Disclaimer: *Kicking door and barring it with my couch* Bad lawyers! Bad! *Turns* Nah, I don't own Naruto or KH. *Turn back at sue happy lawyers* AND STAY OUT!

Ye Olds' spellbook... Um... Science textbook of knowledge and stuff.

Ether - Although used to replenish Mana reserves of people in the Kingdom Hearts universe, the ethereal properties of Mana can cause the Mana circulation to kick-start within a ninja. Usually it will take a few doses before the Mana circulation builds. However, for a talented person, the consumption one Ether is all that's needed to jump start the reserves. On a ninja who has awakened his Mana capabilities, Ethers will just replenish his reserves when drained, working normally.

Mana - Chakra uses physical and spiritual energy. Mana, on the other hand, uses internal energy. Unlike Chakra, the mastery of Mana and it's magical effects is much harder, although the spells come in a much wider variety, such as element manipulation to large scales, as well as support techniques like 'Magnet' and 'Reflect'. Like Chakra, which can be replenished by food pills, Mana is replenished with Ethers. However, a bonus to Mana that Chakra lacks is that as a user's Mana is completely depleted, his stamina and abilities would not be affected. The only downside being that he cannot cast spells during the duration. It is to be noted that there are few magic users in the worlds, due to the difficulty in moulding Mana.

Ye Olds' spellbook of original techniques.

Rising flames - Axel swings his chakrams in a downwards arc, causing a column of fire to erupt in a straight line. This attack is highly concentrated, dealing an immense damage to enemies caught within it, but lacks in range, with a maximum distance of 20 meters.

Special note: Thanks to OSR fanatic for correcting me on the elements for steam style. It's water, fire and wind :)

"Demyx" Jutsu, Technique, Demon/Greater being speech

'Demyx' Thought

"Demyx" Normal Speech

'Demyx' Flashback thoughts

"Demyx" Flashback Jutsu, Technique, Demon/Greater being speech

"So let me get this straight, this is a bingo book, and the people here are marked as missing-nins. If we were to kill them, we can bring them to a collection office, and claim cash for them?"

"Yes, they are often of a high level, as shown in the rank guide here."

"So we have a licence to kill these people, and are even encouraged to do it with the cash reward?"


"Damn, this is awesome! I wonder how would Xenmas react if he learns about this world!"



"Fade into the darkness! Let nothingness rule!" Xenmas bellowed, as the aura of nothingness enveloped him. He bore significant changes to his dressing, his robe now replaced by one with black and white hues.

Facing Sora and Riku, he entered a fighting stance, ready for a final showdown.

Gathering the Nil energy within his hands, he gave one last battle cry. "Anger and hate are.. Achoo!"

Riku paused, hands still on his keyblade. "The fuck man? You ruined it!" he exclaimed, pointing at Xenmas for the anti-climax to the long awaited battle.

It has been a week since Axel stepped foot into this new world, and he had to admit, having visited various worlds before, Demyx's home world was definitely the most interesting. Han proved to be a rather efficient teacher, instructing the basics to Axel on the Bushin no jutsu, Henge no jutsu and Kawarimi no jutsu. Furthermore, what caught Axel's attention was the convenience of sealing items into scrolls. This meant that he could carry many items with just a single scroll. The only downside was that should the scroll be destroyed, there go the items. Han also gave him a brief terminology on the ninja basics and history, thus giving him a clearer mind of the practices in this world. Honestly, it was rather interesting to enter a world where a significant portion of the population enlisted as ninjas, and well... definitely much more talented than Yuffie.

Han also proved to be a quick learner. With just the dose of an Ether to kick-start his Mana circulation, Han has already mastered the basic elemental magic, taking an affinity to thunder based spells, being able to cast thundara an impressive three times before running out of Mana. A such, coupled with his steam kekkai tōta, Han is much more versatile in his elemental use. Since his leave from Iwakagure, Han had removed his kasa and mask hiding his lower face, revealing short spiked black hair. He still wore his armor, but kept it hidden under the black cloak. Right now, the duo was just wondering around the outskirts of Konoha, still trying to locate Demyx.

"It's getting dark, how about we camp for the night at the shop over there." Han suggested to Axel.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." Axel replied dismissively. He took note of the shop's name. 'Curry of life, seems... Interesting?' he pondered in half amusement.

