A/N: I was asked for this... I have no other excuse.

The DVD Extra


"I know, Mum. Hand us your mobile," Jonathan requested, holding out his hand expectantly.

Wondering what he'd come up with, Donna dutifully obeyed.

"This should do it," he commented as he typed in a text message, pressed send, and gave the phone back. "Get ready for your moment of lurve. And don't worry about us; I've worked out a way to distract Jenny to give you plenty of time together."

"This had better work," Donna warned him, "otherwise I'll have your guts for garters!"

"I promise you, Mum, that it will. Although if it doesn't, I assure you I'll lock you both in a cupboard."

"How romantic. I can hardly wait," she replied sarcastically.

Jonathan kissed her on the cheek. "Honestly, Mum; it won't come to that, promise. Have fun!" he smirked, and sauntered off.

The Doctor suddenly heard the console phone go off. Surely Martha wasn't ringing him again?! He had plans he was desperate to carry out; once this piece of wiring was finished.

Pouting stroppily, he grabbed the mobile phone from its holder and peered at the display. A message? Cautiously he opened the file and found himself instantly intrigued.

"What's this about Human Sexuality? Hurry; am waiting all alone on your bed - feeling very hot. Donna xxx " it said.


He read it again just to make sure he had seen it correctly the first time. She'd found his book and she didn't mind? That implied that she might actually be receptive to his physical advances; and more than that, she was encouraging him to do so right that second. Peering around the room for possible onlookers, he eventually strode down the corridor to investigate.

Right, try again, Donna told herself as she arranged her limbs on the bed in what she hoped would be an inspiring pose. Was there even such a thing for Time Lords? Just in case there was, she tried out perky, seductive and mysterious faces in the mirror. The trouble was, she ended up grimacing at herself in scorn. Who invented all this?!

In an angry huff, she got up off the bed and yet again smoothed the dark teal chemise down over her body. Shame she didn't have any Bridget Jones knickers on to help the toned effect, she thought. Then she turned sideways as she looked back in the mirror; that was fatal! In disgust, she almost pulled the thing off and considered changing into her normal pyjamas.

As luck would have it, the Doctor lightly knocked on the door and then peeped in. "Donna, I was just…"

He stood gawping in the doorway at her; so she raised a questioning eyebrow.

"You look… amazing," he gasped out.

She looked down at herself. "What this old thing?"

He held up the mobile phone still clasped in his hand. "What's this about feeling hot?" he quietly asked.

Oh yes; she was supposed to be all temptress-like. Come on, Donna, take charge, she ordered herself. So she deliberately trailed her fingertips down from her jawline and into her cleavage as seductively as she could. "I've been needing you to deal with my hotness," she purred.

"You have?" He stepped further into the room, keeping close eye contact. "What would you like me to do?"

Ooh, it was working, she noted. "I don't know," she confessed as she continued to caress her own skin. "I've already taken off almost everything."

That forced his eyes to dip low on her body, and his thoughts to wander even lower. "Everything?" he squeaked.

She nodded. "Even this chemise feels like it is too much."

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down for some seconds. Did she know what effect she was having on him, playing with his emotions like this? Arousal flared through him as he contemplated the fact that he didn't have to rip her knickers off, as what he wanted was ready and waiting before him. "Too much," he faintly echoed as he edged nearer still, until he was almost nose to nose with her.

She nodded again; mesmerised by the sheer look of desire on his face. "Are you feeling hot as well?" Her spare hand reached out to press against his chest, and then wandered over the buttons of his jacket. "We can easily slip something off."

A groan escaped his lips before he could stop it. "That sounds like a good plan."

"It does, doesn't it," she agreed, now pushing open his jacket to begin delicately undoing the buttons on his shirt. "We'll soon have you feeling right."

"We will," he confirmed, helping her to slide off first the jacket, the tie was slowly drawn off, and then his shirt; fumbling with the cuffs and then letting the items fall to the ground unnoticed.

Having achieved a bare chest, Donna allowed herself a moment to explore the delights of his finely-toned muscles and dusting of dark hair that made him appear more manly and less of a swizzle stick. "You have a lovely chest," she remarked.

