Author's note: What is this? An update!? UuU

I didn't know why Marshall Lee was being such a jerk. He wasn't this bad when I met him. He was being a total donk about the whole date. Not that I even wanted to be here in the first place. The only reason I even showed up was so Cake didn't find out about him. He may be a jerk, but I didn't want Cake to claw his eyes out. He's not like Ice Queen bad. I could tolerate this.

"Hey, Bunny, what're you thinkin' so hard about?" Marshall Lee laughs, poking my cheek playfully. "How totally awesome and hot I am?" My face turns bright red as I feel the blood rush to my cheeks.

"N-no way!" I shouted, crossing my arms. "That ain't it at all! If anything I'd be thinkin' about how you're being a big butt wad!" Marshall Lee raises an eyebrow, a devious smile growing on his face.

"Fine, if you don't want anything to do with me, you're off the hook," he smiled.

"Wait? You're letting me go?" I ask, shocked. He was going to let me go home? For real?

"If you want me to," Marshall Lee chuckles, actually letting me go in midair. I was falling to the ground, fast. I see Marshall Lee laughing as he points down and holds his side. Maybe now I wanted Cake to claw his eyes out. I should've let her see this butt face. I scream as I try to get him to help, making me feel stupid, but he just continued laughing and floated on his side.

"Glib Glob it, Marshall!" I scream, trying stop myself from falling as quickly, but I couldn't. Before I hit the ground I stop and I look up, seeing Marshall Lee holding my leg. He was still laughing and I cross my arms, kicking him in the stomach and I fall. I rub my head, and sit as he hisses, holding his stomach.

"What was that for?" he hissed. "It's not like I let you splat on the ground! I totally could've let you die you know!" I shake my head and he floats to my eye level, floating on his stomach. "You should totally thank me for saving your life back there."

"What? Saving my life!? As if! And it doesn't matter! You're being a complete wad!" I shout, poking him in the nose. "You don't just drop peeps! Man, I thought you were really gonna let me fall back there! It ain't right!"

"Oh come on, Bunny. I'm evil, but not that evil," he chuckled, pinning me to the ground while I was semi off guard. I knew he was strong, but I didn't know he was this strong. He had me pinned quite well. I didn't know if I was impressed or extremely angry with him. No, I was mad at him, given everything he's done, and only in the past five minutes!

"Get off me!" I shout, struggling under him. He smiled, bringing his hands to my waist. "What the glob are you doing!?" Marshall Lee just smiles again before he starts laughing. I slap him away from me, making him rub a very visible red mark on his cheek.

"My cheek meat!" he said, almost mockingly but he sounded a little hurt. His eyes narrowed at me as he hissed, his long serpent like tongue creeping out of his mouth.

"Dude! What the junk has gotten into you? I don't have to be here!" The vampire seems to shake off the hit and stands firmly on the ground, helping me up as I wipe dirt off my dress. Cake would ask all sorts of questions if she saw how dirty it was now. I said I was going on a date with Gumball, if it got too roughed up I suppose I could blame Ice Queen. However, if Cake thought Ice Queen hurt me bad enough Cake'd go claw her eyes out.

"But you came didn't yah?" Marshall Lee asks, raising his eye brow. He places his hands on his hips, and the corner of his lip turns into a devious smile. "If you didn't have to be here why'd you come, eh?" My eyes narrow at him, officially annoyed with him.

"You're just… stupid," I mumble, crossing my arms. This just makes him laugh even more, as I huff, looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Naw, it's you who is being the stupid one," Marshall Lee laughs poking my nose. "Get out of here, Bunny. For real this time. Seriously." I look up at him, confused if he was telling the truth or not, wiping more dirt off the dress Cake made for me.

"You sure?" I ask, tilting my head at his sudden change of character. It didn't seem like him at all. There had to be a catch. He wasn't nice like this, he was up to something, but I wasn't going to miss a chance to go home.

"Like you said, you don't have to be here," he smiled, "Unless… you want to be here. Then you can totally stay."