Meanwhile, a trio of miners were headed their way.

"Hurry up! If we can make it to Konoha, we should be able to save Kanpachi!" the apparent leader of the group, Rokusuke, urged his companions.

"Rokusuke... Kanpachi can no longer be saved. We have already escaped from Katabami, Raiga can no longer track us down. We should take shelter at the shop up ahead." His companion advised.

"You don't understand! If we can reach Konoha today, we can ask some ninjas to help free our village! And Kanpachi would be saved!"

"Rokusuke! Pull yourself together. At this rate, we will collapse of exhaustion, and probably die! Our village's future lies on us. We should rest for the day. Furthermore, I've heard rumors of Konoha being torn politically. With the mess the country is in, we will still have to wait a few days before they allocate ninja to help us!"

Reluctantly, Rokusuke agreed, making their way to the shop named 'Curry of Life'.

Axel and Han looked at the curry in front of them. Pretty much looks like a normal curry... Wait... Is it bubbling? The owner of the shop, a kindly looking grandma by the name of Sansho, asked in curiousity. "Is anything wrong? Is the curry not warm?" Unwilling to offend her, both Axel and Han shook their heads. Closing their eyes and praying for their stomachs, both took a spoonful, and swallowed it in a gulp... Before gagging on the floor. The curry wasn't horrible tasting due to the ominous bubbling before that, it was rather nice. The only problem, it that it was freaking spicy. Recovering from the shock, Axel laughed "Strong... That's definitely damn strong!" As both were recovering from the aftertaste, the noticed a trio of miners enter the shop-house. "Don't worry Rokusuke, we will rest a day before making our way to Konoha. Just be patient, our village will be free soon!" A miner comforted his companion, bringing about a weak smile to his face.

Axel listened in curiosity to the newcomers. An oppressive tyrant ruling a village that needs to be liberated? That should be fun to interfere, not to mention gain experience against fighting ninjas. Sending a quick glance to Han, who nodded, sending a silent approval, he made his way to the miners.

"Hey guys, you have a problem?" Axel approached the trio.

"Yes. We are miners from Katamabi, a village in the Land of Rivers. Our village has been taken over by a gang called the Kurosuki family. 3 years ago, a few ninja from Konoha liberated our country from the Gato cooperation. We hope that Konoha can once again help us." The miner pointed out.

"Hmm," Shooting another look to Han, who simply nodded, Axel told the miners. "Well, me and my partner can help you out, completely free of charge."

The three miners' eyes widened in surprise. "Impossible!" Rokusuke shouted, slamming his fists on the table. "The leader of the Kurosuki family, Raiga, is a greatly feared ninja! He has been unbeatable in every fight since he took over! All those who tried to fight him lost badly! And the worst part is that he has funerals for everyone who displeases him!"

Axel raised a brow in curiosity. "Okay... Shouldn't that be good? I mean, isn't he still honoring those who fought against him?"

"No," the other miner shook his head, his eyes downcast. "Raiga captures those who oppose him, then bury them alive. As such, he will host a 'funeral' before crying over them, like they were a good friend."

"Damn, this so fucked... But whatever, we'll help you. Han, can you check your bingo book for Raiga?"

"Of course" Flipping open the book, he scrolled to the R tab. "Hmm, Raiga is an A rank missing-nin from Kirigakure, having a bounty of 10 million ryo on his head. Oh, he is also a former member of the seven ninja swordsman of the mist."

"Really? What blades did he use?" Axel asked, his memory picking up from how Han told him of the top kenjutsu users in Kirigakure, being feared as the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

"It isn't mentioned in the book, but I doubt it will be much of a problem with our capabilities." Han said.

"You mean mine? You got your ass kicked by a girl!" Axel teased.

"I do not hit women. Doing such is an ungentlemanly behavior." Han replied, having a slight smirk on his face.

Axel laughed, his traveling partner does come up with some good jokes "Whatever!" Turning towards the miners, he assured them "We will make our way out tomorrow, just lead us there, and hang back, we won't take long!"

The three miners thanked Axel in gratitude, before being stopped by Sansho. "I apologize for the trouble, but can you do me a favor? I have a son, Karashi, but he went off to join that Kurosuki family... I shouldn't have pushed him, always telling him to stand up for himself... Can you please guide him back to the right path?"

Axel nodded, "Yeah sure thing grandma!"

