Kitsu: -_-' Get over it. You've got Familiar Stranger to post after this.

Ikuto: Is that another Amuto story?

Lena: Yup! :D

Amu: And what's the plot?

Lena: Not telling! Go read it! ^^

Ikuto: As long as its Amuto...

Lena: Haha! I just remembered! Number 10 is so awesome! :D

Kitsu: *Snicker* Best one out of all.

Amu: What is it?

Kitsu/Lena/Ikuto: Not telling... *smirk*


Kitsu: *Snicker*

Lena: HAHA! You'll find out! XD Anyways, disclaimer please...

Kistu: Lena-baka does not own Shugo Chara or any of its characters.

Amu: If she did...

Ikuto: Shugo Chara's plot would've changed a long time ago.

░▒▓▒░10 Things to Do░▒▓▒░


"For making me jealous," he said simply. "You get a punishment."

Amu's wrists were back to being held together above her head. She couldn't turn her head since Ikuto's other hand was holding her chin and forcing her to look at him. It was these embarrassing moments when Amu didn't want to look at him, but he seemed to know that and made her look at him even more.

Her uncontrollable blush felt like it was going to melt her cheeks. Ikuto was smirking. It was always like that. His smirk was almost like a switch to turn on her blush.

"W-What i-is it?" She had to ask, even if her words were stumbling pass her lips. "Ikuto I…" Amu tried to turn away but his grip on her chin grew firmer.

"Hmm…let me think…" He pretended to ponder at the question, looking away for a split second. "Ah! I get to change something on your list."

"M-My list?" Change her list? It couldn't be… Amu's cheeks definitely melted then when that answer suddenly popped into her head. She avoided his gaze.

Ikuto brushed a hand across one of her burning cheeks.

"My, my Amu. Your cheeks are melting. What is it that you think I'm going to ask for?" His smirk told her he knew what she was thinking. "Look at me Amu. It's not that." She did look at him. Not only because of the firmness in his voice but also because his tone had completely changed from playful to serious in a matter of seconds.

"Then what—

"What did Kukai do to you?" he demanded, cutting her off. Ikuto's features suddenly turned angry and hard, his eyes narrowing to slits and his smirk disappearing into a frown. "Amu. Tell me!" he demanded once more when she didn't answer. Amu didn't want to make him angry, but she didn't want to explain either. She felt guilty just thinking about what had happened and a sickening feeling poured into her mind—her lips had been kissed by someone other than Ikuto.

"N-No. It's fine. I'd rather just forget about it," she tried.

"No, I need to know. I need to know what he did. If he…no, wait." He sighed and pulled her closer to him in an embrace, falling down on the bed beside her. "Shit. I want to know what he did, but I don't. Just…"

"He did what you're doing right now," Amu answered, then decided to add, "But it feels different. When you hug me like this…" I feel safe, and on the verge of suffocating you with a kiss.

It really did feel different. Amu could never forget how she felt when Ikuto hugged her. She felt so small and fragile in his arms. His navy locks were tangled in her pink hair and when she inhaled, Ikuto's soapy scent wafted into her nose and soaked her mind of it so she would always remember it. She would always remember him.

"And? Tell me, Amu. I already forgive you, I just want to know," he whispered into her ear. "Please."

"I-Ikuto, I…its…he…" The pinkette sighed and she felt Ikuto shiver from her warm breath on his back. "Kukai…he…"

"No…wait," he stopped her. When he pulled back from her and she saw that smirk planted on his face once again, she blushed under his intense gaze. He twirled her hair around one of his fingers and cupped her face with his other hand. "Number nine, what did Kukai do to you?"

She blinked at him. Hadn't he just said that before? She blinked again before resuming to her answer.

"Well…Kukai, he—

Ikuto placed a finger on her lips.

"No talking." His smirk grew wider as he answered her unspoken question, "Don't answer, demonstrate."

Amu, being as dense as she was, pondered his reply as she was confused to what he meant. She quickly found her answer, though, and felt the all too familiar warmth of her blush rise to her cheeks.

"What…" she trailed off, stopping herself before Ikuto could say anything about the no talking rule. He was playing a game with her, and if she broke the rules, he'd give her a punishment that would lead to an entirely different game. It wasn't like Amu didn't want to kiss those addicting lips that had touched hers so many times. She knew Ikuto was using this as an excuse for her to get all snuggly with him but she also assumed he could handle the situation better if she told him in this way.

