You're Not Helping

Summary: Ever since joining the team, Tim has always had a slight, okay major, crush on Miss Martian's adoptive little brother. Bart eventually finds out and wants to help set them up. Only if Tim can help the impulsive speedster with a certain Blue Beetle.

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice.

A/n: SOOOOOO...I haven't done writing in here in a while. Actually, it's been what a year or so? Anyways, so yes I've been re-watching Young Justice this month and it has come to my attention that I haven't written or updated any of my stories. So, for this new year gift, I will update for you guys this time. You're not helping will be ended in three chapters. Three LONG chapters, after this one. And I might make a sequel. So, enjoy chapter twenty three, and here are to answer the reviews I have gotten.

MISSxNIGHT - I love the French, all their fries and toasts...Mmmmm now I'm hungry. Thank you for your kind words, but just to let you know this story WILL be updated more and finished with. Oui, oui~

Quillcox - It's all crash, I was in one of my moods so no worries, and your wishes and everyone else's is my command ;)

Gooberkitty - I like your name xD

Alphillious - Coffee is the best thing my friend :3

Dario Argento Syndrome - You'll find out in this chapter my friend :)

Mizookie - With guys like Nightwing, who wouldn't?

arrie - Who?

Guest and Shane - Well, it shall be continued~

BumblebeeIsAwesome27 - I will continue all~

sword slasher - Well wait no further dear, because I've got it.

sirius1696 - YOU, you amazing person you ;) I thank you for reviewing hours ago and I can't believe people still reading this til this day. I thanks you, and I present this chapter :)

Bart and Eduardo groaned as they were on top of each other and trapped in some sort of dungeon. The youngest speedster then sat up as he rubbed his head and looked around with a frown upon his face.

"Oh man...we are so moded," Bart muttered under his breath as he then looked to the Argentinian.

Ed just shook his head as he then sighed, "Si ese, I've realized this," The young teleported looked around some then looked back at the red and white cladded boy, "So you were right all along, so what now?"

"I dunno," The red head bit his lower lip as he then got up. He then speeded back and forth to the cell the were in, trying to find the way out. Sadly though, he couldn't find one. He felt so helpless. He didn't think he'd ever feel this way when he first came here and thought they defeated The Light and The Reach. But then again, how would he predict that somehow the job he was supposed to do wasn't exactly finished. Because you thought you'd stay here and be with Jaime forever-gasp!

"Jaime!" Bart exclaimed as he suddenly slammed his body onto the bars in front of him, surprising Eduardo.

"Amigo! What are you doing?!" Ed then stepped in front of Bart as the speedster was going to go for another go, and suddenly the two toppled backwards and back onto the floor once more. Ed shook his head as he then glared at Bart, "Are you loco?!"

Bart felt tears stinging into his eyes as he then held back his sobs, "I-I need to get to Jaime! I need to find him!"

Eduardo suddenly raised his hand up and smacked Bart's face and shook his shoulders hard. "Ese, I know that Jaime is important to you, but we can't be irrational as of now since we're captives," The Argentinian spoke calm yet his voice held a waver of slight fear, "I know my team will come and rescue us...and we'll figure out about Blue Beetle too,"

Green eyes looked at the dark brown like ones as he then nodded sadly. "Y...You're right...I'm sorry,"

"You will be sorry meats,"

Ed and Bart looked up with gasps at the familiar voice as Bart then cried out the name that was on his mind as Ed looked ready to teleport them out, but soon everything went black.


"Another alien invasion, why is it always alien invasions?!" Arsenal shouted as he then was shooting at the flying stranger with shocking green energy lasers in hands and the green neon eyes shooting beams at the team running around like scurrying mice.

"Less talk, more action Arse," Robin shouted as he then was shooting his Birdarangs at the stranger and then gritted his teeth as it missed and the flying alien boy was soaring towards him. The young Bird boy then yelped as he was tackled to the ground and groaned as he heard Nightwing and Beastboy shout for him. Tim looked up as he glared at the stunningly emerald eyes glaring back at his masked eyes. But what came next was a shock to everyone on the team.

It made Nightwing's jaws drop.

It made Beastboy's blood boil.

It made Wondergirl and the other girls fainted a bit.

It made Arsenal snort.

It even made Zachary and Jason look surprised and slightly annoyed.

And then, Tye and Vergil ran in.

"Guys, guys, Jaime has..." Vergil looked at the scene before them and then frowned, "Seriously, what is everyone doing? And why is Robin making out with some guy," The dark skinned male waved his hands around as Tye looked more confused as ever.

Robin gasped as he moved his head away as the other male then looked calm after the kiss.

"There, now I can speak and understand you," The alien spoke clearly as he then pushed Tim down on the floor once more as soon as the third boy wonder was getting up.

"Who are you?" Nightwing got his voice back, seeing this as some dejavu thing.

"My name is Ryand'r of Tamaran, but your Earth language translate it to Wildfire," The stranger spoke as Nightwing's eyes was once more wide, and his jaws dropped.

"You're wild alright," Zachary muttered as he then coughed as everyone looked at him, "Now Wildfire, why have you come here?"

Wildfire looked at everyone as he then held a paper and everyone looked at it then gasped.

"The Earth is wanted for inhabiting the Reach under our noses?!" Beastboy shouted as everyone else looked shocked.

"That's right, and as the next in line to ruling Tamaran, and one of the Orders of the Galaxy, my home world is placing Earth under arrest!"

Kid Flash then suddenly zoomed out as Superboy looked at where his lover went and bit his lower lip in worry. Where did Wally go?

"Well, we're doomed," Arsenal grumbled with folded arms but was nudged at by Jason.

"Arrowhead, you're not helping,"

Where did Wally go indeed? And now that is the lineup to begin the three long chapters to come after New Year Hits. Stay tune, and please review~