Sansho's eyes looked on in happiness. "Thank you, you can stay for the night, free of charge if you like."

As night fell, Axel and Han made preparations to crash for the day. Axel and Han shared a room, while the miners shared another. For some unknown reason, insomnia was kicking into Axel, preventing him from sleeping, as if an ominous event were to happen. Stretching, he got up, deciding to get some fresh air, before sleeping again.

"Can't sleep?"

"Yeah, I just have this bad feeling keeping me up..."

Han nodded, before tossing around.

"This is terrible! One of the miners suddenly exclaimed in worry, throwing the door to Axel and Han's room. "Rokusuke is gone! He must have ran off back to the village on his own!"

"Shit! Axel cursed, hastily getting ready the supplies for a strike against the Kurosuki family.

Rokusuke ran towards the village, determined to save his friend, hoping against all odds that he survived all this while. "Don't worry Kanpachi! I'm coming!"

Raiga stood on a cliff, a stoic expression plastered on his face.

"Someone's coming, Raiga." An unknown voice came from behind Raiga's back.

"What a pity, looks like we have to host a funeral again..." Raiga trailed off sadly.

Dawn just barely broke out when Rokusuke arrived at the village. Sneaking in quietly, he located Kanpachi's grave and attempted to dig his friend out. Finally, giving in to exhaustion, his hands bleeding from digging, but already numb to the pain.

"Just you wait Kanpachi! I will get you out!" Rokusuke vowed.

"Need a hand?" An unknown voice asked. Rokusuke spun around, noticing seven hooded figures surrounding him. He yelled out in terror, but there was no escape.

Axel sighed in frustration as he and Han body flickered to the village. He originally wanted to enter unnoticed, assassinate the 'cannon fodder' and hopefully catch Raiga alive, at least dealing a severe hit against him before finishing him off. Thanks to Rokusuke, his plans just got thrown out of the window. Direct contact it is. Han's bingo book better be correct, 10 million ryo will strike them rich quick. They reached the village minutes later, Rokusuke's companions still hanging back at the shop until their return.

"Hmm, one... two... three... four... Four of 'em, I'll take them." Axel said, noticing the 4 cloaked figures below them.

"Yeah, be careful." Han advised.

"You're telling me?" Summoning Eternal Flames in his hand, he tossed one of them towards the four, cleanly cutting two of them into half. Using a body flicker, he grabbed a kunai and plunged it into the third. Sidestepping a sword slash from the fourth, Axel countered with a kick to the stomach, causing the Kurosuki lackey to crash into a cliff face, rendering him unconscious.

"What... What are you doing?" The old man who was being harassed by the four pointed at Axel, his hand shaking, eyes open in fear.

"Liberating your village that's what!" Axel exclaimed. Han body flickered next to Axel, before asking "Where is your leader? You need not live in fear anymore after today."

"No... No..." The old man trailed off aimlessly. A gong was then heard in the distance. "Oh no! They'll give me a funeral for sure!"

Axel sighed. "Now, aren't we found out this early..."

"No... It's a summon.. A calling to a funeral..." The old man corrected the duo.

Immediately, both thought the same thing. 'Rokusuke.' Nodding to each other, they ran off to the direction of the gong.

Raiga looked down from his cliff. Oh, how he loved funerals... They brought people together and settled their differences, gathering together as one to remember a dearly beloved friend.

"I remember when I first met Rokusuke... It was a happy memory." Raiga said.

"Is it?" The unknown figure at his back asked.

"Yes, I remember the smile he gave me when we liberated the gold mine from the corrupt lord, that's how I will always remember him." Raiga cried, the tears flowing down freely from his eyes.

"Will you give me a funeral?" The figure asked.

"Don't talk like that Ranmaru! You are not going to die! Definitely not before me!"

"Raiga, they're coming... One has genin level reserves, the other is beyond jonin..."

"Good, I want to see who he brought to rescue him." Raiga said, wiping his tears away from his eyes. His hands gripped the Kiba blades, anticipating a battle.

Axel and Han arrived to see a group of thugs preparing to dig a grave for Rokusuke. Han frowned at this, having already a dislike for most humans; this type of non-judgmental killings of innocents infuriated him. However, he realized that the group were acting together, without a leader to guide them. "The leader is still hiding, Axel, you take on the leader, I'll clean up here." Axel nodded, and Han body flickered to the bottom of the cliff.