As she stared into his eyes, she felt her lips move on their own. Dragging her head and body along with them, her lips locked with his and she dissolved into her own little fairytale, almost forgetting the reason she'd done it.

Ikuto's lips cleansed Amu's of Kukai's lips and his kiss completely erased the memory of Kukai's actions. Amu felt safe and relaxed in Ikuto's arms. So safe and relaxed that she almost forgot what had happened just hours before…

░▒▓▒░10 Things to Do░▒▓▒░

The staring contest between Amu and the black fabric never faltered. Amu stared at the outfit in horror she was going to wear, and the fabric stared back blankly. There was a loud rapping against the bathroom door that made Amu blink, signaling the end of the game. The dress had won—she had to wear it.

"Amu! Hurry up or I'll open the door!" Ikuto shouted from the other side.

"No! I told you that I won't put it on if you're in here staring at my half naked body!" she yelled back, the metal image of the said situation making her cheeks flush. Amu knew Ikuto couldn't see her, and she couldn't see him, but she was sure he'd smirked then.

"I won't come in, just please hurry up Amu-koi!" he whined in a childlike voice. "I wanna see you in that costume! Hurry up and put it on!"

As if on cue, the French Maid costume dropped from where she'd hung it and landed right in front of her on the bathroom counter. It was gesturing for Amu to quickly put it on.

"I-I'm putting it on! J-Just wait!" she called back, resuming to staring at the cosplay costume.

After many minutes of encouraging herself that she could do it and Ikuto calling at her to hurry up, she finally gave in, took a deep breath, and lifted her shirt above her head. It was such a small movement, but she was stiff and nervous so it felt like it had taken all her energy. So, in only her bra and jeans, she stared at herself in the bathroom mirror, continuing to encourage herself.

Ikuto chose that moment to barge in and open the door. Amu wished there was a lock on the door, but it was too late since he'd already entered. She let out a yelp of surprise as she scrambled to grab her shirt to cover her chest. Ikuto was still watching her every move, showing no shame on staring at her body.

"I-Ikuto? What are you looking at?" she practically yelled after she'd finally covered her chest with her shirt and noticed his intense stare. Her cheeks were back to that shade of pink again, but Ikuto was…blushing?

"Oh, uh, I-I'll just…" Stuttering? "Hurry up, okay? I-I thought you'd be done by now." He backed out of the room with a tint of pink on his cheeks. It was so faint that Amu could hardly see it, but it was definitely there.

There weren't any more break-ins from Ikuto and Amu finally managed to get the costume on after a while of encouraging and deep breaths. She had been standing in front of the door in case Ikuto would barge in again, so she couldn't see the mirror. Thank goodness. Amu didn't want to see what she looked like. But she'd rather have her own eyes see it than Ikuto. Too bad it was about to be seen by both people.

░▒▓▒░10 Things to Do░▒▓▒░

What was wrong with him? He'd seen Amu in her bra before, why had his cheeks felt so warm when he saw it this time?

Ikuto buried his head in his hands as he stood in front of the bathroom, waiting for Amu to hurry up and change. She'd been procrastinating for about fifteen minutes after he walked in. Was she too embarrassed to see him? He thought of knocking again but his knuckles already hurt from so much knocking. Deciding she wouldn't be done anytime soon, he made his way to their bed. Sleeping. That was a good idea.

So he did exactly that. Ikuto flopped down on his bed, closed his eyes, and let himself slip into the dream world.

"I-Ikuto…" Amu's face was right in front of his. She was so close to him, so close that her sakura coloured hair tickled his forehead. "I-Ikuto…" She just kept repeating his name. When Ikuto tried to reply, his words seemed to be swallowed by the air before him. No one could hear him.

"Hey Amu! Come over here!" a familiar voice called out. Kukai. That goddamned Kukai.

"Hmm? What is it?" Amu looked up, her voice cheerful. Too cheerful. "Oh!" Her eyes brightened. "Kukai! I'm coming!" She giggled as she ran and jumped into his arms. He caught her and spun her around, laughing along with her.

What the hell?

"Kukai! Ikuto's not answering me! Why not?" Amu's voice had turned cute and childlike. "He's not saying anything! What happened?" She added a pout. "Do you think he hates me? He's always doing perverted things…I don't know if he actually likes me or not…"

No Amu! It's not like that! Ikuto tried to scream, but of course, no words came out of his mouth.

"Don't bother with him. I'm right here—you don't need him." He grinned and kissed her cheek. "Do you wanna go get some ice cream?"

