Let me begin by telling you a bit about this story. This is AU. There's no curse, no magic, no line, and no Evil Queen. There is however, a widow, a concerned mother, love, hate, children and a little town called Storybrooke. This is the story of how two women found love even while they weren't looking.

Regina Mills was a tough woman. Loving, fair, but tough. The town expected nothing less from it's mayor. But they were glad she had someone to quell the anger they had received from her mother. The town had already gone through one Mills reign. They had all suffered greatly because of it. The town had almost gone down in ruins, Cora Mills running it into the ground while she watched from a throne like some sort of queen. The people of Storybrooke hated her. They had wanted to overthrow her from the moment she began taking action, but she was too powerful. She had everyone under her thumb and wasn't afraid to use the information she had on them.

Regina had luckily not grown up to be like her mother. Her father had shielded her from the horrible things her mother had done… Until Cora had him killed. She had wanted to corrupt her daughter, to turn her heart black as night. But Regina had love. True love. Something more powerful than her mother. Daniel.

Daniel Brooks was the local pet shop owner. He had been sweet on Regina since he first saw her in grade school. The pair had been great friends, before Regina's mother withdrew her from public school. "No child of mine will go to that place of filth!" Cora had hired the best tutors and Regina hardly saw her friends after that. Daniel never forgot Regina though. Her eyes, so big and brown. The way the sun glinted off of them when she laughed. A deep rich laugh that filled his heart with warmth. Every day without her, his heart seemed to break a little more.

When Regina graduated, she was allowed more freedom. She could breathe again. The stables were her home. The horses, hay, the outdoors… she loved every minute of it. It was there she met Daniel once again. They were both older, but their features stayed the same. Her eyes, his smile.

They dated for two and a half years before he proposed to her. Her mother was not happy of course, but she was dying. A fact only a few people knew. Cora couldn't let the citizens know for fear they'd revolt against her, take her office and her life from her.

The funeral was small. More people were there to support Regina than to grieve Cora. No tears were shed over the lost life. The people were free. Finally able to get out from under her thumb. Daniel and Regina were free to move on with their lives. To be married, do whatever they wanted.

They moved out of the city's limits, their house was quaint, yet roomy and incredibly homey. If anyone had told Regina five years earlier that she would willingly move from the mansion she had grown up in to a much smaller house, be engaged and truly happy for the first time in quite a while, she wouldn't have believed them.

Three years after they got married, Regina was elected mayor. A position she wasn't even running for. The people knew how much suffering and pain her mother had caused them, but they knew Regina was a fair woman. Dealing with her would be fair, you would receive what you deserved. Nothing more, nothing less. The people liked that about her.

Regina's first two years as mayor were uneventful. Things were smooth, citizens happy with her work, liking the results they were given. But one night changed Regina's fate forever.

Regina had exciting news to tell Daniel. For months the couple had been trying to conceive a child. There was nothing else Regina wanted but to be a mother. She had the perfect guy, the incredible job, now bringing a baby into the world was the only thing left for her to do.

It was a cold, mid-February night. Main had been freakishly cold that winter, the ice staying long past the time it was supposed to be gone. Regina cursed herself for not waiting for Daniel at her office like she had promise that night. Looking back on it, it was good she hadn't, or she would have been in the accident with him.

The lights bounced off her bedroom wall. The dark night allowing the blue and red to shine brightly as the sheriff stood outside her door. The news he brought would break Regina's heart and soul.

Daniel was dead and Regina was pregnant with his child….

Hey everyone! So this is my first attempt at SwanQueen and I promise more will be explained in the upcoming chapters and Emma will arrive next. This is unbetta'ed so all mistakes are my own. I'm looking for a betta if someone is interested...let me know...OH! And I don't own or profit from Once Upon A Time.

Leave me a review! -EvilRegal4Evr