Chapter 29
A week later...
Tyki was giggling, he couldn't help it.
It was a beautiful day out at Sheryl's mansion, the sun shining and a light breeze washing over the group of friends. Tyki sat comfortably at a small table, a connecting umbrella keeping him shaded from the sun's rays as he sipped his tea, eyes on Eva. She was looking particularly beautiful, standing with Rodrik and a few of the other angels for training in Sheryl's vast yard. She had done so well in the past few weeks, training in speech and how to use her powers. Tyki couldn't be anymore proud, though Sheryl's mansion was taking a bit of a beating.
Rodrik stood calmly with his violin in hand, icy blue gaze locked on Eva for probably the tenth time as she prepared her attack. Road sat on nearby steps, watching eagerly as she munched on some snacks with Wisely. Their usual group hung around most days for Eva's training, the rest of the family going about their daily activities as usual. They were interested in Eva, though truth be told she made them nervous. How absurd. Eva, despite her newfound rank amongst the angels, was a fluff of love—she didn't particularly like fighting, though she did what the angels asked.
She had a duty to these people, and she was happy to help.
Tyki watched her take a deep breath before opening her mouth to attack, but instead of the usual silent screaming she did before, her voice now had a pure, bell-tolling sound. So pure was the melody she sang, yet fierce and deadly. The attack hit Rodrik head on, which he blocked with his violin. They were trying to teach her how to center her attacks on certain targets, and not cause widespread destruction. Thus why Tyki was giggling like the jerk he was.
Eva was learning, but slowly. Seconds after she unleashed her attack, half the windows from Sheryl's mansion that faced them shattered inward, raining shards into the mansion halls. Eva instantly stopped her song, hands covering her mouth as a exasperated expression crossed her face. Tyki thought she looked lovely, and found himself smiling despite her failed control again.
Sheryl, however, groaned for what had to be the hundredth time. His eyes landed on the mansion, mourning the destruction.
"Ah, close but not quite," Rodrik mused, scratching the back of his head with his violin bow, "We have some fine tuning to do, mon cher."
"Oops." Eva said simply, giving Sheryl an apologetic look.
Tyki started giggling again, trying to hide the sound through a sip of tea. Sheryl, however, wasn't fooled, and pierced him with a hard glare of annoyance.
"I'm glad you find this amusing, Tyki-pon," He said in a snide tone, crossing his arms over his chest.
Tyki smirked, "Without a doubt, Sherlie. You're suffering brings me great joy."
Sheryl rolled his eyes, stomping up the mansion steps so he could gather the akuma to fix the damage again. Though he was upset, he was happy Eva was training, and he knew damn well windows were a small price to pay. Sheryl was just as smitten with Eva as the others, which is why he would grit his teeth and just fix the windows. Smart of him.
Tyki chuckled, waving Eva over with one gloved hand, "Come here, darling. Take a little break for some tea."
Eva beamed, instantly darting over so she could sit on his lap, presenting him with a chaste kiss on the lips. Tyki so loved when she kissed him, couldn't get enough. And apparently neither could she—Tyki was constantly having to remind her that they were amongst company and certain things weren't...appropriate. Road thought it was hysterical, but Tyki would rather keep their love life just between them.
Speaking of Road, she came up and sat in a nearby chair, handing Eva a few pastry snacks to munch on, "You're doing so well, eva," She commented, fanning herself lightly, "Though this training is such a bother in the hot weather. Why not wait till fall?"
Tyki rolled his eyes, "Road, it's still spring."
"But it's been a hot spring," Road complained, wrinkling her nose in distaste, "It'll be downright unbearable in the summer."
"Which is exactly why we need to get this done now."
Road groaned, head falling back so she could fan her neck and chest. Eva smiled ruefully at her, reaching over and patting one of her cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Road," She said, biting her lip.
Road waved away her apology, "Not your fault buttercup. I'm gonna blame Tyki."
"But it's not my fault!" Tyki protested, frowning at his niece in displeasure.
"I need someone to blame." Road replied simply.