"Ohhh! I want chocolate!" She giggled again as he carried her, bridal-style, away until Ikuto couldn't see them anymore. But Kukai's words were still set on repeat in his mind.

You don't need him…you don't need him…

Ikuto tried to call for her, but his vocal chords weren't working. He couldn't speak, he couldn't move, the only thing he could do was see. Torture. It was torture seeing his Amu being taken away by a friend. He felt betrayed.

Before Ikuto could try to yell her name again, Amu's voice called out for the second time.

"Nagi? Can you teach me how to dance?"

"Of course," Nagihiko replied. "I'd love to have a dance partner. Especially you Amu-chan."

The purple haired boy took Amu's hand, twirled her around and dipped her, his face getting dangerously close to hers. He led her through some more dance steps before spinning her again and bringing her into his arms so her back was against his torso. They returned each other's smiles as they breathed heavily and they soon disappeared just like the others, leaving Ikuto behind washed with misery.

I have to be dreaming. This isn't real…Amu!

The dream was like a mosquito, sucking away all his happiness while leaving him to tend the big bubble of despair it had left. Everything stung.

"Joker, I have become a man worthy of you now," another voice spoke. Ikuto was sure he recognized it. "Do you accept me as your lover?" Kairi.

Amu appeared, blushing uncontrollably. She looked like she wanted to say something, but it wouldn't get pass her lips.

"K-Kairi, I've accepted you ever since the time you confessed!" the pinkette blurted out, her blush rising tenfold. "And c-call me Amu. I'm not the Joker anymore. That's over now."

It was horrifying, watching the girl he loved confess to all his friends. He wanted to scream. Just jump up and scream in misery. If he could, he'd rip all of them into shreds and take Amu back. She didn't belong with them. She only belonged to one person, and it was him—Tsukiyomi Ikuto.

"Amu." Kairi pulled her into an embrace. "I will forever remember you as Joker. Our best memories were the time when you were Joker. We met when you were Joker, I confessed when you were Joker." He entwined his fingers in hers. "When we make new memories, I will remember that Joker is what made those memories possible."

"K-Kairi…I…" Amu was at a loss for words.

Ikuto wanted to bury his heads in his hands. He was the only one who could make Amu feel that way, he was the only one who could make her blush like that. Kairi was taking her away from him. Everyone was taking her away from him.

"Tadase-kun!" a singsong voice called from the distance. It was Amu—again. "My prince!" The two appeared before him, embracing each other. Tadase was blushing as she clutched him tightly. The sight made Ikuto want to gag.


"Amu. Call me Amu!" she whined. "No need to be formal! I like you, you like me, we don't need to be formal!"

Her words made the kiddy king blush more but he complied and stared into her eyes again, smiling an innocent smile as his feminine voice rang out.

"Amu, do you love me?"

She immediately nodded vigorously, her pink locks swaying and flying with each nod.

"I love you Tadase!" she declared and moved up those few inches to kiss him. The couple then disappeared, becoming one with the blue sky behind them.

"Amu!" His vocal cords had finally sprung into action. "Amu!" And he was sure he was going to ruin them now. Ikuto yelled her name over and over again. "Don't go!" The bluenette had never cried before, yet he felt like he was going to now. His throat felt tight and his vision was starting to blur.



"Ikuto! Get up!" It was Utau. "Get up! Stop!" The blonde was hugging him tightly, almost cutting off his airway. "I'm here…its okay…" she tried to soothe him, but Ikuto was still yelling.

"Don't go! Amu!"

░▒▓▒░10 Things to Do░▒▓▒░

Ikuto wasn't waking up. He had been calling her name over and over for 10 minutes. Amu had tried shaking him, she'd tried hugging him, but he wouldn't wake up. He couldn't hear her when she tried to soothe him…what was there to do?

"Amu!" Ikuto yelled again. He sounded like he was being tortured, yet there was nothing she could do.

"Ikuto! Its okay, I'm here! Everything's fine…" she tried, whispering into his ear. It wasn't working.

Amu buried her head in his chest in frustration, his yelling making his chest vibrate. She could hear his heart beating at a rapid speed. What was he dreaming about? What had happened to her to make him act like this? What could she do?

"Ikuto! Wake up!" she yelled into his chest. No response and the pinkette groaned.

