Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown nor any of its characters, nor do I make any profit or attempt to with the writing of this or any of my other pieces. I also don't own any of these songs.

Warning: Homosexuality, sexual implications, language, and mild violence.

I Want You to Want Me by Cheap Trick

"Damn, I love this place!" Jack proclaimed happily, throwing his hands up in the air.

Beside him, his companion rolled his eyes. "Yes, the loud music, the musky scent of alcohol, and people rubbing up against each other on the dance floor; all truly invigorating. Where have I been all these years?"

"Stuck in that boring, old castle of yours," Jack teased as he swayed to the music with joy.

The Heylin Café was having its one-year anniversary of business and all the Heylin were there (with the exception of Hannibal, whose whereabouts were unknown at the time). On the dance floor, Vlad and Katnappe were dancing a bit suggestively with one another as LeMime and Good Jack (who was technically considered Heylin ever since he hooked up with said mime) twirled together near them. Up at the bar, Tubbimura and PandaBubba were getting drunk off their asses and singing along to whatever song was being played. Wuya was hanging out at her own table with RoboJack and the Chameleon-Bot (who currently resembled a pretty red-haired girl with green eyes) chatting about a possible evil partnership with her.

Chase and Jack were both seated at their own table near the dance floor, Jack drumming his hands on the table in time to the music and his partner glancing at him with mild amusement. Ever since the 'Karaoke Incident' as it had come to be known, the Heylin Café had become a weekly place to hang out for Chase and Jack. Every Friday, (and maybe Saturday if Chase was in a good enough mood for Jack to ask them if they could go) they would come and hang out, talk with some of the other Heylin, catch a dance or two if something they both liked was playing, grab a bite to eat, and then head home.

"Be right back," Jack promised as he suddenly stood up and walked off behind the main curtain of the stage. Chase, who was barely paying attention, merely grunted in reply and paid no attention to where his consort was going.

"Aww, something wrong, Chasey?" a voice inquired.

Even though he sadly knew who that annoying voice belonged to, the man lifted his head up to see his lover's notorious good side, beaming a toothy smile at him. "Why, yes. That 'something' happens to be you."

Good Jack suddenly whapped Chase hard on the back as he let out a howl of laughter. "Man, you crack me up with your jokes!"

"I wasn't joking," Chase hissed, but the happy-go-lucky twin decided to take one of the empty seats at the table, completely ignoring the dragon.

"Hey, LeMime! Sweetie, come sit over here!" Good Jack shouted to his lover, who immediately came over bringing a drink for himself and Good Jack.

Luckily, Chase had really nothing against LeMime. Unlike others, who grew frustrated with the fact that LeMime was mute(besides Good Jack), Chase had absolutely no problem taking the time to communicate with him in sign language or gestures if need be. Mostly for the fact that he was quiet.

Ever since he'd taken Jack as his lover, even going as far as to grant him immortality, Chase relished the moments of silence he rarely received around his talkative consort.

Suddenly, the music died down and the owner popped out from behind the curtain of the stage. "Good evening, everyone! Guess what? We have a special treat for you all tonight!"

This was followed by a round of cheers and applause from the crowd. Chase plopped his chin into the palm of one hand, hoping Jack would come back from wherever the hell he went off to so that they could go home. He humored Jack by bringing him to the café, but that didn't mean he had to like that much.

"Now, I know it's not our usual night for karaoke, but someone has asked to sing a song by heart that goes out to one of our fellow Heylin members!" the brunette announced happily. Then, she pointed in Chase's direction. "Chase Young, this one's for you!"

Before Chase completely knew what the hell was happening, the curtains opened up to reveal his lover, microphone in hand, with the music already starting up. "I want you to want me, I need you to need me, I'd love you to love me, I'm beggin' you to beg me," Jack sang out, showing off one of his hidden talents.

Chase sat almost frozen in his seat, staring at his consort with an unreadable expression as the other Heylin cheered and applauded for their fellow member. LeMime clapped Chase on the back, giving him a 'you lucky duck' kind of look, but it barely registered in Chase's mind.

He almost didn't know what to think, how to respond, or anything. Just sit there and do nothing else, but watch.

"I'll shine up the old brown shoes, put on a brand-new shirt. I'll get home early from work if you say that you love me." Jack sang out as he hopped off the stage, heading up the stairs to where Chase was seated.