"Who are you?" One of the thugs asked in surprise, wary of Han's intimidating presence.

"Nobody important." Han replied curtly. Gathering Mana into his hands, he prepared to cast a few thunder spells. 'Their chakra reserves are low and shouldn't pose a threat to me, this would be a good time practicing the 'Magic' Axel has been talking about...'

The thugs never knew what hit them.

Axel stood on the cliff, watching Han easily dispatch of the thugs. "Hmm, not quite the leader I guess, still hiding behind his lackeys and not even surfacing..." Axel pondered out loud. As if on cue, a thick mist appeared out of nowhere. "Note to self: Stop asking for trouble..." Axel sighed. Having heightened senses from his combat experience, Axel heard the splitting of a sword against the wind. Instinctively summoning Eternal flames, he blocked the incoming threat, the Kiba blade lodged between the prongs on his chakram. The mist dispelled and revealed Raiga, smiling at Axel. "You are an interesting fellow, having Genin level reserves yet standing up to an ANBU member like me. Perhaps I should host a funeral, your determination is rare to come across."

"I'll pass, had mine already, it sucked." Axel waved the offer away, before snickering. "Perhaps I can host yours instead, since you like funerals so much. Fira!" A circle of flames surrounded Axel, scorching Raiga's arm.

"Damn you! Lightning style: Fangs of lightning!" Drawing his twin swords, Raiga sent an electrical essence into the clouds, before lightning shot down towards Axel. When the dust cleared, a scorched piece of earth remained. No traces of Axel.

"Raiga! Behind you!" Raiga spun around, barely blocking a flame covered chakram. Having both arms locked in combat, Axel quickly dealt a quick kick towards Raiga, knocking him back a considerable distance. Charging forth, Axel wildly slashed at Raiga with his chakrams, barely landing scratches on him. Raiga, finding himself outmatched, jumped back from Axel, maintaining a distance. Slamming his Kiba blades on the ground, he cried out "Lightning burial: Banquet of lightning!" A wave of lightning bolts cut through the ground towards Axel. "I don't think so!" Axel mocked, "Rising flames!" A column of fire erupted from the ground, easily neutralizing the attacks of Raiga, before hitting Raiga head on.

Raiga escaped from the inferno. Gathering his chakra in between his swords, he yelled "Ninja art: Lightning ball!" A ball of electricity flew towards Axel, and to Raiga's surprise, Axel deflected it, before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

"To your right!" Ranmaru warned, and Raiga quickly sidestepped, barely avoiding a fatal blow to the heart. Attempting to counter back, Raiga swung his Kiba blades, only to be blocked by Axel. "Firaga" Axel cast and a wave of fire circled him, knocking Raiga back. As Raiga flew in the air, Axel intercepted him with a hard kick to the stomach, knocking him off course, as well as separating the bag behind his back from him.

"Raiga!" Ranmaru cried out in surprise.

"Ranmaru!" Raiga yelled, worried for his only friend.

Raiga looked on in irritation. Without Ranmaru's aid and running dangerously low on chakra, he only had a single attack left to end the battle. Gathering his last chakra into the Kiba blades, he clinked them and raised them in the air. "Ninja art: Thunder dragon tornado!" From the atmosphere, lighting struck down to the Kiba blades. A current formed around Raiga, forming a dragon solely made of wind and electricity. Axel could only look on in surprise. "What the hell?" The dragon opened its mouth, electricity gathering there. With a loud roar, it fired a lightning ball towards Axel. "Shit! Reflega!" A circle of light enveloped Axel, barely deflecting the lightning ball, sending it back to its owner. The lightning ball struck the dragon, dispelling it.

"What?" Raiga looked on in surprise, before feeling a sharp pain from his body. He notice Axel, stabbing Eternal Flames into both his lungs, puncturing them. Coughing out blood, he looked at Axel. "I guess... I will be the one needing a funeral after all..." Making one final request, he turned to Axel. "Hey... take care of Ranmaru... Okay?" The missing-nin finally breathed his last, his body going limp and swords falling to the ground.

Axel raised a brow. Picking up the Kiba blades, he stashed them in his traveling scroll, before casting a cure spell to heal his electricity burns. Storing Raiga's body in a separate scroll, he walked towards the zipped bag. "Wonder what he was carrying behind him..." He thought out aloud, as he unzipped the bag. To his surprise, it revealed a frail looking boy.

