Emma starred out the window of the train as it speed past building and open fields on their way to New York. Gold sat across from her starring blankly off into space. They hadn't said a word to each other since they had boarded the train almost an hour ago. Emma sighed and laid her head on the back of the seat falling asleep almost instantly.

When she woke up again they were a half hour from the city. She had always loved New York with the lights and the night life. Having spent some time in the city she knew the area fairly well.

"Do you know the name your son has been going by or where he is?" Emma asked Gold.

"I believe his name's Neal… Neal Cassady." Gold said, Emma almost spit out her drink.

"Are you sure?" She asked, her heart pounding.

"Yes, I'm sure, why?" Gold asked.

"It's nothing, where does he live?" Emma asked trying not to lose her head. He said the address but she wasn't paying attention, her mind was going in to many circles.

What were the chances that it was her Neal?

What if it was? What wuld she say to Henry? There was a reason she had lied to him about his father.

If it was Neal that meant that Henry was Rumplestilskin's grandson, that's messed up.

Emma was pulled out of her worring by Gold calling her name.

"Yeah?" She said quickly.

"We should go to our hotel when we get there, we can start fresh in the morning." Emma nodded and looked out the window again.

The Bar was almost empty in the hotel, Gold was upstairs in their room asleep. The glass of scotch in her hands, the cold glass pressed against her lips. She loved the way the harsh beverage slid smoothly down her throat. She would be seeing the one man she had ever felt feelings for tomorrow and it scared her beyond belief. He had betrayed her, even after she had told him how she felt, something she had never said to any other man. Could she forgive him for what he had put her through. She had given birth to their son in jail. He was a cowered and a liar that was all he would ever be to her.

"I'll have what she's having." Gold said sitting next to her. "I thought I might find you here." Emma didn't say anything only sipped on her drink. "I'm here because I may see my son tomorrow, why are you here?" Gold asked, Emma sighed.

"My son is in Storybrook after I haven't seen him for weeks and I was forced to leave him again." Emma said finishing the scotch in her glass, lying through her teeth.

"Try having your son in another world and trying to get back to him." Emma only looked at him.

"I did." Emma said simply.

"But for 30 years." Gold said a little hostilely.

"Sure seems that way sometimes." Emma sighed motioning to the bar tender.

"You gave him away willingly, I lost mine." Gold said.

"People always just assume I chose to give Henry up, it was my only choice and I regret it every day." Emma said slamming her glass down on the counter getting up, throwing cash down. "I'm going to bed I'll see you in the morning." She said hedding up to the room.