Many of the other Heylin began singing to the words to the song as well, encouraging him to keep at it-mostly driven by the hysterical look on Chase Young's face. Good Jack and LeMime gave the evil genius high-fives once he was up at the table, his good side laughing so hard, he was clutching onto LeMime like his life depended on it.

Jack finally made it to his own frozen lover, getting down on one knee to sing his heart out to the dark man. "Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you cryin'? Oh, didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you cryin'? Feelin' all alone without a friend, you know you feel like dyin'."

As Jack began to near the end of the song, he stared into Chase's golden eyes, giving him a look of pure love. "I want you to want me. I want you to want me…"

On the last note, the entire room applauded, whistled, and cheered with enthusiasm as Jack looked expectantly at his lover. "Well?" he asked with a cute shrug. "What'd you think?"

"I think…" Chase began after a moment, "I think…that you are completely insane, Spicer."

Jack face slightly fell at the comment, but before he could say anything, Chase grabbed him by his coat and kissed him deeply on the mouth.

When he pulled away, the dragonlord said with a strange smile, "And…I love you for it."

Something Good from The Sound of Music

"Jack, I just don't get it," Katnappe complained as she moved one of the boxes into the room of Jack's lab.

Ever since he'd moved in with Chase, the goth had no real need to use his old lab at the mansion, since Chase gave him an even bigger area to work in. So, as long as she paid rent, Jack allowed Katnappe to stay there and use his old machines for her crazy ideas.

"What don't you get?" Jack asked, powering up an old generator.

"What does he see in you?" the blonde asked, dropping the box on a nearby table.

"Who? Chase?" Jack replied, glancing back at her.

"Yes! Who else would I be talking about?" the cat-girl sniped at him.

The tech wizard rolled his eyes at her attitude. "Alright, alright. Just chill out. Now what the hell was your question?"

"What does the Great Chase Young see in a little twerp like you?"

"Hey! I am not a twerp! I'm actually quite tall for my age, thank you very much,"

It was Katnappe's turn to roll her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now, answer my question."

Jack was silent for a few minutes, evidently thinking about it as he wandered around his old lab. It was almost like taking a walk down memory-lane. That old time-machine he'd used to help Omi go into the past, the silly, old Yes-bot that he'd officially grown out of, and so many broken beyond-repair vehicles he'd used to travel the world in search of Shen Gong Wu. It was amazing that in the past two years he'd held the title of Chase's apprentice and consort, he'd improved so well in his field of choice.

He'd become a much better fighter with the dragonman training him night and day, but when he wasn't training, sleeping, or eating (which was very rare) he found the time to work on his inventions. It was almost therapeutic for him in a way. He finally had the chance to build his robots simply for the fun of it, instead of constantly rebuilding them before the next Shen Gong Wu activated.

Finally, Jack spoke. "Honestly, Ash…I don't know."

"What do you mean?" Katnappe asked irritably, "Hasn't he ever told you?"

"Well, he tells me he loves my genius mind and how he thinks I'm sexy as hell, but…" Jack's voice trailed off as he laid his hands down on his old favorite work-table which showed the stretched out map of the world. "Sometimes, I'm just not sure when or how he suddenly made the decision to be with me."

"You mean, you never asked him? Ever?" the blonde questioned.

"Sure, I have," Jack answered, not looking up, "But every time I try to, he just laughs and walks away or he…distracts me." At these last few words, Jack's face took on a pink tint.

"Okay, okay, I get it," Katnappe said, clearly understanding what the evil genius meant, "But don't you ever wonder about it? I mean, what do you think happened?"

Jack knew that someday he would probably get Chase to tell him what the real reason was, but until that time, the young red-head could only reach one, seemingly vague conclusion. "I guess...somewhere down the line, I must've done…something right."

The Tide is High by Blondie

"Spicer?" Chase called his consort one night as they were both getting ready for bed.

"Yeah, babe?" Jack replied from the bathroom as he washed his face.

"Why didn't you just give up on me?" the elder man inquired.

There was a long pause before the red-head stepped out of the bathroom, looking confused. "I'm sorry, what?"

"After all the times I rejected your affections, you never stopped trying to win my love," Chase explained as he sat down on the bed in front of his lover. "How did you stay so determined?"

Jack gave a breathy chuckle, moving over to the bed. "I just kept telling myself to keep holding on. I mean, I knew you liked me."

