Sorry it's not the best, but I hope you like it anyway. I'll try to update as much as I can but I've also got other stories I need to complete haha.

Arthur looked at the letter the messenger had given him. Merlin came in. "Morning, sire," he greeted. The king looked up at him. "Where have you been?" He asked.
"Collecting herbs," Merlin replied simply.
"Right, well, get them to double the guards. Spread the word that Princess Ella of Metin may have been captured and brought to Camelot. We need her found."
"I thought Metin wasn't an ally of Camelot."
"That was my father's fault. He broke the alliance when he found out the kingdom of Metin accepts magic. They have twice as many guards and soldiers as we do, but they never attacked. They're known to be a peaceful people. Maybe once we find the princess, we can rebuild the alliance, now hurry up!"
"Yes sire," Merlin replied and hurried out.


A girl came into the citadel. Her hair was in muddy, faded orange streaks, and her face was covered with dirt and specks of blood. Her dress was faded in colour and had small rips in it. She almost stumbled with weakness. Some guards passed, and she watched them before they disappeared, then smiled. She wasn't noticed here. She came to a stall that sold bread, picked one up and gave the woman a small coin for it. "Thank you," the owner said as the girl passed her the coin. The woman frowned as she inspected the coin. "I've seen one of these before," she said, "From Metin apparently...Where did you get this?" The girl didn't reply, only searched for answers, and her voice. "Guards!" The woman shouted. The girl took off as fast as she could, easily weaving through the crowd of people, but soon she could hear them coming, and heard the alarm bell ring.

A guard burst into the king's chambers. "What the hell is going on?" Arthur asked impatiently.
"Sire, we may have found the princess," he answered.
Arthur looked at Merlin, who was collecting laundry, then turned back to the guard, "Come on."
Merlin dropped the basket, and followed the king and the guard out of the king's chambers.

The girl ran as fast as she could out of the gates of the citadel, looking behind her as she raced to the trees. She had only entered the city as she passed by it to get some food. She hid by a large tree as she caught her breath. The running and lack of food had worn her out. Soon, she could hear the guards approaching. She started running again. She had to keep running. She couldn't go into the city of Camelot, that was the most dangerous place. Well, second most dangerous place now. She had to stop as she heard galloping coming from in front of her. Before she knew it, she was surrounded by guards, as far as she could see. She tried finding a way out, but she couldn't see any. I was only passing by, she thought, I must get out of Camelot. She saw the guardsmen just...standing there. She turned around, and looked at Arthur and Merlin, who approached her. "No," she whispered, and stumbled as she tried to get away. Merlin caught her as she tripped over her own feet. "What's wrong with her?" Arthur asked as he watched Merlin get out his water. "She's exhausted and by the looks of it, dehydrated and hasn't been eating well. I think she's been running," Merlin replied as he helped the girl. "I'll bring her to Gaius. You should find some suitable clothes for her," Arthur ordered as he came by Merlin. "Why do I have to find clothes for her?" Merlin wondered. "Because that is your job, to do as I tell you, so do it," Arthur reasoned sternly. Merlin sighed and rolled his eyes. He was always irritating, but especially more so if he had to do something for the king.