Brilliant escape time. Think Apollo, think.

Me and my campers have been captured by hunters. Hmmmm... not something I haven't experienced before, but still tricky.

Aha! My brilliant mind has come through at last! It is so simple, I don't know why I haven't thought of it before!

1. Recite my amazing haiku so everyone is left stunned and amazed

2. Use my godly strength to break through the grasp of my captors, who will have been weakened by step 1

3. Hope my Awesomeness club members are smart enough to do the same

4. If step 3 fails, help free them

5. Run away while singing until we finally reach safety

Brilliant isn't it? Commence step one.

I hold my hands up dramatically and clear my throat.

Oh no! They caught us!
Artemis thinks she has won
But we will escape

The grip on my arms loosens, but the reaction of the audience is once again quite unexpected; They wail and cover their ears, which, though quite insulting, gives me the chance to help my Awesomeites. (Like the name? I just invented it!) Yeah, step 3 failed, but no worries! I am just helping the last camper escape when I suddenly recognize his captor.

I stare in horror. But... how could this be? My own daughter, one of Arty's hunters? I look around, there are lots more. Are there even any left at camp? I turn to my no-so-dear younger sister and glare at her. In response, she smirks.

"That's right, brother. Every single one of your daughters has joined the hunt. And guess what else we stole?"

I gasp. "You stole my mirrors?" Oh no, I haven't been home recently but that is certainly something Arty would do.

Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Of course not, I just drew mustaches on them. I stole your car."

She what? How dare she! Forgetting my brilliant escape plan for the moment, I lunge at her, but she simply disappears and reappears a few feet away. I open my mouth, prepared to scream terrible things at her, but instead recite a haiku, as I know that nothing annoys her more.

I am the eldest
The Awesomeness shall prevail
Apollo is hot

Random, I know, but effective. She winces, and I take advantage of the situation to run away and yell for the awesomeites to follow me. Unfortunately, Arty bounces back quickly and manages to grab me, while her girlies grab my club members.

Okay, every man for himself now.

I fight to free myself, but 12 year old girls are surprisingly strong. Step 5 suddenly changes to run away while screaming like little girls, which is quite ironic considering who our captors are. Not that we get the chance to actually, you know, run away.

Arty finally manages to pin me down and, I admit, I beg for her to let me go.

"Fine" She says, "But on one condition."

"Anything," I say, almost against my will. It is true though; This dirt is ruining my clothes and I think I broke a nail!

She smirks. "You really are no brother of mine. You must swear on the river styx to never try to be better than me ever again"

"Fine" I grumble, "I swear on the river styx to never again try to prove how much better I am than Artemis because I already am and everyone knows it.. Now let me go!"

She scowls at my addition at the end, but seems satisfied. "Fine then, you may leave. I suppose you will be cancelling your club?"

"Nope! That was never part of the deal. That was only about the future. Now, if you don't mind, I would like my car back please."

At this, Arty is outraged. "Never! that was not part of the deal ether! If you keep your camp, I keep your car!"

I shrug. That car was always meant to belong to me, and especially with my crazy oracle powers I will be able to find it just fine. I call to my awesomeites to come join me and we walk away in search of my wonderful red-hot maserati.

My escape plan was successful.


A/N: So yeah, I was a bit stuck and needed to finish it somehow. Thank you so much to everyone who Reviewed/Followed/Favorited, you guys are awesome! hehe, I think writing this story has made me use that word a lot more often than I should.

Anyways, I'm working on a Hunger Games/PJO crossover, and plenty of other stories, (I have too many ideas! I start one story then suddenly think of another and I can't get it out of my head!) So please check them out and Review!

Stay tuned for more stories by equestrian-bookworm-13!