The warlord arched a curious eyebrow. "How?"

"Just…little things," Jack answered with a cute grin, "Like, I noticed you never got upset when I touched you. When I did something stupid or acted like a cocky bastard, yeah, but whenever I would touch you, most of the time, you would just kind of give me a look or something. You never punished me for touching you. That had to mean something."

Chase considered his consort's words as he snuggled under the blankets with him, dimming the lights into darkness with his magic.

"After all," the evil genius said cheerfully, "I am a super genius. It's only logical that I knew what was going through that magnificent brain of yours. Great minds think alike, eh?"

I'm a Stranger Here Myself by Kristin Chenoweth

Being Chase's consort was no picnic.

It wasn't that Jack hated the position or anything. As a matter a fact, he was happier than he'd ever been in his entire life.

However, Chase was very difficult to understand sometimes. Jack, being one who had never had anyone return his affections, enjoyed the honor of calling Chase Young his lover and reminding him by the hour how much he loved the older man. Unfortunately, whenever these words were said, Chase would either give no verbal response or would give a simple, bored eye roll.

Jack didn't take offense to the eye-rolling, but it hurt slightly that Chase had only verbally requited the love once; when he'd offered the position to Jack last year.

Ever since that day, however, Chase seemed to always regard Jack's affections with indifference and it was driving the poor genius into madness. Finally, he got up the courage to talk to the man. He wasn't necessarily scared of Chase anymore (he'd seen the man naked how many times already!), but the subject was already uncomfortable enough without a dark lord who had been known to kill men with only his stare.

He found his beloved master sitting in one of the many training rooms in the citadel, wearing black training robes as he meditated quietly.

"Chase?" Jack squeaked out.

The dark-haired man's eyes shot open. He glanced over at the young man. "Yes, Spicer?"

"Okay, just do it. You can ask him. It won't be that hard. You've got this, Jack." Jack coached himself as he sat down beside his lover. "Uh…I was, umm…I was just thinkin'…I mean…"

Chase raised an eyebrow. "Out with it, Spicer."

"H-H-How come you n-never say that y-you love me?" Jack stupidly stuttered out.

Chase stared intently at him, his golden orbs practically burning into Jack's skull.

Aw, crap.

Jack made to get up, but Chase immediately wrapped one of his arms around the boy's shoulders, forcing him to stay in place. "Why does it bother you?"

The red-head was a bit shocked that Chase was being relatively calm about all this, so he decided to take a chance. "I dunno, I guess it would just be really nice to hear. I mean, you do show me, y'know, physically how you feel about me. It's just, well, I just tell you all the time and…I just don't know what else you expect me to do. I mean, does it embarrass or bore you when I say how much I love you?"

"Certainly not," Chase answered the teen's last question, "Spicer, I am not normally so open about my emotions. Just because I don't say how much I love you every five minutes, doesn't mean I don't love you any less."

"Really?" Jack questioned skeptically, hoping that Chase was actually telling him the truth and not just filling up his head with false words to make him go away.

"Of course," the dark lord replied. He tugged Jack closer to him, wrapping his other arm around him as he did so. "I love you, Spicer. I love you so much that I would slay any animal or creature if you asked it of me, without even questioning the reasons why. I would rip out my own heart and give it to you, so that I could physically show you that my heart belongs only to you. I would travel to any part of the world, defeat any foe, overcome any obstacle; only if it meant that you would never leave my side."

Jack stared back at his master, blinking wildly. "Oh, Chase…" he breathed with a lovesick look.

"Now, are you satisfied?" Chase inquired stiffly as he cleared his throat, reverting almost instantly to his regular self.

Jack returned the embrace, hugging his mentor around the neck tightly. "Much," he chirped with a smile.

Why Can't You Just Be In Love With Me? by Amber G.

Jack had tried everything.

Well, at least it seemed that way.

He'd tried every trick in the book to catch Chase's attention, to show the warlord that he wasn't just a puny, little insect, but a true evil genius. Alas, nothing had worked.

At first, it had simply been a hero worship thing, but after two years, Jack was much older now and with his age came a smorgasbord of hormones. However, he didn't just want Chase for his amazing body; it was literally everything about the man. His achievements, his brain, his charm…

Honestly, the constant rejection wasn't really helping Jack's needs.