Tyki sighed heavily, sipping his tea again and muttering lightly under his breath. He hated to say it, but Road was right. It was getting incredibly warm out, and he was already dressed in the typical button up shirt and vest, black slacks seeming to absorb the heat. He had removed his neck tie ages ago, seemingly unconsciously. It seemed that Tyki was never pleased—hating the harsh bite of a cold winter, and the suffocating heat of summer. Only in between was he happy...and in Eva's arms.
Speaking of his lovely partner, she was taking it upon herself to play with his hair, which was sent this way and that in the wind. Tyki smiled, relaxing at the feeling of her hands running through his thick locks. That is until she slid her nails over the back of his neck, to his ears, sending a shiver through his body. She was learning all his sensitive spots, and she seemed to fancy teasing him more and more everyday.
Tyki cleared his throat, capturing her hands with his own so he could intertwine them between them, giving her a a raised brow. She responded with a smile so innocent a halo should have appeared over her head.
Road, of course, saw the whole exchange. She sipped some tea, smirking a little.
"Looks like you're sweating a bit there, dear uncle." She commented.
"I don't sweat," Tyki retorted, trying to settle Eva comfortably on his lap, "I glisten."
Eva giggled a little at his words, a sound Tyki adored above all else. Her moaning in pleasure was excluded, in a different category entirely.
She was such a small thing, yet she was completely insatiable. Tyki was trying to keep their lovemaking at a controlled, set pace, not wanting to rush her into it too fast despite how eager she had been her first time. But the past week had been utter torture—he was starting to think she was truly teasing him on purpose.
He felt like Road was to blame.
And Judging by her shit-eating grin, he was one hundred percent right. Tyki felt like he and Eva had gone from zero to sixty—their gentle kisses and hand holding changing into subtle touches meant to tease him out of his mind. He didn't mind, yet he did. He shifted at the thought, trying to settle Eva comfortably in his lap. He only had so much control, and when it came to Eva he was willing to push himself past that and further, for her sake. The least she could do was take it easy on him. Eva, oblivious to his thoughts, snuggled against him, not seeming to mind the heat of the summer day. She was sweating a little, however, so she pulled her hair into a ponytail with some spare ribbon wrapped on her wrist.
Tyki swallowed at the sight of her smooth throat, remembering biting it, licking it...
Control, stupid! Control!
His little fluff of a mate was going to turn him into a mindless slave, hopelessly obeying her will...and he was starting to like the thought.
"Hey, Wisely's finally back!" Road's cheerful voice suddenly cut into his musings, his eyes focusing on her quickly enough to see her smiling and waving at the other Noah, "Welcome back!"
Tyki and Eva turned simultaneously to see Wisely trotting down the steps of Sheryl's mansion, carrying bags and grinning at the sight of more broken windows. He was dressed lightly as well, finally back from his trip with the Earl overseas to round up a few stray akuma that were disobeying orders. The Earl had ordered for a bout of peace, however long it would last. Tyki knew the time would come when their war would resume, but until that day they would give Eva a little more calm tranquility.
"Greetings, nephew." Tyki smirked when Wisely sat down with a heavy sigh at the table, placing the bags unceremoniously on its surface, "Was America not exciting?"
Wisely rolled his eyes, pulling out pastries and souvenirs, handing them to everyone at the table, "It was much more than I can stand."
Tyki laughed, recalling back on his own trips to America, "Indeed."
Wisely let out a huff of air, taking a bite of a random dessert he had, most likely, bought on his trip. Eva and Road happily shared finger snacks and played with cute new parasols Wisely had purchased for them. They'd certainly help shield the sun's harsh rays. Tyki smirked when he himself was handed a new necktie and cufflinks. How thoughtful of his nephew to think of him in his travels.
"Wipe that smirk off your face," Wisely huffed, flopping unceremoniously into a chair and fanning himself with a fabric fan, "It's quite unbecoming."
"Am I not allowed to say thank you, dear nephew?"
"No. I don't want your thanks," Wisely rolled his eyes, tossing his uncle a droll stare, "I only got them so you wouldn't whine I got you nothing."
Tyki clutched his chest as if he had been fatally shot, " You wound me, Wiselet!" But he was laughing, and Wisely's face held the hints of a smirk, and mirth. Their words held no weight.
