Summary: He could bend and twist her wildest dreams – make a mere fantasy a reality. All she has to do... is ask.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the story.

"You're in my realm, my dear sweet chrome." His light hearted laughs resonated in the air. "In this world, normal rules don't apply – you get to do everything you want."

"So tell, me dear chrome – what is your deepest desire?"

At this, she caught her voice in her throat – what was this feeling that was surging in her? hope, fear?

She didn't dare – wouldn't dare to wish a certain thing only he could grant.

"I… n-nothing…"

"Oh? But surely, there's something that you would want – every human live solely for the fact they have something they desire."

Her weak nature, the willingness to obey without even questioning his motives – or not asking anything in return. It irked him. Oh yes, her innocence, her purity the very essence that made her Nagi – he should, by all damn logical reason, be REPELLED but it made him more enthralled and captivated.

Her eyes were starting to brim with tears as she stared back at him – "It's okay, mukuro –sama –"

he knew she was weird. Every woman he encountered in the past always longed for something in exchange. But chrome wasn't a typical woman – she had long given everything she had – even at the cost of her life and she doesn't ask anything in return?

His patience was wearing thin –" You told me everything before – why would you hide anything from me now Nagi?"

He can seen it in her eyes, a slight shimmer when he told her to ask anything from him. There must be something this girl would want – however, she tried to lower her head. Something in him snapped. He roughly tipped her chin so she could face him even if it's against her will.

"I've been your savior – I helped you survive all these years. Heck, I've created a new life for you! What makes you think I can't give you anything? Haven't I been your everything?!"

"Yes ! Everything!" She cried. "You were- and you still are." Fresh tears slowly rolled down the smooth curve of her cheeks. "But- "

His large hands were now cupping her face. He urged her to continue "I'm – a-afraid... I might lose you if – if I asked for too much."

There she said it. And his deafening silence is more than she could bear. After what felt like forever, he found his voice

" are you implying… you want me, Nagi?"

She turned her head sideways… "More than anything"




Reality? He never knew much the meaning of that word – but in this realm, he can bend her wildest imagination into something real.

He can smell her scent through the breeze- Warm, and innocent and pure – so beguiling it was almost seductive. He didn't care if it was an illusion –even if it would be just a fleeting moment. Chrome deserves more – and he was intent in offering her bliss he knew wouldn't exist in the real world.

"Then tell me, dear sweet Nagi..." His voice was barely a whisper as he hovered painfully close to her ear.

" What. Would. You. Have. Me. Do?"

author's note: arghh... should i continue or not?