Oh look, a sequal. I'm thinking of rewriting a few of the old storied, please vote, and I hope you enjoy.

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Hallows flew around, smirking as he felt the influence his nights had on his power. Already, he had had some fun, making four ghosts sing 'Grim Grinning Ghost' without music, and at the end, they scared those that were watching. It didn't help that they had lost their heads. The dead were out, and... what the... he felt as something pulled on him, pulling him to the town below. Walking along, he felt the pull leading him to a house, but why here? Following the pull, he saw a broken-down house with a sign in front of it. As he watched, the symbols changed.
In this home, hope was restored. Rest in peace, James Charles Potter, Lily Petunia Potter nee Evans. Thank you, Harry James Potter.
He walked into the house, and looking around, he found a small lounge, completely empty, but as he walked, he saw furniture. A rectangular table of a hard, dark wood stood in the middle of eight chairs, one triple, two double and one single, each a warm shade of red. He watched as a beautiful lady with red hair walked in, holding a small child in her arms. Walking up, he looked and smiled as he saw a child with black hair and, when they opened, emerald green eyes. He heard as the front door opened, and looking, he watched as a man, older than he ever would be, walked in with another, the one of whom he pushed out of the way. They spoke, but even if in real life, they would've been easily heard, it was almost like hearing a whisper.
"Hi, Lily-Flower. How's Harry?"
"Fine. He's awake now, Black, would you like to hold your godchild?"
Black smiled.
"Yes, Lily, I would" Black went and took Harry from Lily's arms, and he slowly sat down, smiling at his godson. Slowly, this all vanished, and he walked into a kitchen on his left. Once more, it was empty, but he watched as it filled up with the normal things, microwave, fridge, and he watched as Lily prepared a meal. She chopped some mushrooms, whisked some eggs and milk, fried them all together and made an omelette, all while Hallows watched. She placed a ready-made bowl of cat food on the ground, and Mr Tibbles, a cat he vaguely recognized, walked in before all this vanished. Turning around, he walked upstairs and watched as moving pictures slowly appeared across the walls, showing different family moments. From one of them, he watched as Harry flew on a broomstick and knocked over a vase. From what he saw, Lily didn't mind. In another, he saw Harry's mother and father just as they got married with Black behind his father and a dark-haired female behind his mother. Slowly, as if almost fearing it, he walked up some stairs before entering what was his baby room. Once more, empty, but it, like all the other rooms, filled up. He saw a crib against the window, a small rug on the floor, a chest of drawers that, somehow, opened up and showed their contents, clothes, diapers, a few toys and more. He saw Harry, but then he watched as golden sand, Sandy's sand, reached him, and he saw one of Harry's dreams, his parents hugging him. Time seemed to speed up and he watched as Harry's mother looked at one of his baby teeth.
"I have not found anything about the Tooth Fairy for the Magical World, but I shall raise you as if you are truly part of both worlds" she put it under his pillow, and when 'night' came around, Hallow's watched as one of Tooth's fairies... Wait, he recognized that fairy! Baby Tooth! He watched as Harry's mother found a sickle underneath his pillow and could only stare at it before smiling. Time seemed to fast-forward; he followed Lily as she carried Harry out of the room. This time, newer pictures showed themselves, and walking into the lounge, she sat down while he looked at the Christmas tree. It was covered in lights, tinsel and decorations, some actual food while most were ornaments, as well as a few pictures. He watched as both went to sleep, and then North arrived. Harry awoke because of the thud, and he looked at North who, upon seeing him open his arms to be picked up, did.
"You are cute child, be good for your momma" still carrying Harry, North put the presents down, ate the biscuits and drank the milk, and then left. Once more, around him changed, showing him the room that Harry had, and he watched as Bunny appeared out of his usual hole and, instead of hiding them, placed it in Harry's crib. One of the boards creaked, waking him up, and he looked at the big rabbit.
"Bun-Bun!" Harry said happily, causing Bunny to turn and smile at him.
"Happy Easter, ya lil ankle-bitter" with that, he vanished down the hole, and he watched as Harry cried. His mother ran in, saw the egg, and smiled. Slowly, all this vanished again, and he went and explored the rest of the house. He watched as Harry's parents held him close when he had nightmares, played 'Peak-a-boo' with him, and so much more, but then he heard a bang and glass shattering. James looked up.
"Lily, it's him! Peter has betrayed us! Run!"
"No, James, I..."
James kissed her.
"Please, Lily!" reluctantly, she took Harry and ran up, but as she left, so did the images. Hallows walked after them, and when a green flash was seen, Lily shouted
"James!" she quickly slammed the door closed and put Harry in his crib just before the door slammed open.
"Get out of the way, you stupid girl!"
"Not Harry, please!
"Get out of the way, you foolish girl!"
"No! Have mercy! Take me instead!"
the green light shot out, hitting Lily, and she collapsed.
"To think that such a small boy is the hope of the world. Hah!" a third time the light was shot out, and it hit Harry, but something happened, something that shot the spell back, and he watched as a fraction of what he realized was the dark man's very soul jump into Harry. As this all vanished, he felt pain in his head, and he collapsed.