Eva waved her hands at Wisely, but paused. It seemed she remembered she now had a voice to get his attention instead, "WIsely, will you be going on a mission again soon?"
He shook his head in response, shielding his eyes from the sun with his arm, "Certainly not. You have more speech classes coming up, and I intend for you and Tyki to have a lovely Spring wedding—"
"Human traditions are so very tiring—" Tyki began to cut Wisely off, but the small man continued.
"—But necessary," Wisely pierced him with a glare, swatting him on the arm lightly, "What other excuse can we give the humans for Eva hanging all over you now?"
Tyki sighed, playing with the collar of his shirt as sweat trickled down the side of his neck. He had to admit, seeing Eva in a white dress seemed quite...appealing. Then a honeymoon... like a well-behaved, virgin couple? The thought made him smirk. They had probably done this in a very wrong order. Maybe he should have wed his angel before playing with her precious body? But in that moment the thought hadn't crossed his mind...though he had been focused on more important things at the time.
"Ah...You've made him zone off, Wisely," Eva's quiet, observing voice brought him back to his senses. He blinked, squirming a little and adjusting Eva on his lap again when the thoughts of that night threatened to rise again. Damn it. So many distractions.
"My apologies, dearest," He replied to her with a chaste kiss to the top of her head, "I was so enamored with thoughts of you in a pretty white dress, I seemed to lose myself."
She giggled lightly, hazel eyes absorbing the sun's warmth and making them glow like crystals, "Shall we marry then?" She turned in his lap so she faced him, touching his lower lip lightly with her thumb. The action made his breath catch, "I will do whatever makes... you happy, Tyki."
His smile in return was dazzling; he cupped her porcelain cheek and replied, "Ah, but it's my duty to keep you happy, precious Eva."
She smiled warmly, leaning into his touch and stroking his face in return. Such moments of affection like this meant the world to him, he found himself lost in them.
That was until Wisely groaned, "How can you two stand public displays of affection in such warm weather? I am perspiring just looking at you."
He rolled his eyes, tilting his head so he could spear his nephew with a short glare, "Why don't you perspire somewhere else? We're quite busy."
"No, but you look like you might be getting busy any minute now," Wisely wrinkled his nose, looking at Eva with disappointment, "Tyki may be good at shielding his thoughts, but little Eva is certainly not." He sighed, pretending to wipe away a tear, "I did not think she was capable of thoughts so... lewd."
Eva blinked, placing her hand delicately to the side of her head, "...oops."
Tyki burst into laughter, trying not to jostle Eva from his lap in the process. Road joined in with a small giggle, seeming pleased with herself since it was seemingly her who caused Eva to escalate as far as she had.
This caused Wisely to scowl, "Don't you two encourage her. You don't have to see what she's thinking, but I do. "
Eva smiled ruefully, seeming thoroughly chastised as she murmured in response, "Sorry...Wisely."
It must have been her tone, or her sparkling hazel eyes, but Wisely sighed in response. He seemed unable to hold onto his disappointment in her. Very wise of him (get it? Wise? Ha)
He folded his arms, leaning back in his chair, "how can I stay mad at you, little Evvie? I suppose I can let it slide..."
It was then Rodrik approached them again, smiling in amusement at what Tyki assumed was their banter. The man had been keeping a close eye on Eva's progress, training her to fight, helping her learn how to fly faster, better. He seemed very knowledgable in everything pertaining to her people, their species. The whole experience was good for Eva—It was helping her mature and gain confidence in herself.
He had met her father, Theory, once in his lifetime. According to him, the man had intended on joining their clan and taking up role as leader once he formally took on his mate, who he thought would be lady Keetering at the time...a mistake on his part. The man had been like Eva in many ways—quiet, kind, gentle-hearted at his core. He loved flowers, loved peace, but had been willing to set it aside and awaken his inner angel for his people.
Unfortunately, that choice was made too late.
Rodrik lightly pat Eva's head, smiling fondly, "As an angel she has a lot of urges that you humans don't quite grasp. She's still learning, and newly mated. In time she will learn to curb such urges."
Eva blushed lightly, seeming thoroughly chastised, "I...I will try."
Rodrik glanced behind her to Tyki, raising a brow, "I haven't heard a single complaint from you, however, mon amie."
