Disclaimer: I don't own Xiaolin Showdown nor any of its characters, nor do I make any profit or attempt to with the writing of this or any of my other pieces.

Warnings: Homosexuality and strong implications of sex. If you can't handle stuff like this, then please go away. Thank You.

L-O-V-E by Nate King Cole

Chase felt himself sigh heavily at the sight of his consort. He was wearing a lovely black suit that Chase believed contrasted perfectly with the goth's pale skin. If that wasn't enough, the red shirt that was underneath, brought out his cherry-red eyes that Chase could swear were almost glowing.

As the evil genius made his way across the ballroom to join his master, all the other partygoers seemed to almost fade away, leaving the two as the only ones in the room. The dragon lord had to admit that while he always felt strongly attracted by the red-head's appearance, tonight, he looked very very extraordinary in not only his apparel, but in the very way he approached Chase with unbelievable (especially for a usual klutz like him) grace.

Chase's mate smiled warmly at him and the two assumed the traditional dancing position, as the music began to play. They began to sway to the lovely music, holding each other very close.

"Spicer?" Chase whispered into his partner's ear.

"Yeah?" Jack replied.

"I love you."

Jack blushed and whispered, "Right back at you."

In his long life, Chase had never been in love with anybody. He used to feel that love was nothing more than a pitiful, stupid game that two poor, unfortunate souls would become caught in.

Nowadays, however, he thought of love quite differently.

Crazy for You by Madonna

Jack pressed himself up against his master, feeling wonderfully content. He stole a glance at Chase, who he was surprised to find was already staring down at him. The goth grinned and shifted slightly on the ground that the two were seated upon, wrapping his arms tightly around the warlord.

"Comfortable, Spicer?" Chase asked teasingly.

"Mmhmm," Jack hummed, nuzzling against him.

The younger of the two peered over the edge of the cliff that their legs dangled over.

"Y'know, I wonder what would happen if you fell off the edge of this cliff and I had to be the one to save you by jumping in right after you. Y'know like if you couldn't teleport or levitate or anything." Jack randomly wondered aloud.

Chase gave him an amused look. "You're crazy, Spicer." he responded idly, pulling his consort a little closer.

"Crazy for you…" Jack said in a creepy sing-song voice, earning him a harmless flick to the nose from Chase.

You Are So Beautiful by Joe Cocker

Jack ran to his master's side, kneeling down and shaking him lightly.

"Chase? Chase, are you alright?" he asked desperately.

Chase, who was in his dragon-form, groaned loudly, but picked himself up from the ground.

Anybody else who had ever seen Chase in his dragon-form normally ran away in fear or tried to attack him. Not long after he had joined the Heylin side, Chase had very quickly learned that these responses were the most common. Jack, however, didn't run. Early on in their relationship, he had cowered in fear or backed away when Chase transformed, but ever since they had become lovers, Jack never ran away in terror when Chase reverted to his true form.

Chase glanced at his consort, who was examining his, now much larger, body for any serious injuries.

"Spicer," Chase said, "I would prefer that you not look at me, right now. I look awful."

In truth, Chase did look awful. The fight between the monks, Hannibal, and the other Heylin (that weren't in an alliance with Chase and Jack) had taken a lot out of him. He had cuts all along his body, as well as big, ugly splotches that he quickly realized were bruises. It appeared as though he'd just been through a never-ending war, even though the battle hadn't been all that long.

What was worse was that he was in his true form. Chase believed his dragon form was useful and always held up better in battle, but he found it hideous. He especially hated that his beloved consort had to see him like this. Even though Jack consistently told him, to the point that it sometimes became annoying, that he loved him, Chase knew that Jack could never love this part of him.

Jack blinked at him, confused. "What? Oh, please, Chase. These bruises aren't that bad."

"It's not the bruises, Spicer. My wounds are too large, therefore, I can't transform back yet, not until they heal." Chase explained.


Chase growled lightly, "So, you must look at me in this form."

"And…what's wrong with that?" Jack questioned.

Chase stared at the goth curiously. "It's an ugly form. I hate that you must take care of this horrible, wretched beast." Chase solemnly confided in his consort.

Jack softly chuckled. He gingerly grabbed Chase's head and kissed him tenderly on his snout.

When Chase gave him a look of total shock, he whispered, "You're beautiful to me. Can't you see that, ya big dummy?"

My Guy by Mary Wells

Chase Young wasn't perfect.

True, his fighting and martial arts skills were almost immeasurable and even just the mention of his name could make people's blood run cold. He was very charismatic and could easily persuade others to get his way. He was also handsome. With his smoky black hair tinted green and his entrancing golden-eyes, he could be labeled as major eye-candy.

However, Chase could become a very grouchy person, especially when people didn't listen to him. He was a bit short-tempered and had very little patience for stupidity and ignorance. He could become the most serious man on the planet if he was angry or concentrating heavily on something that he deemed of great importance. He had a strong will, but that meant that he normally got his way in various situations because he rarely backed down from a challenge, which meant he was also stubborn.

Jack sighed heavily as Chase snuzzled against him on the couch they were cuddling on. Jack knew all these traits, both good and bad, about the warlord and he accepted them at face value.