He angrily knocked on the door to Chase's palace, his face red with fury and his breathing irregular. Surprisingly, the door didn't crush him like usual, but raised itself up. Jack, who was too upset to even notice this change, marched through the door and into the main area of the palace. He stomped up the stairs, ready to begin ranting, but when he reached the top, the warlord was nowhere to be found.

Letting out a growl of frustration, the evil genius made his way down one of the many hallways, poking his head in the different rooms, but finding hide nor hair of the dragonman he wanted to scream at so badly.

Little did the youth know, the source of his anger was following close behind him, subtly pursuing him with interest. He knew Jack was obviously angry at him, but didn't know the source of his fury. Finally, his curiosity got the better of him.

"Something you wanted, Spicer?" he asked, appearing out of the dark shadows.

Jack whirled around to face him, a little surprised by his sudden appearance, but wasted no time in making his thoughts frank.

"You!" he declared, pointing accusingly at him, "You bastard!"

Chase blinked in mild shock at the teen's language, but barely flinched at the thought of being insulted. It had happened to him on more than one occasion, so he was used to it. The fact that Jack was the one who was screaming at him…

"I just don't get it!" Jack exclaimed, "I've done everything! Tried every single trick in the god-damned book and you still won't give me the time of day! Instead, you focus on those Xiaolin losers, who wish you were dead, but me; I'm apparently nothing!"

Chase continued to stare at the young man, remaining silent.

"What? What is it you want?" Jack asked, half in sarcasm. "A challenge? Is that why you go after someone like Omi, but not me? Who's next? Raimundo 'cause he's the big-shot leader? Kimiko 'cause she's the token girl? Who? WHO?!"

There was a slight pause with Jack breathing hard, obviously yearning to say more, but a little drained from his outburst. Chase gaped at the evil genius, contemplating what to say. Finally, he decided.

"What is your real question, Spicer?" he inquired, stepping a little closer to him, so that he was only a few inches away.

Jack stood in place, visibly shaking from Chase's intimidation. After a few seconds of staring at one another, Jack asked in a pitiful voice, with a slight hint of pain, "W-why can't you just be in love with me?"

There was a deafening silence. The two held each other's gaze, Jack's body slightly shaking.

Finally, Chase took action.

The action of pressing his lips up against Jack's.

Jack let out a squeak of terror and tried to pull away, but Chase looped one arm around his waist and with his free hand, he gripped the back of Jack's head to keep him in place. After a few moments of hesitation, the goth let out a needful whimper and desperately kissed back, laying his hands on Chase's arms.

Chase broke the kiss, but only pulled back by an inch or so, still staring into Jack's half-lidded eyes.

The warlord smirked wickedly. "I do love you, you silly boy. I have been waiting for the proper moment to tell you how deeply I feel about you. I also wasn't certain that you truly felt the same way. However, your little rant seems to have confirmed everything, hasn't it?"

Jack gawked at him, yearning to respond, but it was as if he had forgotten how to talk or even how to form words. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed Chase passionately, deciding that the time for talking was over. Well, at least for now…

Where You Lead by Carole King

When Chase first met Jack, he found himself to be very annoyed by the boy's constant presence, as most people were. The dragonlord didn't like being surrounded by many people, so he tended to keep to himself and not form any emotional attachments. Everyone that Chase came into contact with almost immediately understood the silent 'you may look, but don't touch' order.

However, Jack was the only one who seemed to love ignoring that particular rule.

At first, Chase assumed that Jack was just plain stupid.

No one in their right mind would willingly want to touch him or yearn to stay so close to him. Yet, day after day, Jack would follow Chase around like a lost puppy, eager to please the man that wasn't really his master.

It confused Chase.

And, of course, anybody who was well-acquainted Chase knew that he didn't like it when he was confused.

So, one day, after Chase had defeated the Xiaolin monks and the other Heylin that had come to battle for the Wu, he decided to find out what exactly was up with Jack.

The boy was nearby, lying in a pile of shrapnel that had once been an army of Jack-bot's. As Chase approached him, holding the Wu he'd procured, Jack was just standing up and gathering up as many pieces of metal as he could.

Chase had doubts about what he was about to do, but after living for so many years, he learned that sometimes risks needed to be taken.

"Spicer, I request your full attention," Chase ordered.

Immediately, the goth straightened himself up, still holding the remains of his robots with a look of elation on his face. "Yeah, Chase?"

"Why do you insist on keeping up this charade of yours?" Chase growled.