Tyki smirked without shame, leaning his head against Eva's shoulder as he drawled, "She's a lovely woman, and alas, I am a weak man. Easily swayed by her unearthly beauty and eager advances. Weak as I am, I am not a foolish man enough to deny her."
Eva blushed more, Rodrik snickering lightly at the Noah's honest response.
"You are the Noah of pleasure, non?" Rodrik's grin held a bit of knowing, arms crossed over his chest, "Surely you can keep up with un ange and her appetite?"
"Surely and eagerly," Tyki flashed his pearly whites.
Rodrik laughed again, "Then I will leave such personal matters for you and the petite ange to figure out!" He shrugged his shoulders slightly, eyes holding a bit of a blue glow, "I mean, if you both are content is there really any changes needed?"
Wisely made a sound of pain before Tyki could reply, and Sheryl looked downright disgusted with the topic of choice. Road however, was practically cackling, the sound smothered by the back of her hand.
"Perhaps a bit of change," Rodrik corrected himself with a low chuckle.
"Perhaps," Tyki agreed, if only to humor Wisely. Though he knew deep down Eva was discovering a side of herself he had just recently started accepting. And at such a pace! Road had been a horrible influence on her, for sure. He was managing to pace them for now, since she was training and usually tired by the end of the day. Though she still did tease him to no end.
Sheryl shook his head, still frowning as he walked past them.
"Angels are such strange, lustful creatures," He muttered, stepping over broken glass, "Tyki finally decides to get married and suddenly we have angels smashing my beautiful windows..."
Eva seemed guilty as Tyki's brother walked away, so he lightly stroked her warmed, curly locks, "Pay him no mind, dearest. He's simply annoyed at the property damage—you know he adores you. Hell, he'll be ecstatic the day we wed."
She bit her lip, but nodded slightly, the warm wind sending those beautiful locks swaying in the wind.
Rodrik stretched his arms above his head, releasing a strangled groan as his joints popped and muscles stretched. He pulled a pocket watch from his pants, winced at the time, then turned to Tyki.
"As much as I'd love to stay and play, I must depart my friend. Things to do today, though I will be back for more training in the coming days," He leaned down to kiss Eva's cheek, then Tyki's, "Au revoir, young ones."
He disapeared away through an opened portal, leaving no trace behind. Eva yawned, stretched, and placed her arms around Tyki's neck, looking at him from under lashes.
Uh oh. Tyki recognized that look...
So...TykiWIfe here. I apologize for how short this chapter is, but I feel like you all deserve an explanation for why it's so short and...lackluster. And an explanation as to where I have been. It must have been a year already that this fanfiction sat neglected and unfinished.
I've literally been trying to write this chapter for like...a year. I started this over a year ago, when things weren't this bad, and my friend and I started our website and...things became awful. I've been sick for a really long time now, and it's making it very hard for me to write. I get dizzy, exhausted, and in turn from being sick this long I've been depressed? I didn't have insurance for a long time, and doctor havent been taking me seriously or helping me. I had to quit my job, I'm currently living in a horrible environment with two older brothers who just don't care about my well being. And I've gotten worse, more sick, more tired. Plus I now hve no income because I've been to sick to work. After the mental beatings from my family coupled with how sick and stressed I already was...this fanfic faded away, and it's been hard to get that motivation back. I am tired. I am sick. And I'm trying so hard to get by.
So it's with some regret that I have to put this on hiatus. I'm sorry, I didn't give any word for a long time and I know I'm a shitty person for that guys at least deserve to know. DGrayMan has always been my favorite show and manga, but god I'm so desperate to write my actual book that its hard to focus on fanfiction. And even then...I'm barely able to do that. I refuse to stop writing, I do small drabbles on tumblr occasionally but even pushing myself to do that has been hard. Know that im trying my best, I really am. I promise someday I will come back to this, I will finish this story. I promise.
If any of you want to support me in any way, I have a under the email (tykiwife at gmail...sorry fanfiction wont let me keep the link ) and I have a patr(e)on (its dot com slash TykiWife)
Thank you guys for supporting this story for as long as you have, I've made such wonderful friends through Louder Than Words. I hope I can continue to do so.
Love you guys,