All around the world, those that were released for Halloween found themselves forced back into the Realm of the Dead as Halloween was cut short for the first time in history.

Months passed, and not one of the Guardians saw Hallows, yet when he awoke, he remembered.

Opening his eyes, he looked around his old room. Yes, his old room! He was Harry Potter, but now, he was Hallows, Spirit of All Hallows Eve. He felt the time, and his eyes widened, Sirius!

Harry watched, as if in slow motion, as his godfather taunted his cousin. He watched as she shot a spell towards his godfather. He felt as if his body had a mind of its own as he ran and pushed his godfather aside. He felt as the spell hit him, a simple Disarming Charm, and he was sent flying into a curtain. Pain unlike anything he had ever felt before flowed through him, and the last thing he heard was his godfather, shouting his name. The pain, it was too much! He felt as his consciousness left him.

Arriving just as his past fell through the Veil, he watched as Lestrange laughed and attempted to run, but Hallows made the doors slam shut. She grabbed the door knob, but no matter how much she tried, she couldn't do anything. Scratching sounds were heard while shadows seemed to move along the walls. The candles flickered in a nonexistent breeze while Hallows growled a terrifying growl, as he walked to stand in front of the Veil in which he heard the dead. So, the Ministry was trying to find out about the dead! It was as they looked at him that he realized that the Veil, it was making him visible to the living, and that suited him quite fine. She tried to shoot a spell at him, but it went right through him, something which made her eyes widen before fur covered his body as he used his power. Souls came out of the Veil, each of them in visible pain while he grew taller, his body just about exploding with muscle. His mouth and nose lengthened into a muzzle while his teeth turned sharp and extra teeth grew out. His nails became claws and, as he released a powerful howl, wings ripped out of his back.
"Wha... What are you?" Lestrange asked, fear being heard from her voice. When he spoke, it was like every fear she had was given sound.
"I am Hallows, and I am your end" with that, he charged forwards, dodging her blasts out of instinct before he seemed to vanish. Hmm, it seems that only if they see him while looking at the Veil was he visible to them. Good to know. As his claws went over her, she screamed as they made a visible mark, for with him being so close to a Gateway, he could make marks on the living. She screamed as she was pounced on, and one of her own foolishly tried to cast a spell Hallows recognized as a Torture Curse, but it went straight through him, not that they saw that, and hit her, causing her to shriek. He continued, attacking her before flying them up while her shriek literally woke the dead, rare, but it happened.
"So how's Monica?"
"Oh, she's..." he looked at the dead that were there.
"Silence! It is not Halloween!" he stated before stopping as the female stopped moving. Bellatrix Lestrange was dead.

"Did you see that?" Ron Weasley asked.
"I don't know what he is, but he is not human" Hermione Granger stated while the Order kept them close. That was when it became visible again as it walked into the light of the Veil.

