out.)