"Nope! I'm going!" I say, heading off towards the tree house. "H-hey, thanks for letting me go, Marshall Lee. Maybe you're not total doggy buns… maybe just a poo brain."

"Yeah yeah, see you around," he said, completely ignoring my name calling as he waved a dismissive hand. "May accidently run into you sometime." I just shake off any thought of him before heading home. I was glad that was finally over. It was terrible. He was just being a big jerk. I don't know what kind of girls he's been hanging around, but from what I know, most girls don't like being treated like wads. I know I didn't like it, and I wasn't going to take his junk.

When I finally get back to the tree house I see Cake heading out the door. When she sees me covered in dirt and strawberry juice she gasps, running up to me and hugging me close. She hugs me as close as she could, fur engulfing me.

"C-Cake! I can't breathe!" I choke, trying to catch my breath. She smiles, loosening her grip a little as she ruffles my hair.

"Baby Cakes, what happened? You're a total mess!" Cake asks worriedly, examining me. "Aww, Baby, your hat's ears are comin' apart. That thing's been in so many fights how'd you tare it like that?" I blush, rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly. "Gumball didn't do this did he? Oh! Did Ice Queen come in and ruin it for you two? I will kick her buns!" That was perfect! What else was I going to tell Cake until all of this blew over? I was going to need some time to tell her exactly what happened.

"Yep! That's it! Ice Queen totally crashed it and messed us up. It was totally bonk, but I took care of her, no worries, Cake," I say, shrugging. "It was only Ice Queen. You know she isn't that harmful. She's ice queen. The worst she could do is give me a cold." I cough a little before weakly smiling at her, she had always been motherly over me since we moved out of our parents' house when I was twelve.

"Well, you're going to get a cold if you don't come inside. That dress isn't going to keep you warm," Cake said, pushing me inside and throwing me onto the couch. "You want anything, Baby? You tired or something?"

"Uhhh… yeah… I'd like some sleep. That be nice," I said, giving a weak smile. Cake nods, stretching over to me and sliding the dress off my body, seeing some bruises. I see her clench her eyes shut, taking a deep breath before kissing one of them and stretching back up the stairs. She was obviously worried about me, and whatever Ice Queen had supposedly done.

When Cake comes back down she has my favorite red footie pajamas as she helps me into them, kissing my forehead and taking my hat off. She said she was going to fix it for me. I didn't complain, Cake was the one who made them in the first place, if anyone could fix it it's her.

"Cake, I'm going to bed," I say tiredly. Nodding, she wraps herself around me, stretching her and me upstairs and kissing my forehead, running a paw down my cheek, a wide smile on her face. I smile back, kissing right above her nose, making her smile.

"Love you, Baby," she whispered, stretching down the stairs to start fixing my hat. Glob, I loved Cake. I bring my bangs away from my face, climbing into my sleeping bag. It was actually pretty cozy, the only thing that was bothersome right now was all my hair.

When I wake up the next morning Cake was lightly poking my cheeks, bacon pancakes in one paw, my hat secured on her head. I climb out of my sleeping bag, having her put the hat on me. She smiled, giving me the plate of bacon pancakes, and she curls up on my legs, softly purring. Something was up, something had to be. Cake was being way too nice to me right now. Sure, she was my sister and she was always nice to me, but she as being a little too nice for Cake in the morning. She was definitely not a morning person.

Once I had finished my pancakes she picks me up and sets me in front of my bed, my adventuring clothes lied out and folded, she had done laundry. She slips off my pajamas, and helps me put on my shirt, skirt, knee high socks, my flats and she had even packed my hero pack. I wonder what Cake had planned for me today. I go to look what she had packed me, seeing if I had everything I would need incase a villain showed up and I needed to do some quick heroine work, but she just brings my hands down, still smiling.