Because of her squirming around while burying her face deeper into his chest, a button of Ikuto's shirt had come undone. It seemed like Amu had stared at that button for hours as a naughty thought crept into her mind, making her blush crazily. She tried to resist it but, even if her conscience was telling her not to do it, something in her mind was screaming at her to comply with that naughty thought. Amu's hands moved on their own as she unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on his shirt, revealing his muscular chest. Her hands were on it in moments, tracing random patterns across his burning skin. His muscles seemed to relax at her touch and his shouts soon faded to soft whispers.

"Amu…Amu…" he called. "Don't go…stay…"

"Ikuto," she replied. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." The pinkette smiled down at him, her fingers still tracing weird patterns and lines on his chest. She tried shaking him again, and Ikuto stirred, mumbling her name once more.

"Amu!" he gasped as his eyes suddenly opened. Confusion filled his gaze as he stared at her, but that confusion soon turned to relief.

"Are you okay, Ikuto?" she asked.

"Yeah…" He blinked and rubbed his eyes.

Amu gasped and quickly pulled her hands away from his chest when his gaze went to his unbuttoned shirt. Her cheeks were flushed as he stared back at her, the edges of his mouth tugging outwards into a smirk.

"Since when did you get so perverted, Amu?"

"I-I d-didn't d-do th-that!" she stammered. "I-I-I j-just…" Amu looked down, avoiding his gaze. When she finally had the courage to look back up, Ikuto had a look of guilt in his eyes.

He reached out to touch the hem of her cosplay outfit. "I'm glad you finally got that on. You look beautiful."

Amu's eyes widened at the compliment.

"Th-Thanks, I guess…B-But it's not like I wanted to wear it! It was you! I thought you said you were changing the list, not adding to it!" she accused, though it was intended to be playful. She hadn't expected his answer.

"Sorry, you can take it off if you want. I don't want to force you." He took her hand in his. "Go take it off." Ikuto turned her hand around and kissed her palm. He sighed. "I've done horrible things to you, haven't I? I'm sorry, Amu. Forgive me."

"W-Wait, what? Ikuto?" What was he saying? What had his dream been about? "I-I guess I can take it off. But for your information, I'm not changing in front of you!" Amu knew that saying that would lead him into asking for it even more, but that was the reason why she said it.

"I didn't say that you were. You can go change in the bathroom." Expressionless. That was the word that described his tone.

"Okay…fine." She turned around to leave. "Can you come with me?"

"Sure." When he walked closer to her, he hesitated. Amu was the confident one this time and grabbed his arm, leading him to the bathroom. When they got there, she pushed him inside. "Ikuto, go take a shower. Or at least wash your face. That dream did something to you and I want it to stop!"

"No, I'm fine," he dismissed her suggestion.

"No, go," she stated firmly, pulling him closer and looking at him straight in the eye. He started to lean down and she knew he was going to kiss her, but he hesitated, stopped, and moved away, muttering something as he walked in the bathroom.

"Ikuto? What happened in that dream? Why are you acting like this?" Amu asked, grabbing his shirt sleeve.

"Are you sure you love me? What about Nagihiko? Or Kukai? Or even Tadase?" he responded with another question, and Amu was taken aback.

"What do you mean? Of course I love you!" Amu couldn't help it, but her voice was rising. "Isn't it clear that I love you? After all those things I did? Ikuto, why can't you figure that out? I even said it to you before!" She was taking out all her frustration on him. It wasn't right, but she didn't know what to do. "Ikuto, what the hell happened in that dream?"

She knew he was surprised at the anger in her voice, and she thought she saw hurt in his eyes. She immediately felt guilty.

"I don't know you. Where did the old Ikuto go? I want the old Ikuto back. The one who always teased me and did whatever he pleased with me. The one who understood my feelings even if he didn't make it completely obvious," she said gently, trying to get rid of her anger. "Ikuto, stop this. I don't want it."

"You sure?" he whispered. When she nodded, he sighed. "It was a nightmare. Horrible. Torture. Amu, promise not to leave my side?"

"I wouldn't, Ikuto," she assured, then lifted onto her tiptoes and kissed him softly on the lips.

░▒▓▒░10 Things to Do░▒▓▒░

"Oh no! What about number 10? I don't have time!" Amu paced back and forth across the sidewalk, her list in hand. "Ikuto? What do I do? We're leaving now!"

He chuckled.

"I'm sure you'll be able to complete it on the car, Amu," Ikuto assured as he placed their bags in the backseat of his car.