Jack hesitated. "Umm…what are you talking about?"

"I am referring to how you always follow my every move and long to be by my side whenever you get the chance. Why? Why do you always wish to be so close to me, even though I push you away every time?"

Jack frowned and shifted the pieces of metal in his arms, looking a little uncomfortable and uneasy. "…you really don't know?"

"I understand that you look up to me and respect me," Chase replied, "However, I could easily slice your head off your shoulders right now if I had the drive to do so and yet, you are completely obsessed with me to the point that you've actually gone through my garbage!"

"Okay, that was one time," Jack defended, "And I was just looking for some Shen Gong Wu that Wuya made me go fetch."

"Nevertheless," Chase groaned, unconcerned with Jack's explanation, "Don't you realize what I can do?"

Then, Jack did something that Chase had killed men for doing.

He scoffed.

Before Chase could threaten him with a death sentence for disrespecting him, Jack spoke.

"Of course I know what you can do, Chase," the goth replied, "Why do you think I'm so crazy about you?"

Chase blinked, unsure of how to respond.

"I'd do anything for you," Jack professed, "Wherever you lead, I'll follow. Wherever you tell me to go, I'll go. Whatever you tell me to do, I'll do. God, I can't believe you didn't know that."

With that last sentence, the youth turned around with a disappointed frown, activated his heli-pack, and flew off, leaving a very shocked warlord to think about what the evil genius had just said.

Fireflies by Owl City

"Chase, where are going?" Jack asked his master, who was keeping a tight grip on the goth's wrist. "C'mon, you're being even more mysterious than usual."

Chase said nothing as he dragged his consort through the forest. Eventually, he stopped in front of a waterfall that Jack had never seen before. Without a word, Chase pulled his lover though it.

"Chase-ugh-what the-phew-what the hell?" Jack protested, spitting out the water in disgust.

Underneath the falls was a series of tunnels lined with bright green gemstones that illuminated the caves in a dazzling display. Jack still continued to yell angrily at the older man, searching for some sort of explanation, but Chase remained silent. They finally made it into a small alcove that looked like it was located outside.

"Chase, you've finally succeeded in thoroughly annoying the crap out of me," Jack informed the dragonman as he poked him in the chest, "You drag me out here in the middle of the night, acting-"

The youth's voice gave pause as the area around them suddenly lit up. At first, Jack felt the need to run away in terror as he normally did, but Chase's hand wrapped itself tightly around his own, preventing him from moving anywhere. Slowly, he began to realize what was lighting the area up.

"Fireflies?" Jack questioned, confused.

"Yes," Chase finally spoke, "Are they to your liking?"

"They're beautiful," Jack answered as he stared at them with wonder.

After a few moments of breathtaking silence, Jack spoke.

"Chase, why are we here?" At his mentor's questioning look, he continued, "I mean, it's wonderful, but how'd you even know about this place?"

The elder man was silent for a few moments before he admitted quietly, "This is…where my parents made love for the first time. My mother became pregnant with me afterwards."

Jack blinked wildly at his master, completely surprised.

"My parents loved each other until the day they died. I was, unfortunately, the only child my mother's body could produce. I suppose I was, in a way, a symbol of their true love." Chase explained, his face expressionless and his tone neutral.

Jack slowly grinned and tackled his lover to the ground, nuzzling him with great affection.

"Who would've thought you'd be so sentimental for an evil dragon?"

Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd

After Jack's shocking statement, Chase had finally wised-up and accepted Jack as his apprentice, not to mention his lover as well. He made it a point to reassure Jack that while he would be teaching him a great deal, he did not wish to change him into a completely different person.

"Why?" Jack asked, "I mean, don't you want to make me a threat or whatever? I mean, if that's what it takes I'll do it."

"While I do want to mold you into a true Heylin warrior," Chase answered, "I chose you for a specific reason, Spicer. You have a hunger to be true evil, but you still have sense of humanity inside you."

Before Jack could protest, Chase clapped a hand over his mouth. "I don't mean that it is a bad thing. Actually, I would much rather you have a sense of mercy. After I train you to be warrior, having that sense of pride and honor will help you to not make rash decisions. Understand?"

"Y-yeah, I understand," Jack replied after chase had removed his hand, shuffling his feet together.