It wasn't my birthday, so that was out. Besides, if it was my birthday I would have known, Cake always goes on a mouse killing spree for my birthday. For some reason she thinks dead mice are nice presents. Christmas was too far away for us to be doing anything for it, besides, she'd be putting a sweater on me if we were going to celebrate. Halloween was two months ago, roughly, thanksgiving already happened. There was nothing going on, that I knew of. Her kittens were born in January, so it wasn't their birthday either.

Leading me out the door Cake stretches so I could ride her, where was she taking me? Curious, I climb off and she takes off, I believe we were heading to the Candy Kingdom, but I couldn't be absolutely sure.

"Cake, what are you doing?" I ask, finally able to say something.

"So, baby, I talked to Gumball last night," she said, continuing to walk through the, to her, knee high snow. "Said you didn't go on a date. Care to explain yourself?" Her voice was turning rather hostile, crud, well, I knew she was going to ask him anyways. This was just a little sooner than I had expected.

"Er, okay, you caught me, I wanted to go on an adventure, solo style, I actually went to a concert in the graveyard where Ghost Prince hangs out," I confess, I wasn't completely lying. "I'm sorry, Cake, I shouldn't have lied to you… I just… you would've wanted to come with me and you needed a night alone. I mean like, alone alone. Not with Mochro or anything. And I did too…"

"It's okay, honey, I get it," she cooed, continuing to walk. Yes, we were definitely heading to the Candy Kingdom, now. But for what? Glob, I wish she would just tell me what she obviously had planned for me, heck, she even talked to Gumball. "But you still should've just told me what was up. I would've gotten it, I am your sister after all!" I laugh, patting her giant head.

"Yeah, sorry, Cake," I apologize, once again. She just nodded, the conversation had been dropped, great. Now it was awkwardly quiet again. What the junk. "So, um, Cake, where are we going?"

"Candy Kingdom! Surprised you didn't pick that up by now! Heck, you can even see the kingdom already!" the orange and cream colored cat laughs. You could see the kingdom from the Tree Fort, this was nothing new.

"Yes, but why are we going to the Candy Kingdom, Cake?" I ask, nuzzling up to her fur, it was starting to get a little chilly now. That was to be expected, however, it was the middle of December, and there was snow on the ground. I was just glad it wasn't actually snowing.

"We visit Gumball all the time, why are you so suspicious?" Cake asked me, tilting her head slightly. "We're just going to visit Gumball like we always do! He said something to do with science or whatever. I don't know."

"Cake, you woke up to make me bacon pancakes, and got everything ready for me," I sigh, hugging her fur tighter before Cake realizes I was cold and wraps herself around my body, leaving my head sticking out. "You hate mornings."

"Girl, I always make you break-y!" she said, I could see her face was getting red. I couldn't tell if it was because of the cold or if it was because she was blushing. She was lucky. "I always wake up before you do and make eggs, pancakes and junk! Once I got up doobers early to make something Lord Monochromicorn taught me how to make! Don't give me that jaz!"

"Caaaake, you got everything ready, too, what the junk is going on?" I ask, not buying she did everything as normal. I always got myself dressed and ready in the morning, with the exception of my hat this morning since she fixed it for me last night. "You're way too happy!"

"Fio, calm your pits, it's fine!" I huff, as she laughed, going over the candy walls. We go through the shopping district, Candy People standing in their stands, shouting out for people to come look what they had to offer. Some knew shops were added for Christmas season and colder weather. That was obvious. As Christmas approached the cotton candy trees were decorated with Christmas lights. Mostly white and pink, but it looked nice in the Candy Kingodm. This meant that the castle would look exactly the same within a few days. It always looked nice. Cake and I usually just light up the ones we lave hanging all year, saves the stress of always having to hang them every year.

Cake walks straight down the roads, the castle entrance being only about a mile straight from the entrance. You only have to take one left and one right to get there, and that's not a lot, it's the simplest route to get to the castle, and it only took about three minutes on Cake's back.

The castle door is opened by banana guards and was closed once Cake and I were inside. Finally I was able to jump off her, trying to wipe the cat fur off my clothes, but it didn't matter. I always had some of Cake's fur on my clothes, so I was kind of used to it, Gumball too. Cake shakes off any snow that had gotten on her before walking down the corridors, Gumball did know we were coming, right? I know Cake said she had called Gumball, but that didn't have to mean he knew we were coming, or Cake told him we were coming.

