It was meant to be revenge. Revenge for going back to Quinn after everything they'd been through. Everything she had done for him. And this is how he paid her back?

Clearly, she wasn't thinking as she stalked elegantly towards his best friend, who was flirting with two Cheerios. They stood off to the side, not even paying attention until she had grabbed the teen forcefully. She'd show them.

He didn't even see it coming. Puck knew he was a stud, and he was even kind of used to girls coming up and laying one on him, but it was never, repeat never, Rachel freaking Berry.

She had shoved past the two Cheerios that were way too easy, grabbed him by the collar to pull down to an acceptable height, and smashed her lips into his. His eyes were wide for a split second before they slipped shut, as he became lost in her. A hand curled in her long hair and the other tightened on her hip.

When her lips had met his, her entire plan faded. Well, more like crumbled into dust and shot into the stars. All she could see was Noah, the boy reverently kissing her back. She didn't hear the small gasps and talking. She definitely didn't notice Finn and Quinn silently fuming off.

They broke the kiss for air, and he kissed her chin, her cheek, and then her forehead softly. She was too dazed to notice the unusually intimate gesture.

She finally opened her eyes to meet his, exchanging silent sentiments. He half-smiled at her lazily, coaxing a subtle smile from her.