"Wait, were you the unknown voice behind Raiga's back?" Axel asked in curiousity. To his surprised, Axel noted the look of sadness in Ranmaru's eyes. The look of despair, someone who had no more reason to live.

"Yes... We were together... Since that day..." Ranmaru replied. Axel raised a brow in curiosity, signalling Ranmaru to carry on.

"… I lived in a village, in a shabby cabin. I've always been frail and I have no memory of my parents. I survived only because the other villagers took pity on me and left me food. But even though I was so weak, I had a power no one else had. My eyes allowed me to see the outside world. When they found out about that power, they stopped helping me, and instead called me a demon. I would have starved to death, had it not been for Raiga. One day, he and a group of ANBU came to the village in search of a traitor. With my eyes I saw him, crying. He, too, had no meaning in his life. He took pity on me and took me with him. From that day forward, I was his eyes and he was my arms and legs. We've always been together ever since. I've always felt happy around him. But now that he's gone, my life has no meaning." Axel frowned, although Demyx's home world was rather interesting, and to a certain extent, likable, Axel could not help but feel mildly disgusted at the open lynching of children. Even within Organization XIII, there was never an order to hurt or harm children. (Except Sora, but well, he was just looking for trouble) Ranmaru looked up at Axel. "You have a job right? Finish it."

"Nope, and that's final." Axel said. "Look, I know Raiga is your only friend here, but this does not give you an excuse to just go kill yourself because he is dead. You know what he said to me as he died? 'Take care of Ranmaru.' Do you think he will be happy if you are gonna throw your life away? Stay alive kiddo, you have much to see the world. Forget your past, look towards the future."

"Alright... If Raiga wanted me to... I guess I'll try..." Picking Ranmaru up, he jumped down the cliff, rejoining with Han.

"You took your time didn't you?" Han teased, sitting on a rock and drawing patterns on the ground with a stick. Next to him were the thugs all tied up, except for one. "The guy who isn't tied up is Karashi. I beat some sense into him after he refused to return back to Sansho. Shall we return?"

"Yeah sure." Axel said. After being thanked by the other miners, who quickly learnt of the news of the defeat of the Kurosuki family, they made their way back to the Curry of Life shop, where Karashi was given Sansho's 300% spicy punishment curry. Looking at Karashi's face after eating the curry, Axel and Han vowed never to try that curry, even if it kills them. Ranmaru decided to stay at the shop, where he was warmly welcomed by Sansho. "Oh yeah, by the way, why I didn't think of this?" Axel slapped his forehead in frustration. Sansho, Karashi and Ranmaru looked in curiosity. "Cura" Axel cast. A green flower appeared above Ranmaru, sprinkling healing essence above him. "You should be able to walk now, although due to your illness, you will tire quickly" Axel pointed out. Shakily, Ranmaru got up, took a few steps, before sitting down. Breaking into a small smile, he replied "Thanks, Axel-san!"

The next day, Axel and Han prepared to make their leave. "Off to Konoha guys! See you next time!" The duo waved goodbye to Sansho, Karashi and Ranmaru.

As the cloaked duo walked away, Axel smiled and reflected 'It's been two weeks since I got my heart back... Honestly, I feel quite good'

If both stayed a few hours longer, they would have ran into another pair of black cloaked figures...

AN: I dropped 3 huge clues in this story. The two are rather obvious. The second is hardly noticeable. See if u can find them :P

Regarding Han, although keeping calm and polite most of the time, I wanted him to have the occasional sense of humor, else this will probably get dry.

I kept typing Kurosuki as Kurosaki in my draft. Too much Bleach for me...

Apologies for the long update time; school has just begun for me. I should be maintaining with weekly updates though. Also, having a writer's block didn't help. At least I went to type chapters 6 and 7 beforehand.

So now you have it, Axel's second weapon- The Kiba blades! But honestly, he's going to keep it as a collector's item, rather than use it often. I've planned out a true secondary weapon for him :)

Next up – Starring Demyx and his unknown travel companion! Now taking bets for 100 ryo each! Chapter 6 will be new and improved! Got that memorized? NEW AND IMPROVED!

I will also upload a chapter solely based on Demyx's abilities and his profile, maybe round chapter 10…