"So… so do you," he stammered, keeping his hands chastely on her back. This was despite him wanting to do his own type of chest exploration as he smoothed his hands over the silken material of her chemise, feeling and mapping every contour. The thought that she was completely naked underneath it all rampaged through his senses. If he could manoeuvre his hands a little bit lower he'd be able to cup her…

"Theta," she whispered; and he felt his hearts try to burst out of his chest.

Ugh! What was she doing to him? He was supposed to be a noble Time Lord; not a slave to his libido. And certainly not one who had to take possession of a woman, at any cost.

The effect was instant; he crushed his lips down onto her mouth, moving over her lips in dainty sweeps.

Then her hands moved downwards, distracting him, until her fingers tackled the fastenings on his trousers. 'Take them off! Take them off!' he silently pleaded.

As cooler air hit the bare skin of his upper thighs, he pressed more firmly against her body; determined to enjoy every second of this wonder. Until the need to kick off his Converses and trousers occurred, of course. Then he jiggled about to rid himself of their confining restrictions; along with his socks.

Who'd have thought she'd get her own dancing Time Lord? Dismissing the need to giggle, Donna wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body more tightly up against his; allowing the sensation of her covered breasts to rub deliciously on his bare chest.

This was what he had been hoping and waiting for; urging him to deepen their kiss so that they could passionately plunder with their tongues, sucking and encouraging. And with it came tendrils of feelings as they reached out mentally to one another.

"Donna!" he groaned.

"Theta!" she similarly answered.

He wanted her now; he wanted her so much. And he could feel that she equally wanted him. Reaching down, he pushed forward with his body and lifted the hem of the chemise. He met skin and more enticing skin. Another feral groan passed his lips.

A slight shimmy sent the last of his clothing to the floor, leaving him completely naked before her.

"May I?" he queried, and pulled upwards with the hem of her chemise, sending the garment to join with his own abandoned clothing. "Oh Donna," he gasped as she was revealed to him for the first time.

Any hesitation she had was quickly dismissed as he clasped her to him, bringing her flush with his body as he returned to their kiss.

As lips glided across each other's, their breath mingled in their eagerness to taste, adore, and devour. He couldn't stop there, could wait like he had previously done, instead he had to see what she was willing to offer him. So he pressed deeper, smoothing his tongue beyond her lips to explore the confines within; and she greeted him like a long lost lover. He fully intended to become the lover she deserved; her lover. And she would become his soul mate.

This was more than her expectations had been; this was hot, passionate, tender and fantastic! She adored this; she adored him. Jonathan had been right about sex with a Time Lord being the ultimate experience; and they had hardly started. She was aware of every nerve in her body responding to his touch; and acutely aware of him pressing insistently. Surely he wasn't trying to lift her up? He'd do his back in.

"The bed," she gasped out helpfully. "We need to get on the bed."

Reverently he laid her down, running a hand along her body before he clambered on top, settling between her legs. They kissed deeply and passionately, practically devouring each other in their haste to feed their desire. But when he didn't try to force entry, she got him to roll them so that she was on top.

"What's the problem?" he asked with great concern.

"Nothing, if I do this," she answered, and then rose up in demonstration.

He yelled out his delight; and several more grunts of pleasure escaped from his throat. There was no way he could lay there and let her do all the work. Instead he sat up and held her to him; their song of passion getting louder and louder as their connection increased mentally and physically.

His name burned brightly within her mind, dancing and twirling around her conscientiousness; and she called out to him, urging him on as she declared her love.

With an almighty squeal, she was hit by a wave of desire that literally sent her reeling, and culminated in the best orgasm she had ever had. Their bond shone brightly in that moment; forged beyond breakage, and entwining their time lines forever.

The Doctor wordlessly sunk back onto the bed. She giggled down at him, and wiped off some of the sweat on his brow. "I was right; you were feeling a little hot."

He smugly smiled back, as he sagged below her; sated and very happy. "Very hot, as it turned out. I might never be the same again."

"Good!" she retorted. "Because I bloody love you, Spaceman!"

He cupped her cheek as he caressed her face with his thumb. "And I love you, Donna Noble."

