Characters: Danny and Mr. Lancer
Genre: Humor
Rating: K+

Episode: Splitting Images (1x05)

Summary: Danny attempts to explain himself to Lancer.

a/n: You know the phrase "you learn something new every day"? I just learned that I should never attempt to write fanfiction while waiting for class to start ;)

Also, the words in bold and italics ("In the hallway" and "In Lancer's Office") is my lazy way of doing a scene change

In the hallway

"Fenton! That's school property!" the balding teacher scolded.

"I can explain," Danny said as he stumbled over his words.

"My office. Now!" Mr. Lancer sternly declared, as he simultaneously dismissed every else, including the halfa's nervous-looking friends.

I'll be fine, Danny said with his eyes as he walked past Sam and Tucker.

In Lancer's Office

"So, Mr. Fenton," Lancer said in an eerily clam fashion. "What happened?"

"Well, umm…you see," Danny muttered, unsure of where to start, while still keeping his identity a secret. "My new locker was haut—" Danny stopped short, realizing how much he sounded like his parents.

"Okay…that sounds pretty insane, doesn't it?" the teen nervously asked.

"What do you think?" the balding teacher asked, sarcasm layered between his words.

Danny gave a sad smile before looking down at his fidgeting hands while trying to salvage the situation.

A ghost— no, that was just as bad.

I'm really unlucky? lame.

Clearly, this wasn't going to end well.

With nothing left to lose, save a bit of his pride, Danny took a deep breath before attempting once more, this time not intending to take any pauses in which Lancer could poke holes in his story.

"A ghost was messing around with all the students, and I know it sounds crazy but my parents' research on ghosts is sound, so we know they exist. Anyway, I found out that the ghost got into the school through a mirror in my locker, so I smashed it to keep the ghost in his realm."

Technically it was true. Danny just conveniently left out the middle bit in which Poindexter took over his body.

With nothing else to say, Danny stood up to leave. He realized that his explanation was shaky…and prone to sending him to a session with the school psychologist {a/n: This is before the Spectra incident, so don't read too much into that}.

"Okay, so maybe I can't explain," Danny gave up. "Detention, then?"

Lancer only have a nod before the teen shuffled out of his office. He couldn't help but wonder what was really going on inside that boy's head.

a/n: Sorry for another bad ending