"Good," Chase said, "Now, Spicer, I want you to know, you are now mine. I will not ask you to give up your robots or any other hobbies you have, but you will have to accommodate for other activities."

"I know," Jack responded easily, "I'm ready to do whatever you ask me to do."

Chase glanced at him, a small smile on his face. "You truly mean that, don't you?"

"Duh," Jack said bluntly, moving across the room, since he was a very fidgety person.

"For the next few months, I will ask you to stay here in the citadel. You will stay only in the company of myself and my warriors." Chase explained.


Chase's back stiffened as he turned around to look at the wandering youth. "I mean it, Spicer. I will not allow you to go back home, no showdowns, and no visitations with anybody until you are properly trained."

"I know," the reply came without any hesitation.

So much trust. Instant agreement to whatever he said.

There was another reason why Chase didn't want to change Jack. He wanted him to keep that love and devotion alive.

Jack had always been something of a free bird, who did whatever he wanted. His parents had never properly disciplined him, he had no reason to pay attention to Wuya's constant bitching, and he certainly wasn't someone who liked to take other people's feelings into account.

Yet, here he stood, willingly giving up that freedom to be with Chase. The thought was so shocking and powerful, it almost frightened the Heylin prince.

Why Not? by Hilary Duff

"Chase, I have to ask you," Wuya began, "What do you see in him?"

It took a moment for Chase to direct his attention away from the showdown and glance at the witch. "What are you festering about now?"

"Jack," Wuya said, pointing at said boy, who was dodging Kimiko's fireballs with little difficulty, "What happened? One day, you went from 'that pathetic, little insect' to 'stay away from my precious, little mate or I will cut your hands off lest you touch him'. That's a direct quote by the way." She groaned in frustration. "I mean, what? Did you just wake up one morning and realize, 'Wow, what was I thinking?'."

Chase gave a dark chuckle that sent fearful shivers up Wuya's spine. They were allies now, but that didn't mean that their level of trust was that high. "In a way, Wuya. It was partly from my realization that Spicer had finally grown up and was actually trying to use his talents for far darker purposes. The other was me."

Wuya made a questioning noise in her throat.

"I failed to understand how strong Spicer's love and devotion for me was. It wasn't until I began to notice how much he was willing to risk to be with me. Something that no one else would ever risk, especially for someone such as myself."

The witch stared at the warlord, understanding his meaning and gave a nod.

"So, I decided that, even though Spicer was still a bit ridiculous at the time and still is now, mind you, perhaps something useful could come out of him. That perhaps there was something there that I could unleash from him."

He glanced back at Wuya. "I suppose I took my own risk with him. I wasn't entirely sure, but…I knew there was something there. Understand now?"

Wuya nodded silently as the showdown ended, Jack being the victor, holding the Wu up with a beaming smile.

I'm a Believer by Smashmouth

"Hah! Take that!" Chase yelled at his companion as he expertly kicked a large rock at his head.

Guan barely dodged the boulder, practicing a series of flips to escape. He landed gracefully on his feet and faced his teammate. "Good work, Chase. You've finally managed to truly represent yourself as a Xiaolin Dragon. Only took how many years…"

Chase scoffed derisively. "I thought you were past mocking me, my dear friend."

"No one is ever above mocking you, weasel," a cheery voice commented from high up in a tree.

Chase tilted his head up to properly talk to his other friend. "Aren't you supposed to be doing your chores, Dashi? Master Mishi will throw a fit if you ditch again."

"Hah, the old man is all bark and no bite," the bald monk spat, hopping from the tree and landing next to Chase.

"That's what you think, Dashi, but Master Mishi is the grandmaster for a reason," Guan warned him, "He earned that title through years of hard work-"

"Huh? Wait! Do you guys here that? I think it's Guan's childhood side of fun slowly dying," Dashi said, holding his hand to his ear.

"Wait, I think I hear it, too," Chase said, copying the motion, "Such a sad sound. I actually think I have something in my eye."

Guan shook his head with disgust. "You are both a mockery of this temple."

"Sticks and stones, Guaney," Dashi snickered.

Guan gritted his teeth together. Oh, how he hated that nickname!

"Well, I personally think you are a hypocrite, Guan," Chase piped up.

"How so, weasel?" Guan sneered.

Chase snorted dismissively at his own nickname. "I happened to be cleaning out our bedchambers two nights ago and do you know what I found stuffed inside that green vase of yours?"

