Chapter one

I had tried my hardest over the years to understand where I belonged, and I finally knew. It all started in the late afternoon of a Thursday, it was around three o clock, partly cloudy with a touch of rain, I was walking to my locker at high school to put my book up and get my car keys, but he stood there, leaned up against my locker was a tall almost seven foot man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tattoo that added twists and turns through his whole body.

The tattoo started over his heart in the shape of a sun, then it twisted in twenty different directions towards the rest of his chest and past his lower torso. His arms seemed to have not been tainted by the black ink, but I could see it was spreading towards them. He stood straight backed now towards me, his eyes daggers through me as his gorgeousness showered over me. "Ronnie?" He asked. Okay, yes, I had a guys name, but who cares? It could be cool at some points! "Yes." My shakey voice managed to get out. He raised his hand and I felt a burning sensation over my heart, then it grew to a small irritating prick that would make you mad enough to go crazy, and then flames, no, worse, I was engulfed in them, not just over my heart, but everywhere. I was frozen where I stood, but I fell to my knees and he lowered his hand. "You are the next Kwe'." He spoke, and a blue light glazed over my eyes.

I felt as if I had bee dipped in acid after being trampled by bulls, stripped of my skin, and burned at the stake. I couldn't scream because the blue glaze over my eyes seemed to overcome my throat with the flames, and yes, it burned terribly. I couldn't see, I couldn't feel anything but the flames that wrapped around me and consumed me, I couldn't think because the black veil of the world was closing and I felt brain dead. Was I? Would my mother and father figure out I wouldn't come home tonight... or at all?

I felt my surroundings and realized, through this time that I had been burning, I had changed scenery. Instead of on the hard cold school floor, I felt grass, all around me, and smelled the fresh trimming of each clip around me. I also discovered a new smell, an odd cinnamon smell mixed with vanilla and a little of moss to balance it out perfectly with the grass clippings. I grabbed onto the grass and pulled out a hunk, feeling something, for once beside the burning. Within the feeling of hours or so, I felt the tips of my fingers and toes, I could actually feel a pair of fingers intertwined through mine, I could feel the coolness of them, and how they were as hard as stone, but becoming warmer, and softer.

I could tell that it was getting day time because about a hundred yards away I could hear a humming birds wings fluttering, and I could hear a rooster two and three fourths miles away from the spot I sat on crow. Through the blue glaze, I could progressively see the sun coming into view and the blue, pink, purple and yellow sky turning completely blue. Then, I saw him through the glaze. He looked different. Through the glaze, I'm sure everyone would've looked different, but not this different. He seemed to have changed eye colors to a deep black, and his face was twisted to stone as he stared at me. His golden hair had dulled to an almost white, and I could tell something was wrong by the tone in his voice as he spoke to me, "Just a few more hours, my Kwe', not much longer, I promise."

As the burning gathered closer to my heart, I finally perceived and felt the soft grass under me, and the odd thing was, it felt like a soft bed, and not like the hard ground it usually did. But the down side to feeling the grass was the burning going completely to my heart, like it took everything to change my heart beat to something different, because I knew I wasn't human anymore, and I never would be. As this happened, my back began to spasm and burst in pain as my body had when he first found me. I twitched as the pain became so unbearably horrible that I wish I had died. I thought this almost change was over, but no, now my back was in pain, and by this pain, I could've sworn that it had been ripped open, but how? Would a change as extensive as this burst my back open?

As I now felt around me, there was nothing, like I was floating in space, but it wasn't space, because I felt something on my back pulling me up, something so simple that they actually felt natural, and as I stopped floating, and the air stopped rushing threw my hair, I heard flapping of wings. Not a normal birds wings, oh no, these had to be wings of some kind of malevolent creature, yet they felt as if they were right behind me.

I stretched my arms out to feel my joints, and expected them to be sore, but no, there was no soreness, nothing, only perfection beyond belief, and as I opened my eyes to see for the first time in what felt like years, I saw the sun, and every perfect glare of it, then I saw the grass, every piece beyond perfection, I even saw the small fibers in the bark on the trees. I saw everything, so perfectly and clearly. And as I realized I was dangled in the sky, I looked around for a wider view of the world surrounding me, trying to see the reason for my being in the air. Then, without a glimpse of warning, I saw black feathers, coal black feathers that flowed with the wind, and then I realized, the malevolent creature I had heard...

That was me.