Chase Young may not be perfect, but he was Jack's guy. His master, his mentor, and his lover. And Jack knew that no one could ever take Chase's place, no matter how hard they might try.

Little did Jack know that Chase was having very similar thoughts about his guy that was currently sharing the couch with him.

Then Came You by The Spinners

"Y'know, Chase," Jack began as the two sat in the movie theater, waiting for the previews to come on, since they had arrived a little early, "Before I met you, I had small crushes on girls and even a few guys, but it was never anything serious. I never knew love before, but then came you. It's like; every time I was around you I wanted to be even closer to you and when you weren't around, I kept thinking about you."

"And why do you feel the sudden need to tell me this, Spicer?" Chase asked.

"I dunno, I'm just glad you're here." Jack responded, laying his head against Chase's shoulder.

Chase rolled his eyes, but tugged his consort a bit closer anyway, strangely moved by Jack's statement.

The House That Jack Built by Aretha Franklin

Before Chase had taken Jack as his consort, he had thought about what their first time would be like. He had pictured himself at his citadel, coaxing the goth into his room, perhaps even carrying him in there bridal-style. He had envisioned them inside Chase's bedroom, on Chase's bed, showing their physical love and affection for one another.

Imagine his surprise that Jack had been the first to finally admit just how deep his feelings for Chase were.

Chase had visited the house that Jack built by himself, after his parents had kicked him out of theirs for various reasons, to ask a favor of him, completely unrelated to his other, more interesting idea that he had planned to put into action soon after.

"Spicer, I would like you to build me a device," Chase had asked, "Something that-"

"Chase," the younger of the two had interrupted, "Can I tell you something?"

Chase had been suspicious, but had nodded for the youth to go ahead.

"I-I like you, Chase," Jack had admitted, "No, I don't just like you. I love you. I know, I know, it's stupid, but I've felt this way for a long time and I know it's real because I only want you. Like seriously, I've never felt this strongly about anyone in my life before and I know you don't really care, I mean, why would you? Anyways, I just had to tell you-mmph!"

Chase had caught Jack's lips before the goth could spew out anything else, kissing him roughly and passionately. Jack had kissed back with the same intensity and the two were in Jack's bedroom and on Jack's bed within a matter of minutes.

Sure, it hadn't happened they way Chase had always dreamed it would nor in the place that he'd imagined, but it had been absolutely wonderful.

Vienna by Billy Joel

Chase yawned and stretched his arms out, arching his back off the bed momentarily. He wearily blinked his eyes open to stare out the window. Outside, snow fell in a silent, yet rhythmic pattern against the windowpane and Chase could see that the ground was completely littered with snow, covering every inch of the roads outside.

His attention was immediately drawn to his lover, who came into the room with some hot cocoa held between his white hands. His consort plopped himself down on the bed, placing his mug on the nightstand and bean snuggling underneath the covers.

"I am a bit irked by your choice in vacation spots, Spicer." Chase said, pulling Jack closer to him. "You practically begged me to let us go to Vienna and for the past few days we've been cooped up inside this tiny room because of this atrocious weather."

Jack smiled at his master and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. "Is that such a bad thing? Isn't it nice to relax when on vacation?"

Chase snorted, "When I take my vacations, as rare as they may be, I like to go somewhere actually exciting."

"But this isn't your vacation, Chase," Jack pointed out, as he wrapped his arms around the warlord, "It's our vacation. Aren't we enough excitement for each other?"

Rebecca by Matt Stone & Trey Parker from South Park, Season 3 Episode 12-Hooked on Monkey Fonics

Jack sat in his desk chair, drawing out new designs for a robot. He was brought out of his concentration by the sound of someone singing.

"Wherever I go, I'm thinking of you, Spicer. I don't know what to do, Spicer."

Jack curiously stood up and made his way over to the window that was located on the second-floor of his house. He opened the window and poked his head out.

"You're so hot, I'd like to get to know you better. So what do you say we get together?"

Jack's jaw dropped to see none-other than Chase Young, Supreme Overlord of Darkness, standing on his front lawn strumming a guitar and singing.

"You really are quite good-looking, Spicer! You really are quite good-looking, Spicer!"

At first, Jack had no clue what was going on, but then he remembered that earlier today, Chase had been accidentally hit by the Love Hammer, a Shen Gong Wu that would cause a person to fall temporarily in love with the first person they saw, which, in this case, happened to be Jack.

"Spicer, you're really quite good-looking! You're a fooox."

The dragon lord ended the song, strumming the last note on the guitar. Then, showing all his teeth, fangs included, Chase smiled and stared up at Jack expectantly. Jack responded by face-palming.

Chase immediately frowned sadly. "Is something wrong, love? Was my song not to your liking?"

"I'm not your 'love', Chase!" Jack shrieked. "You got hit with a weird Wu that made you fall temporarily in love with me. In a few hours, you'll be back to hating me like you normally do. Go home."

"But I don't hate you," Chase protested, "I could never hate you. I love you, my rabbit."