Guan's cheeks suddenly turned a bright pink. "You did not look through my-"

"'Oh, Ruka, your name truly signifies your beauty,'" Chase mocked in a fancy tone, clasping his hands together in a girlish fashion, "'Your rare, blue eyes are like that of the beautiful, blue flowers that grow in your garden.'"

"Silence!" Guan growled at the young, dark-haired man.

"The great warrior Guan writes poems for his sweetheart?!" Dashi burst out laughing beside Chase.

"You've definitely earned your title, you little weasel!" Guan snarled at Chase.

"Ooh, and what a magnificent title!" Chase said clapping his hands together then, stood tall, "I shall forever be known as 'Chase Young, The Weasel'. Has a nice ring to it, does it not?"

Guan gave a frustrated look at his companion and stuttered out, "W-well, at least, I know w-what love is like!"

"Now isn't that sweet?" Chase said tilting his head to the side as Dashi fell to the ground, practically choking on his own laughter. "Unfortunately, Guaney, love doesn't exist. People get that silly nonsense into their heads whenever they see a pretty face. Besides, it's a total waste of time daydreaming about 'love'. It just makes people sick and stupid."

"Just wait, weasel!" Guan shouted, pointing his index finger at him, "One day you'll understand!"

Chase merely rolled his eyes and began to walk away. "Of course, Guan. Whatever you say…"

"Whatcha thinkin' 'bout, babe?" a voice asked.

"Hmm?" Chase shook his head to look at his lover, who was curled up next to him on their couch. The television was blaring some sort of show that didn't really appeal to Chase, so he slowly concluded he must have zoned out for a while.

"You've been super quiet," his consort pushed, "You've got that 'I'm thinking really hard about something' look on your face."

"I was just…recalling an old memory is all. Nothing to worry about." The warlord assured his mate.

Apparently, this appealed to the young man, who merely shrugged and returned his attention to the bright screen with a simple, "Mmm'kay."

There were a few moments of silence before Chase nuzzled against his lover's head, murmuring, "I love you, Spicer."

Jack looked up at him, a bit shocked, since Chase normally didn't proclaim his love for him willy-nilly. Nevertheless, he snuggled closer to his master and replied, "Love you, too."


I Want You to Want Me: Yes. The Heylin Café is officially a thing now for me. Technically, this is a continuation of I Don't Know What to Do with Myself from Chapter 3, but there may be more featuring the restaurant that don't have to do with karaoke. And yes, I am shipping Good Jack and LeMime because...well, I really like LeJack, but I LOVE Chack, so I compromised. :3 I might write a Good LeJack story if I get really inspired.

Something Good: ...Katnappe's a nosy little kitty-cat, isn't she? XD I was gonna say the title of the song, but since Jack isn't really a 'good' person exactly, I changed it.

The Tide Is High: I heard this on the radio on the way to school one morning and I was like, "Holy Crap, these lyrics sound just like Jack! Must-add-to-collection!

I'm A Stranger Here Myself: I worked really hard on Chase's declaration of love and I guess it came out pretty okay. I tried to make it sound as romantic as possible.

Why Can't You Just Be In Love with Me: My take on a sort of one-sided canon Chack thing...ahh who am I kidding, I mostly just wanted to write Jack ranting. Why? Cuz angry Jack is fun to write! X3

Where You Lead: No comment, other than I L-O-V-E dis song!

Fireflies: This was...a weird one to write. I kinda like to think that Chase had a really good relationship with his parents, but unfortunately, the world tore them apart when he was very young because of attacks on his village or something. Kinda sad, but now he's really happy with Jack and he wants to show how much he appreciates and trusts him to show him something this personal. And I hope nobody thinks it sounds gross. I tried to make it sound more romantic.

Free Bird: Continuation of Where You Lead, no comment.

Why Not?: Kind of a continuation of Something Good, but from Chase's point of view. Believe it or not, I first heard this song in an ArielxKuxco Disney crossover video. I dunno, it just screamed Jack and Chase to me. *shrugs*

I'm a Believer: Okay, so lots of explaining here. Basically, my idea is that back when he was a monk, Chase was totally immature and liked to snoop and be really super annoying (not to mention a really crappy fighter), which earned him the nickname 'weasel'. If I ever get around to it, I might make a fanfic based off of this idea that Chase used to be just as immature as Jack, but I doubt that it will be soon, but here's hoping!