Chapter 1
Baghdad, Iraq
The sounds of tanks rolling through the sand and air crafts flying above were all that she could hear. Beca had awakened to alarms of an ambush on her base. She was a MP there and hurried to gather her gear and rifle. Stepping out of her barrack the scene was a mess. Her best friend Jesse was across the bay with the same terrified look on his face.
"Move your ass now! Mitchell let's go!" Her sergeant was screaming at her to move out.
She began to move and she could see a burst of flames come from a distant barrack. "Shit" was all she could think to herself before following her fellow marines and helping the injured ones into designated vehicles. The night kept getting worse as they were firing back at the enemy with fear and anger in their eyes. Looking around her as the noise had settled down the scene was hard to comprehend. It seemed to drag on each minute was thought to be an hour. She helped as many as she could get to medical tents before her sergeant instructed her and her platoon to rest.
Morning hit and at 0500 only a few hours after the incident Beca awoke. Her head was pounding as she remembered the tragedy she witnessed just hours ago. She was so lost in her thoughts the glare that had just hit her eyes surprised her. She got up from the rubble she was sitting on and walked over to see what it was. The moment she picked it up she was lost in the beauty of the redhead woman on it. Her eyes the purest blue you could imagine and her smile, well that just took Beca's breath away. She placed the picture in her pocket hoping to later return it to the soldier it belonged to. As she began to turn around to head to her platoon an explosion threw her back. Her ears ringing and her sight fuzzy she looked around and soon drifted unconscious.
It was a few days later that her and Jesse and a few others were going to be heading home due to injuries and end of their tours.
"You ready to head back to the states? You need to find that lucky charm" Jesse said with a smirk on his face.
"What are you talking about?" Beca smiled back at her best friend.
"If you hadn't walked over to pick up that picture you would have died Bec." Sadness hinted in the young man's voice now.
Beca had completely forgotten that she still had the picture in her pocket. She began to pull it out and look at it. Again those eyes brought a sense of comfort to Beca. She looked at it closer and noticed the background a detail, making out a sign the redhead was leaning against. It said Beale Dog…she couldn't read the rest.
"Wow, I completely forgot I had this still. Do you really thi…" Beca's words cut off as she could hear a .50 Cal going off.
The panic shot through her as she could hear gunfire and screaming. Jesse had already moved to the .50 Cal mounted onto their vehicle. Her captain in command called in the attack with his words laced with fear. Everything went so fast before she could blink an eye the gunfire had stopped and she looked up to Jesse.
"Jesse! Oh my God! You need an emergency air evac right now!" Beca yelled to her friend with tears streaming down her face. Her friend was sunken into the backseat his eyes drifting in and out of consciousness. Beca turned around so she was completely facing him holding pressure onto his wounds.
"Becs you're hurt you need help." His voice soft and hoarse as he put his hand up to her shoulder. She hadn't even realized she was bleeding until now, she couldn't feel any pain only fear for Jesse.
"I'm fine!" demanding "Jesse don't close your eyes okay we're going home remember! Jesse! Come on I need you to stay awake!" She was yelling at this point and her face was soaked with tears.
"Becs..." Jesse's voice became weaker and the grip he had in Beca's hand was slowly fading.
"No! Jesse! You can't do this! Stay with me!" with Beca still trying to put pressure on the wound the paramedics finally were there. Her own pain catching up to her she could feel herself getting light headed and foggy. She could vaguely make out some noises and faces but soon it turned gray then in a moment it went black.
Atlanta, Georgia
Hearing all kinds of beeps and talking Beca woke up to find herself in the Veterans Hospital near her dad's house. Looking herself over, she found a huge scar in her shoulder and a long but not deep scar across her right side on her stomach. Her fingers scraped over them softly shuddering when she remembered. Then her mind went wild remembering Jesse and she just broke down. A nurse had seen she was awake and came over to her.
"My name is Ashley, if you need anything or just want to talk I'm here" the young brunette said with much comfort in her voice.
"Oh um no thank you ma'am. Do you know when I will be leaving here?" her tone quiet and more relaxed now.
"The end of this week you are scheduled to go home. Let me know if you would like anything" Ashley gave her a smile as she walked back over to some other patients.
Beca turned to her table by her bed seeing the bag that had her belongings in it. She gasped when she seen the picture still with her. She pulled it out of the bag and just looked at it again. Remembering what Jesse had said about her guardian angel. She couldn't help but want to protect the beautiful redhead in the picture. Something about her just set Beca's mind on fire.
The days dragged on in the hospital Beca grew seemingly bored and just couldn't wait until she was released. She felt fine now and did their physical therapy with great ease. Finally on that Friday she packed up her things, putting the picture in her pocket and just walked. She walked from the hospital in Atlanta to her dad's house in Macon. The air was crisp and clear as she kept her pace moving along the road until she finally found her dad's street. Walking slowly up to his door she rang the bell.
"Sweetie, oh my gosh!" Sheila had answered the door to Beca's surprise. "Here come in" she moved from the doorway allowing Beca access to the house. Once in Beca heard gunshots and yelling. She moved quickly and reacted like her training taught her too.
"Thomas! Turn that off!" Sheila yelled making her son stop playing Call of Duty seeing the effects it had on Beca. "Here I'll show you to your room." She continued into a hallway going to a spare room that looked to be an office as well.
"Is my dad here? And thank you for everything Sheila" Beca asked politely even though she didn't care for her step-mother.
"Oh he went to the store he should be home any minute and he's going to love seeing you" she smiled as she exited the room allowing Beca to settle in. Beca once somewhat settled in she started looking on the computer for Beale anything. She searched and searched but was interrupted when her dad came in and surprised her. She whipped around and had him pushed against the wall her arm in his throat. She quickly let go once she realized who it was.
"Sorry dad. I just, it's just" she was stammering confused on why she was like this.
"It's okay Bec, dinner is done though and I'm glad to have you home" He gave her a loving smile and now a hug.
Through dinner they asked Beca how long she would be home for and if she needed anything to just let them know. Once she was back in the guest room she continued to search finally finding something that looked similar to the place in the picture. To her surprise it was only an hour away and Beca. That next day Beca began her walk to the new place. Once there she started searching for a place to live. She had a good amount of money saved up from the tours she did and her regular pay from the Marines. She settled with a small apartment nice but not too fancy. She had always been the more simple type. It took her a couple days to set things up and get furniture but once she did she realized she had to go find this woman and tell her how she had saved her without even trying to.
It was a Monday morning when Beca decided to find directions to the place in the photo. She walked there and she knew she was there when she saw the green sign Beale Dog Perfect Paws Camp. The name was cute Beca thought to herself who walked over to the office entering and ringing the bell. When the door swung open Beca's breathe was taken away by the most beautiful woman. Her eyes piercing through Beca's soul she could feel herself drowning in the ocean of her eyes. She had a smile playing at her lips as well.
"Hey, I'm Chloe" she begun, her voice as sweet and smooth as honey making Beca melt. "Can I help you?"