Read my profile for the reason behind this. More to come for this story :)

Yukimura didn't know what to do. Scratch that, he did know what to do, he just didn't know how to go about it.

He knew he wanted the One-Eyed-Dragon in a bad way. After they first met, he couldn't stop thinking about him. At first he thought it was because he finally found a rival. As time went on he realized it wasn't so.

He was less focused on beating the dragon and more focused on spending time with him. He would travel to Oush just for a chance to eat dangos with the young lord.

Kojuro picked up on it before Masamune could. It was the reason he was greeted by a heated glare from the Right Eye. However, the tension between the two caused Masamune to asked Kojuro no to disturb him during Yukimura's visits.

That was when the dreams started. He was alone with Masamune for so long that he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have the dragon in bed. Sasuke had caught him in the mist of his fantasies.

The ninja had laughed at him, surprisingly enough. He wasn't able to look him in the eye after he was caught masturbating. Sasuke had popped up again to wish him good luck before he made another trip to Oshu.

By the time he got there it was raining and Masamune was standing outside in the down pour.

"Masamune-dono, what are you doing out here. You'll catch a cold." The tiger said.

The dragon glanced at him, before looking back up at the sky.

This had Yukimura really worried. Normally Masamune was the confident one. He'd never seen him like this.


"I'm fine," the dragon said.

"You don't look it. Here take my jacket." He tried to hand the other man his jacket only to have it knocked out of his grasp.

"I don't need your pity," The younger man hissed.

"I'm not pitying you."

"Then why do you keep coming around. Ever since I got injured you've been coming around here."

Yukimura had to think about it for a little while. Yes, he had been around a lot since the siege on Oba, when Masamune's wound re-opened.

"Even Kojuro has been babying me since then. I'm a dragon damn-it! I don't need to be looked after!"

"I'm not here because of that. I knew that you were going to be fine. I just like hanging out with you."

Masamune looked down at him before rolling his eye.

"I mean it. The real reason I've been coming here so often is because I like you, a lot more than another man should like a man."

Masamune's eyes widen at this.

"You do?"

"Yes." He proved it through a kiss, hoping the other man wouldn't push him away. He almost died when Masamune kissed him back. Yukimura daringly let one of his hands feel Masamune's hair.

The rain was still, but they couldn't bring themselves to break apart.