The light was so bright it hurt my eyes. I blinked several times, attempting to adjust. Jesus, how long had I been out? Before I could even begin to panic he was there, his warm hands holding mine. My eyes found his and I smiled, that was until I saw the dark circles under his eyes and the worry lines on his forehead. He let out a sigh or a choked sob, I couldn't tell, and rubbed his thumb along the back of my hand. I hated feeling weak but most of all I hated seeing how much Tobias hurt whenever my body failed me. My eyes brimmed with tears and I tenderly tugged his arm. He looked up inquisitive.

"Lie with me" I croaked, not very seductively.

He let out a laugh through the tears but he did as he was told. Somehow we managed to fit on the single bed, I'm not sure how long we stayed like that but I didn't want to ruin this moment; his strong arms holding me, keeping me from falling apart.

"Stop sniffing my hair" I breathed.

He chuckled softly.

"I've missed you Tris, I've been so god damn worried about you and now you're awake and cracking jokes like nothings even happened"

I sighed but I didn't let the smile fall from my face.

"Am I okay Tobias?"

"You're more than okay but that's besides the poin-"

"That's all I need to know for now" I interjected, pulling his arm closer around me, allowing myself to feel hopeful for the first time in a very long time.

A/N Well I guess it's been a good few years since I last looked at this, but honestly it warmed my heart to remember how much I loved writing this and reading all your reviews (good and bad). A lot has changed (I'm now a uni gal) but I'm still the same girl who fell in love with Tris and Tobias (before Theo James, although he was a nice addition). I don't even know if anyone still reads this but if you've stuck with this story I just want to say thank you so much. I have read and laughed and even cried at your reviews, because not only am I that soppy, but I also miss how simple life was back when I was 13/14 and not in so much debt.

Thank you for helping a young girl with bad grammar become the Creative Writing student she is today.