She toppled sideways, and grimaced with pain. "Shame that my legs are protesting about that position, because that was fantastic."

"It was?" He grinned broadly. "It was pretty fantastic from where I was too."

Her hand reached out to lazily trace unknown patterns across his chest. "Jonathan was right about sex being better with a Time Lord," she told him.

The Doctor stilled. "He told you…?"

"Why wouldn't he?" she pondered. "Anyway," she continued, resting up on her elbow in order to look down on him, "if it wasn't for him sending you that message who knows what we would have done."

"He sent me…?!" he spluttered.

"Calm down, Theta. You're forgetting that we have a grown up, experienced son, who is capable of piloting your TARDIS with our daughter whilst you have fun elsewhere," she reminded him

"What sort of fun?" he asked warily.

"This sort," she replied, leaning in to kiss his lips. "Only the best for you," she added.

He grabbed her and continued the kiss. "I couldn't agree more," he breathily confirmed.

Jenny and Jonathan were sitting reading in the library together in companionable silence when she suddenly cried out in shock, "What was that?!"

Having guessed, Jonathan cautiously investigated the familial bond they shared, and balked at the known sensation as he desperately clung onto the chair he was sitting in. "You don't want to know," he commented.

"Why don't I?" she immediately queried. "It feels rather nice whatever it is."

"Oh no!" he stammered out. This was going to be shaming.

"Whatever is the problem?" she demanded.

And that was when they became aware of hearing loud and distinct moans, groans and grunts.

"Jonathan, what is that? Is someone in pain? Has Dad injured himself?"

She sounded so frightened and concerned in that moment he couldn't let her carry on being upset.

"Jenny," he began slowly; still feeling the effects himself, "that's not pain; that's pleasure. Dad has accidentally let down his mental shields and we can hear and sense everything he is doing."

"But why?" she practically wailed as she tried to cope with it.

Oh dear! He gritted his teeth against the continuing onslaught. "Mum and Dad are bonding right this second. Now you know what sex is like."

Her face was a complete picture of disgust and denial. "That's sex?! But it's so…" She went bright pink.

Thankfully the information suddenly stopped.

"Yeah, tell me about it," he sympathised; and tentatively stood up. "I think I'd better… I'm going to have to shower and change. I'll erm… see you later."

"Yes, of course," she faintly replied. "Jonathan?" she called out as he tried to quickly sidle off. When he stopped to listen, she continued her question "Is it always like that?"

He looked like a startled rabbit. "Yes," he answered after some moments where he worked through whether to tell her a lie or not. "If you get the right person."

"In what way 'right'?" she queried.

Blimey! His dad was going to kill him for this. "When you love the person enough to want to have those little parasites you talked about earlier."

"I see," she muttered. "Am I likely to meet such a person?"

"If you're lucky," he replied with an encouraging grin. "And you never know, Dad might create a loom for you to use instead of going the whole parasite route. That's if you actually want to ever…" He gave a cough. "Anyway, I need to go and wash. It's messy stuff, for a bloke. "

She peered at him curiously. "Why?"

How on earth was he going to answer that one?! "Have you ever had a dog lick your hand all over?" He waited for her acknowledgement. "Then it feels as yucky as that."

"Ew!" She screwed her face up in disgust. "Why would anyone want all that?"

Ah, here was his opportunity to redeem himself in his father's eyes. "Go the loom route if you can, Jenny. It's much easier in the long run."

Jenny snorted her agreement. "Too right I will! You've made sex sound even more gross than I thought it was."

He smiled whimsically at her. Phew! He'd saved his bacon. "Keep thinking that, love! I'll see you in a few minutes. In fact I'll do us some tea if you like."

"Please!" she told his retreating back.

Once alone, she could reconsider the experience she had been inadvertently treated to.

Hmm. So that was sex, eh? Perhaps she should consider finding a mate after all… or not, as the case maybe. The practise might be interesting though.

The next question was how should they tell her father that they could hear them? Oh dear. Perhaps she'd leave that conundrum to Jonathan? Being an adult certainly threw up some very interesting questions.

A/N: You'll find the uncut version of this on my LiveJournal website.