A/N- So this is just a little cliche story. Well, this is a "cliche's quest"! So I certainly hope it's cliche! But anyways, I now present the classic... drum roll please... Percy's sick and whiny!
Annabeth POV
I know I shouldn't be bored. In fact, I've got more work on my plate than most teenagers my age do. Olympus wasn't built in a day after all! Normally on Fridays I had class during the day, and then I would come back to my dorm and work on my designs. Unfortunately for me (and yes, I realize I am probably the only teenager on the planet who says this) class is cancelled today.
To make matters worse, the teachers didn't tell us there wasn't school today until I was already up and out the door. 6 am and nothing to do.
My roommate, Haley, was down in the common room at another party. She invited me to come down, but after the last time... well, I'd rather stay in my room.
Of course, after three hours of Olympus work I had to stop. I love my work, but everyone needs a break once in a while. So now I'm just lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.
"A-Annabeth?" A hoarse voice sounded beside my head. I shot up and saw Percy's head floating next to my bed.
"Perce?" I rubbed my eyes, "Aren't you in school?" I asked through Iris-Message. He sneezed, and went into a coughing fit. Poor Percy's nose was bright red, his face was blotchy, sweat was beading on his forehead, and there were tissues thrown around the room behind him.
"Too sick." He groaned, "Can you come over? My mom had to leave for the day."
Ok... so maybe this wasn't how I wanted to spend my day. But it was a lot better than laying around doing nothing.
"I'll be over in a couple minutes." He smiled at me, then I swiped my hand through the message.
I figured Percy wouldn't really want to get up and answer the door, so I just used the extra key under the mat.
"Annabeth, is that you?" Percy whispered from the couch. He'd made himself into a burrito of blankets. I maneuvered my way around the dirty tissues on the ground to his side.
"No, it's Zeus." I rolled my eyes, "How are you feeling?" He sneezed.
"Awful." He whimpered. I knelt down beside him and felt his forehead.
"Mmm, you feel warm. I'll go get you some medicine." I said, standing up.
"Annabeeeeth." He whined, "Can I have a kiss?" I wrinkled my nose.
"But you're sick, I have a meeting on Olympus tomorrow!" Percy's bottom lip jutted out like a five year old.
"Please? I don't feel good." Wow, he sounded like a five year old too. I sighed.
"Fine," I bent down and lightly kissed his forehead. He rewarded me with a cheesy grin.
"Thank you, Wise Girl." He said. I lightly slapped his arm as I walked to their bathroom. Knowing Percy, I'd have a problem getting him to take his medicine.
And I was right. He clamped his mouth shut the second I came into the room with a bottle of cough syrup and some pills that would help with the fever.
"Open up." I instructed. He shook his head. I perched on the side of the couch next to him, "You need to take your meds, Percy." Again, he shook his head and grunted a no. Instead of wasting my time arguing with him, I set it down on the coffee table.
Having a strategic mind definitely comes in handy at times like these. I leaned over and ran my fingers through his hair. Percy knew me too well, and he knew I was up to something, but I don't think he cared.
"Percy," I said lowly, "if you don't take your medicine, you won't get better. And if you don't get better, then I'm afraid I'm never gonna be able to kiss you again." He rolled his eyes, calling my bluff. I sat up with a smirk.
"Your loss, Seaweed Brain." I could almost see the gears in his brain turning.
"Fine, you win." He grumbled miserably. Proudly, I poured the cough syrup.
"Plug your nose and swallow." I instructed. Percy pinched his nose and swallowed the syrup.
"Bleh! Oh, ew!" Percy gagged, but he got it down.
"Good boy, now take your pills." I held out my palm with two little white capsules.
"My throat hurts, I can't swallow them." He whispered.
"If you can talk then you can swallow." I reasoned, "Now take them." Percy glared at me, but took the pills anyways. I smiled in triumph.
"Don't look so smug, I'm too sick." He coughed. I put my palm on his sweaty cheek comfortingly.
"Do you want me to get you anything?" I asked, "Juice? Soup? More tissues?"
"Yeah, can you rub this stuff on my chest?" He reached for a small plastic tub on the table.
"Isn't that kind of weird? I mean what if your mom walks in?" He blushed a little. Way to go, Annabeth, way to make this a lot more awkward than it needs to be.
"Er... I uh... um..." He started stuttering and blushing even more.
"Um, nevermind." I said, taking the jar from him, "Take off your shirt." His cherry red turned to firetruck red as he discarded his t-shirt. I smiled sheepishly at him as I spread the gel on his chest. He took a deep breath.
"Thanks." I wiped my hand on a tissue and capped the jar.
"Of course, Seaweed Brain." I said. He reached and blew his nose in another tissue.
"Annabeth? Can you make me some soup?" He asked.
"Sure, be right back."
"It's too salty!" He complained for the third time.
"Percy, this is the third soup I've made. Your taste buds are off."
"But Annabeeeeth!" He whined, "I want soup!"
"Your mouth doesn't!" He pursed his lips stubbornly, "Why don't I make you some tea?" He snorted.
"Gross! Old people drink tea." I raised an eyebrow.
"Your mom drinks tea." His eyes widened.
"Don't tell her I said that." I rolled my eyes at him, and set the soup down on the coffee table.
"Why don't you take a nap? Sleep is good for you." Percy groaned and grumbled.
"I don't want to sleep!" He crossed his arms stubbornly. I held back my urge to slap him.
"Percy, you need rest." I said calmly, but my eye was twitching.
"Well then rest with me." He reached up and grabbed my hand, trying to pull me down. Despite myself, I smiled.
"If I do, will you finally sleep?" He nodded meekly. I shoved him to the side and laid down next to him. Percy wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. I reached down and pulled the blanket over both of us.
"Hey Annabeth?" Percy whispered.
"I love you." I smiled, and reached back to pat his head.
"I love you too."
"Thanks for getting me sick."