A/N: Alright, so this is officially my first Star Trek fanfiction. I am basing this solely off Star Trek: 2009, which I only recently watched - fantastic movie. I really need to watch the actual series'. For the mean time, though, I will try my best with what info I have - if I get something wrong, feel free to point it out. I plan on revising and adding to this later. I hope this doesn't turn out too ruddy, though - and I really do love Spock, and if I write him wrong, I'm going to feel like a terrible person. :P Anyways, enough with my bantering, enjoy the story and reviews are very much appreciated.
Title: Life Among The Distant Stars
Genre: Romance/Drama
Pairing: Spock/OC
Summary: None of this was meant to happen. None of this was meant to exist. Of course, this doesn't stop me from wishing for the attention of a certain, pointy eared First Officer. I mean, dreams can only take me so far - but was this a dream?
Warnings: Moderate swearing, suggestive scenes, moderate violence
Time Period: None in specifics. This is set in ST 2009 universe, but occurs after the movie.
Rated: T (Rating may change for future chapters)
Chapter One
When I first began to awaken, all I was aware of was this overwhelming dizziness. Darkness still enveloped my eyes, but my head ached with a vengeance. Feeling began to creep to the rest of my body - my throat felt scratchy and parched, as if all the liquid in my body had been sucked away forcefully by mouth. My arms and legs seemed to tremble violently as my hands attempted to sketch out my surroundings - a cool, clean table-ish structure on which my body lay. Something soft - a pillow, I presumed - cradled my pounding head.
Finally, my eyes opened.
Bright light immediately bursts into my vision, and I squint my eyes, moaning slightly. Right away, quick, sharp footsteps approach where I lay and I heard an equally cutting voice, "The intruder is awakening."
"Please do not refer to her as such, Ensign." another voice, strong and firm, demanded. "We do not know her exact motives for coming on board the ship. Therefore, we will not judge until we find reason to judge."
I open my eyes and gradually, I become accustomed to the brightness. An odd shaped lamp hovers over my head. Beeping, previously just a bunch of disconnected ringing, echoes throughout the seemingly empty room. I glance slightly to my left and a see a machine, blue lights flickering across the dashboard attached to the top.
"How are you feeling?" the firm voice asks me, and I turn and raise my head to answer, only to be struck dumb with the sight of Captain James Tiberus Kirk.
My mouth falls open and my pupils dilate considerably. "What?" I muttered, staring in fascination. Kirk...bloody Kirk was standing right in front of me. with the same messy, dirty blond hair and devilish, blue eyes. Somehow, thought, he looked older...older than what I had expected to have seen.
"Um," I mutter again, shaking my head and trying to think clearly. "I'm...confused. What am I doing here?"
"That is what we are hear to ask you." the sharp voice snarls, and I glance to my left. Standing there is a man I am not familiar with - short, broad shouldered, brighter blond hair than Kirk, and burning coals for eyes.
"Ensign." Kirk snaps. "That will be enough." He turns to me and smiles. "You must forgive Ensign Latevo...he is our newest member aboard the Enterprise-"
"I'm on the bloody Enterprise!?" I all but scream. Kirk smirks. "And you...you're Captain Kirk!? You...but...what?"
"I am interested," Kirk says, "in how you know about me and the Enterprise."
"It's a long story," I reply, brushing back my hair. "One that I promise to tell later; but right now, all I want is-"
My heart nearly implodes as I watch moon eyed as First Officer Spock walks into the room, face expressionless. His dark eyes settle upon my own, vivid green and my skin flushes involuntarily.
"Spock." I whisper, feeling almost giddy. Everything about the Vulcan was as I had imagined - his pointed ears, the solid line of his mouth, the brown depths of his eyes, and...gosh, his hands. Long, elegant fingers...so delicate, so precise. They were beautiful.
The Vulcan frowns very slightly, as if attempting to recall becoming acquainted with me. This quickly clears from his face he devotes his attention to Kirk. "I apologize for the interruption, Captain, but I happened to be passing by when I heard someone scream. I came to check and confirm no one was being harmed."
"Thank you, Mr. Spock," Kirk addresses him, still staring at me with a smirk. "However, the entire opposite was happening. I was finding myself quite entertained by Ms-?" His statement ends in a question and it takes me a moment or two to stop gawking at Spock and realize I need to present my name.
"Vivian." I tell them. "Vivian Vaughn."
"An alliteration for a name, huh?" Kirk says, eyes gleaming with amusement.
"Yes," I comment dryly. "Of course you must find my initials funny, especially when I am covered in stitches."
This quietens them all down, and I take the opportunity to glance around me, analyzing all the various medical equipment and med-beds that lay, strategically settled, in the room. I attempt to sit up for the first time, but my back protests by sending me excruciating pain up my spine. I almost cry out, but reign it in, and manage to sit hunched over on the bed, breathing heavily. My legs are jerking underneath the blankets, my fingers twitching...something was amiss.
"What's wrong with me?" I say very quietly. "My body is not as it should be."
"You can tell how?" Ensign Latevo drawls. I glance at him, quickly regretting that as pain shot up my neck. Wincing, I glare at him, but don't reply.
"Captain?" Spock speaks suddenly; it was more of a question really, as if asking for permission. Kirk nods his assent.
Spock approaches my bed and, feeling self conscious, I pull the blankets around me tighter. He stops about two feet from my bed, and I can't help but stare up into his eyes. "Miss Vaughn," he states in a very formal tone. "I believe what you are experiencing are the side effects of traveling across time."
"What?" Kirk speaks up, surprised. Spock raises an eyebrow.
"It is quite obvious," he explains, "that she knows much more about us than we do her. The only logical explanation I can infer is that she must have somehow crossed a breach between time and materialized here."
"Just like with Nero." I ponder out loud, and immediately regret it. Spock stiffens, body going rigid and hands clenching into fists.
"Indeed." is all he says.
"The thing is, though," I say. "You are wrong."
I would almost laugh at the expression Spock was giving - a dangerously high eyebrow and widening eyes - if I wasn't in so much pain. "I did travel through time - that much I remember. But I didn't come from the future. I come from the past."
"So how do you know about us, then?" Latevo demands, still observing me like a disgusting insect that must be squashed.
"I don't know." I reply. "All I know is that I am hurting like hell and if none of you are going to do anything about, so help me God I will help myself."
Spock stares directly at me again. "That would be illogical. You might injure yourself further, thus lengthening the amount of time required for you to fully recover."
"And how long is that?" I ask.
Spock responds immediately. "Seven days, fourteen hours, and twenty three minutes."
I suddenly feel the urge to smile. I let my mouth quirk upwards slightly. "Then it would be illogical to waste what time is needed in order for me to recover."
Kirk makes a small 'o' with his lips and Latevo continues to glare. Spock blinks, and for a moment I thought I saw very faint amusement glimmer in his eyes. Before I can dispute this with myself further, it has disappeared and Spock is speaking again. "Very well." he says. "Captain, Ensign...Miss Vaughn-" I shiver when he addresses me - "I will now proceed to the laboratory, where I wish to pursue further research." He stares knowingly at Kirk, and the Captain smiles.
"Alright then, Mr. Spock. You are dismissed."
With a last acknowledging nod of his head, Spock leaves the med-bay in four long, quick strides. I find myself staring after his retreating back.
A/N: So how is this so far? I don't know if I portrayed the medical bay correctly, and I hope I at least wrote Spock decently. Review if you'd like, although they are very much appreciated. Any suggestions, thoughts, or comments would be wonderful. Should I continue this? I hope you think so...:)