Sammy coughed violently. He was propped up in his bed, his joints aching and his body racked with tiredness. He hadn't been able to sleep for a while and when he had slept it was tough as he constantly had the chills and sweats. It was seriously raring on him.

"Okay Sam?" Dean asked coming into the room and leaning against the bedpost.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You kept me up most of last night"

"Oh sorry"

"It's fine, so?"

"Just can't sleep"

"Ah" Dean nodded, bent down and tied up his shoelace. "Well I'm going for a jog. Dad will probably be back before me"

"Okay" Sam watched Dean leave, waiting till he heard the door bang shut and got up off his bed to make his way to the kitchen. His legs started to crumble when he reached his door and he quickly grabbed the wall, using that to hold himself up.

He thanked the lord he was tall enough to reach the medicine cupboard and took the painkillers out, popping two in his mouth and then put the pills back.

He started to choke then, the pills getting stuck in his throat and he ran for the sink his muscles yelling in the protest. He plucked a cup off the draining board, filled it with water and chucked it back.

The pills slipped down his throat easy then, his throat was still a bit sore so he chucked back more water.

He found himself to the sofa and collapsed on to it then turned the TV on. But he didn't watch it as he had feel asleep.

"Sam wake up" His body was jostled. Sam groggily looked up to see his father, brother and Uncle Bobby there.

"Uh what?" Sam sat up slowly.

"Having a nap are we Sammy?" Dean grinned.


"Well get up boy" John said roughly. "We have to get going"

"What? We leaving already? We've been here one week!"

"Son we're not leaving. We have a lead, you're helping"

"I don't want to"

"What do you mean you don't want to?" John growled.

"Dad I'm just really tired"


"It's true dad" Dean spoke up. "He barely slept last night"

"Stop being lazy and get off your ass Sam"

Sam saw it pointless to argue with his father any longer about it, he choose not to tell anybody that he was ill therefore he could suffer a hunt and face the consequences.

He climbed into the back of the impala followed by Dean as the men sat in the front.

He knew he shouldn't have done it, just told his father no, just told him the truth! But he was Sam Winchester and he was an idiot.

"Hey wait up Sam!"

He stopped where he was, waiting for the other boy to catch up to him.

"God you look awful"

For once Sam didn't roll his eyes at his dramatic gay friend Tyson because for once he was dead on right.

"It's just a fever"

"Shouldn't you be home in bed then?"

"With my dad?"

"Ah" Tyson put his arm around Sam's shoulders. "I'll look after you, love"

"Thanks Ty" Sam smiled at his friend as Tyson led them into the school.

Despite Sam only having stayed here for a week he had made quick friends with Tyson Davison and his friends.

Tyson had welcomed Sam into the school the moment he met him. Tyson was late for class and Sam was lost surprisingly they stumbled across one another.

"Whoa! Hey kid"

Sam looked up seeing the guy in front of him, he had on grey jeans and a red checkered t-shirt with cowboy style boots. He was a red-head with a tanned face so Sam assumed the hair was dyed. He was slightly shorter than Sam.

"I'm lost" Sam admitted.

"That's okay, who do you have?"

"Mr. Bennett, room 109"

"That's me" Tyson grinned. "I'm late"

"Oh yeah?"

Tyson giggled. "I didn't get up to anything Sam"

Sam's head shot upwards, a shocked expression on his face. "I didn't mean it like that"

"It's okay Sam" Tyson grinned again, grabbed Sam's hand and took him to class.

He showed Sam to his classes all day and by the end of it Sam had got the hang of it.

At lunch he showed Sam to his friends who all took him upon board.

Tyson was gay but what made him him was his campiness, his humour and his kindness. He called everybody, even strangers 'love' and was the most dramatic person Sam had met.

The two of them walked into the school now and their first lesson, Mr. Bennett which was maths.

Tyson set Sam down on his seat before going to his own. Sam's head had felt woozy since the hunt but in class his head started to spin. The girl tapping her pen behind him became louder, his teachers droning voice faded off into the background, someone coughed and then…

Sam clutched the table edge in front of him as he felt like falling off the chair. He looked up and around but no one had noticed.

"Okay?" Anna asked when his gaze landed on her whom had a concerned expression on her face. Anna was one of Tyson's friends, tall, lithe and a red-head who on seeing his brother Dean fancied him from the off-chance.

"Fine" He muttered to her and then his world went black.

Anna ran for Sam, Tyson straight behind her reaching down to him.

"I feel a pulse" Tyson cried feeling Sam's wrist. He pulled Sam's head onto his lap. "Come on Sam wake up"

"I've called the hospital" Kacey stood, arms wrapped around herself, staring shocked down at Sam as Anna fended off the class who were all standing around Sam.

"Call his brother too" Tyson told Kacey.


"Because he needs his brother call him" Tyson almost screamed at her.

"What's his number?"

Tyson digged around in Sam's pockets and chucked the phone at her who then shakily dialled the number.

The ambulance came first in five minutes due to it not being far from the high school. As they were coming up to the classroom Sam woke up sitting straight up as he did, but his body had had enough of working and his vision went black once again.

A/N: Thanks for reading this. I had the idea in my mind and I don't think no one has written about it, I looked but couldn't find any.