"Yes. Now get in, we're leaving," he told her as he held the car door open like the gentleman he was. Amu giggled as she thanked him, stepping into the vehicle. "You got your seatbelt on?" She nodded and he stepped on the accelerator, the resort slowly shrinking until it was just a small dot in the distance.

"Okay, so number 10 is…" she announced after a few more turns on the the road and more trees whizzing pass them. Amu unfolded the slip of paper.

1. Wear the clothes that I prepared for you. They're in the closet.

2. You gotta show a lot of PDA towards me outside.

3. Give me the privilege of kissing you until you're done with the list and the privilege of not needing to respect your privacy.

4. Play 7 Minutes in Heaven with me (and everyone else). You're my partner.

5. Kiss me. If I'm drunk when you read this, you have to do what I ask for until I'm sober.

6. Amusement park date. You have to go in the haunted house. I know you like it.

7. We're going to the beach. Make sure to pick out a really sexy bikini!

8. Feed me, but not with any utensils or hands. What can you use? Figure it out. :)

9. French maid costume is prepared for you. Wear it. You're my maid now.

Amu's eyes skimmed over the first nine things on the list. She found it surprising that she'd gotten everything done in 3 days. Trying not to recall the memories was hard since her cheeks had heated after reading the first one. She tried to take her mind off the first nine things and focused on the last one. Now was the time…the last thing on her list:

10. Sign your name on this slip of paper. If you read this number before you've done number 1, you don't need to do the first nine things. Try not to scream after you read this. :)

Again, Ikuto knew everything. Amu wanted to scream and rant about number ten all day. Instead, she slowly turned to Ikuto.

"Are you saying that if I went over the list before I did it, I wouldn't have had to do all those things?" she asked, irritated. "And all I needed to do was sign my name?"

"Naïve." Was all he said and he smirked. That smirk turned into a chuckle, and that turned into a laugh. "Didn't anyone ever tell you to go over things when they're handed to you?" Ikuto was laughing so hard, he had to park the car by a restaurant in order to ensure their safety.

All the while, Amu was sitting in her seat, blushing and seething at the same time.


░▒▓▒░10 Things to Do░▒▓▒░

Amu gripped the handle to Ikuto's door. They were finally back home, and after ranting for the entire ride, Amu was out of breath and wanted to flop down on Ikuto's bed. Home. That was what Ikuto's house was to her. Home. His house was so comfortable, and nice. No little sisters to worry about and no overprotective fathers. There was one person living in the house, and it was the person she needed most.

If only I could stay for a few more days…

"Are you sure you don't hate me for doing that?" Amu knew he was referring to number ten on his list. She was angry, but not at him. Amu was angry at herself for not going over the list in the first place. Though, she'd realized, if she hadn't done all those nine things, it wouldn't have been fun anymore. No matter how embarrassing any of those things were, she knew she'd had a good time. And now she knew Ikuto truly loved her, and he knew she loved him.

"Of course I don't hate you," she replied.

"Are you sure you wouldn't prefer Nagihiko, or Kukai? Or even Tadase?"

She turned around and smiled up at him, pulling him closer.

"I only want you," she whispered. "Besides, Nagihiko's got Rima, and Kukai's got Utau. They're taken."

"What about the kiddy king?"

"You mean Tadase?" Her smile widened as laughter bubbled up her throat. It wasn't her true opinion on her former crush, but it was still funny. "Well…I'm not lesbian."

Lena: Hahaha! XD Awesome ending!

Ikuto: Amu finally agrees on my opinion on the Kiddy King.

Kitsu: Don't you mean Kiddy Queen?

Ikuto: Kitsu! That's a good name. I'll call him that from now on.

Amu: Guys, don't be so hard on- WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE NUMBER 10 THAT?

Ikuto: Naïve. *smirk*

Lena: Naïve... *smirk*

Kitsu: *Snickers*

Lena: Kitsu! If you would...

Kitsu: Please R&R!

Lena: Oh, and go check out my poll on my profile! You can vote which story you want posted next! :D

Ikuto: Go vote for something with a lot of Amuto!

Amu: Try not to make it too fluffy...

Kitsu: Like that's possible... T_T

Lena: Bye bye 10 Things to Do! We're moving on now! Thank you to everyone who waited for each chapter, even when it took weeks to upload! :D Hope you read more stories by me! ^_~


I realized that I haven't put whether Utau forgives Kukai or not...GOMENASAI! But...I was focusing on Amuto so... again, GOMENASAI! DX Let's just say Utau tries to kill him again and then they make up...? ^^