He looked at them all, the Order and Death Eaters frozen in place.
"Death Eaters shall leave" he ordered, back in his human form.
"And... and why should we?" Lucius Malfoy demanded. Hallows slowly walked towards him.
"Let me put it this way, no one has ever seen me use my full power, not even a fiftieth" he stated, but the reason was that his power was only that high on his nights.
"Hah! That doesn't mean much!" Malfoy stated, and Harry looked around before stopping, Moony!
"Ah, a Moon Child!"
"Werewolf, you mean" Malfoy stated, causing Hallows to turn and glare at him.
"True, but your ancestor was there when it happened. The Moon Child could change at will, the Human and Wolf sharing the body. But then your ancestor used the Imperious Curse on my night, Halloween, on the Minister of Magic who was a Moon Child, thinking 'Oh, I deserve this right, not some beast!' He had the Minister transform, with the wolf in complete control, making the wolf mad, both angry and insane. He had the wolf bite and tear others apart, creating the Werewolf Curse, and the next morning, he shouted in the Wizengamot 'See?! They can't be trusted!' A law was made, no Moon Child, eventually changed to werewolf, may become Minister of Magic. It was ten days later that they discovered who had done it, so they made it illegal for any Malfoy to become Minister of Magic. Of course, that part of your history is conveniently forgotten" he stated, smirking as Malfoy became angrier. The problem was that his own magic had fuelled the change, since it was done on Halloween.
"You lie!" Malfoy stated.
"Oh, am I?" he asked before looking at Moony. His eyes went blood red, and Moony suddenly screamed. Slowly, he took on his wolf form, much to the shock of those present, but unlike normal when the wolf was in control, he didn't attack, instead, he sniffed in the air before looking at Hallows and ran, stopping a meter away from him. Like a dog, he sat on the ground, and Hallows chuckled "Good boy!" he scratched the wolf behind the ear, all the time trying to not laugh as he felt their shocked looks.
"What are you?" Hermione Granger asked.
"I am Hallows, All Hallows Eve given form." he answered, but when one of the Death Eaters looked ready to attack Hermione, he said one word, "Attack" Moony shot forwards and pounced on the guilty Death Eater who screamed at having a werewolf on his chest, wand knocked out of his hand. Hallows, though, turned to look at the Veil, they dared to mess with the dead?! He threw out his hands, and blasts of power shot out, tricking the Veil.
"What are you doing?!" Sirius Black demanded.
"Only I may release the dead" he answered, but Sirius pointed his wand at Hallows.
"My godson..."
"...is dead, Black. That thing that you humans have experimented with leads to the Realm of the Dead, and any human going though there is gone" he stated before turning and swishing his hand through the air, he sent all wands flying aside while Moony played with them, a small game of catch. He turned back to the Veil, and he shot out more blasts that cracked the stone before, after stopping, he roared and shot a powerful blast, powerful enough to shatter the stone, turning the Veil to rubble while the curtain vanished. No more could he feel the dead in the room, and he was once more invisible. That was when he looked up; Voldemort was near. Running out, he watched as Voldemort appeared, but he smirked before making the statues from the fountain come alive. Voldemort was soon dodging as the statues went against him, and Harry sent out blasts of unseen energy that had Voldemort looking around.
"Whoever you are, you shall regret having fought against Lord Voldemort" he stated just as Aurors and the Minister of Magic walked in. He quickly Disapparated away.
"He's back!"

Following the Order, he floated into Grimmauld Place where all but Snape was sad.
"I should've been killed, not Harry!" Sirius stated while Moony, still as a wolf, howled. How would he change back?
"Sirius, don't talk like that! Harry would've wanted you to live!"
"Wait! That being! Hallows!" Hermione began.
"What about him?" Ron asked while the Order sat around.
"Halloween is the one time of year that the barrier between the living and the dead are almost gone! And with him being its form..." Albus' eyes widened.
"He might be able to summon Harry!" the twinkle returned while Hallows watched them.
"But how does one catch a holiday?" Tonks asked. He smirked before making his right pointing finger's nail turn into a claw. She jerked forwards as she felt something, catching their attention, and she quickly turned as blood began to flow. With her permission, they removed the back of her top, allowing them to see words carved into her back.
Who says I left?
His message made a few stare, and he carved more.
I can't use normal writing materials; my time has movies of words carved into flesh. What makes this any different?
More blood flowed.
"Stop it! You're hurting her!"
No, I am not, old man. Oops, out of paper...
"No, wait! Don't go! Please! How about a trade?" Hermione asked, and feeling as if a knife was cutting into her, she watched as words appeared on her right arm.
Such as...
"Anything! Anything to see and speak to Harry!" she stated while they all watched her.
Impossible. I can only summon the dead easily during my days, Halloween, as it is known. On all other days, I must be near a Gateway.
"A Gateway?" Albus asked, curiosity seen and heard from him.
Places where the dead go in and out. During my days, all graveyards are Gateways. Other times, there are set Gateways that I and I alone know the location of. Now... lower back.
Realizing what was being said, she took off her robes and turned, lifting up the back of her shirt while her wounds were healed.
Now what deal could you make with me?
"What would you like?" Albus asked, and there was no writing for a few seconds.
The execution of Senior Undersecretary Delores Jane Umbridge, or even better, send her to Transylvania. There is a bounty on her head. How does 10 000 000 Galleons sound?