"Gumball! You around here?" she called, continuing to walk down hallways and through rooms. We walk into the kitchen and there we see Gumball, in the middle of baking what I think was gingerbread men. He was in the middle of frosting, I could tell, he had some all over his apron. He was good with baking, he just wasn't the neatest with it from time to time.

"Hello, ladies! You're a little early, but that's quite alright," Gumball chuckled, his smile growing wider once looking to me. "You're looking wonderful as ever, Fionna." I smile, nodding slightly as I look over his shoulder at his cookies. I could barely see, and I was on my very tippy tippy toes. Glob, why did I have to be so short? From what I could see the cookies were of me, Cake and him. I think I saw a peppermint maid, but they didn't look finished.

"Cookies look math, Gumball," I say smiling. They actually did look pretty good, as for cookie models they looked a lot like us, I was actually sort of impressed. He chuckled, moving out of my way so I could see them even better.

"Glad you like them, Fionna," Prince Gumball chimed, picking one of me up and handing it to me. "I just finished this one, so the frosting is nice and gooey, kind of melt-y on the cookies since they're fresh out of the oven."

"Just the way I like it," I giggled, biting off one of the ears on my rabbit hat, making him laugh as well.

"Yeah, just the way you like it," he said, going back to his frosting. He only had a few more to finish, it wouldn't take him more than ten minutes. That's cool. He did say we were a little early, I blame Cake for that. Speaking of Cake, where was she? I turned around and she had vanished, I swear to glob, she really needed to stop trying to hook me up with Gumball. It got pretty annoying how hard she tried sometimes. This was one of those times. "So, Cake told me about last night."

"Oh, yeah, she told you about that?" I ask, my face turning bright red as I hop onto the counter next to where he was working, careful of his cookies and supplies. He nodded, his face a little pink as well. "I'm sorry I dragged you into that, I bet Cake gave you quite a talking to. I'm so sorry, Gumball!"

"No, no, Fionna, it's fine," he chuckled, looking to me, his smile obviously a tad awkward as he attempted to make it genuine. "If anything I was a little flattered that you used me." I look down, lightly kicking my feet as I give a small chuckle as well.

"Yeah? Heh, well, I'm just happy you ain't mad," I say, relieved. If anything, I thought he might have been a little mad about me using him in a lie like that. He had always been made about things like that in the past. "Guess Cake brought me here to applogize…"

"I suppose, she didn't exactly give me a reason as to why she wanted to come over with you, but I didn't object. I love seeing you girls around the castle," he said, appearing to be finished with the cookies. He sets them aside and turning to me. "I know this may be personal, but, what were you doing if you weren't hanging around with me?" I sigh, it would only be right to tell him, I did kind of use him.

"I saw a concert at the graveyards," I answer, looking down. "Some kind of undead band or something. Scream Kings?" I shrug, I believe that was Marshall Lee's band name, I couldn't remember for sure, but I was fairly certain that's what it was called. I look back up to Gumball, horror spread on his face. "Gum, you okay?"

"The Scream Kings, Fionna?" he asked, as if asking for verification. I nod, and his eyes narrow, disgust spreading on his face. "The lead singer wasn't a… I dunno… a vampire was he?" Oh crud, he really did know Marshall Lee. I suppose being royalty he would know of him, but he knew he was in a band too? I nod, gulping slightly. "Fionna, he's dangerous and a real butt wad. Excuse my language, please promise me you'll stay away from him."

"Okay," I said, almost in a whisper, "I promise I won't go around Marshall anymore…"

"Wait, anymore?"

Oh butter nuts.

Author's Notes: Yeah, sorry it took so long to update. I will try to make the next one come sooner. I would love some ideas, or what you all would like to see in further chapters. In the meantime, thanks for the reviews, favorites, follows and over anything patience. UuU