Jack involuntarily blushed and shook his head. "As amazing as that would be, Chase, you really don't. I wish you did, but you don't. I'm sorry." And with that, the goth closed his window and pulled the curtains over it.

He hated that he was actually rejecting Chase Young, but he couldn't take advantage of him when he was technically under some mystical spell. Jack had grown to love Chase too much to do something like that, even if the man hated him anyways.

What Jack didn't know was that Chase was not under the influence of anything. He had never been in the first place. The Shen Gong Wu had not actually hit him, but he had decided that this was the perfect test to see if the evil genius would try to take advantage of him or not.

Chase grinned, but not evilly, as he decided that tomorrow he would revisit the lovely youth and explain that this was, in fact, the real him.

Jolene by Dolly Parton

Even though Wuya was just an old hag to Jack, he felt that Wuya and Chase shared more in common with one another than he and Chase did, besides being on the same side. The two both knew magic, were immortal, and were physically beautiful.

Wuya had long and luxurious red-hair and her eyes were emerald green. Her skin was dark, her voice low and sultry. To Jack's dismay, she seemed like the perfect match for the evil overlord. He thought about asking Wuya to let him have a chance with Chase, but decided that Chase wouldn't look at him even if Wuya did back off. Instead, he had currently been teaming up with the Heylin witch, helping her with any evil ideas she had for the Xiaolin monks to distract himself.

He was surprised when one day, after working diligently in his lab, he was greeted by Chase Young lying on his bed, in the nude, blindfolded, gagged, and his arms and legs were tied to each bed-post. On one of the bed-posts a sticky note was stuck. Jack grabbed it and scanned the note.

Hey Jackie,

I know you've been totally into dragon-breath over here and I wanted to let you know, no, Chase and I don't have any kind of relationship like that. Just allies, , he's not my type.

So, out of the goodness of my heart (and yes I do have some good in me), I decided to give you a little present for all the evil deeds you've been helping me with.

Oh, and don't worry, he wants it. He accidentally told me. He's just a little stubborn about telling you. Isn't that cute? ;)

Your Heylin friend,


Jack looked up from the note to see Chase struggling his damndest to get free, but the chains that Wuya had tied him with, what Jack guessed were some pretty strong chains, prevented him from moving. Jack grinned wickedly and crumpled the note and threw it in the trashcan, deciding that much later he would have to send Wuya a letter of thanks. He hopped up on the bed and crawled on top of Chase. The dragon lord immediately stiffened when he felt a presence above him and his eyes widened as big as saucers when his blindfold was removed.

"Hiya, Chase," Jack said smirking at him, "Come here often?"

Let's Get It On by Marvin Gaye

The two Heylin men burst into the bedroom, pawing greedily and kissing each other fervently. Chase had practically flung his consort down on the bed and immediately topped him, still kissing him. Jack began to remove Chase's armor, which after being Chase's consort for a few years had gotten much easier, kissing back with as much passion as he could muster.

"You have absolutely no idea how glad I am that you are well again, rabbit," Chase moaned, kissing at Jack's neck, planting kisses and playful nips here and there.

"Oh, I think I do," Jack chuckled as he closed his eyes, relishing in the touches his master was inflicting upon him.

Poor Jack had been sick with the flu for the past few weeks and while Chase had taken very good care of him, Jack had obviously not been in the mood to "get it on" with his lover. Chase hadn't pushed him into anything, understanding that even when Jack began to feel a little better, he wasn't entirely ready to make love in his sickened state.

Now, however, Jack was quite ready for any activities that Chase wished to participate in.

Commenting time!

L-O-V-E: I did take a lot of lyrics from the actual song on this one, so I'm quite proud of it. What party are they at? Who knows? XD Jack probably dragged Chase to a wedding or something. Anyways, Chase probably wouldn't normally say just how much he loves Jack, so having these sweet and rare moments when he admits it kinda makes it more special, I think.

Crazy for You: I had listened to this song when I started this little project and at first, I had envisioned Jackie actually singing this to Chase, via karaoke, but then I was too lazy to go find the lyrics and felt that it would be too long anyways. Besides, Jack strikes me as the type who likes to talk about his inner-thoughts, no matter how random are weird they may be.

You Are So Beautiful: I'm actually not a hug fan of this song, but my Grandpa was, so this is kinda soft of a tribute to him. I have always been in-love with the theory that Chase's thinks his dragon form is hideous and Jack's like, "Screw that, I love you, you dumbass."

My Guy: Mmmm, no comment. :3

Then Came You: ...why are they in a theater? XD I seriously don't know how that even happened. Anyways, this is my fav song by the Spinners, so...yeah.

The House That Jack Built: ...It's got Jack's name in it, how could I not use it?!

Vienna: He's not wrong! XD

Rebecca: I know this is a weird choice, but I when I watched this scene I instantly pictured this idea. I mean, this sounds like the cutest scene ever!...And yeah, Chase is screwing with Jack's head. X3

Jolene: I've always had kind of a soft-spot for Wuya, so I decided to let her do something nice for Jackie...and for Chase, too. X3

Let's Get It On: I knew from the Get-Go that I was going to use this song. XD