ATP Tour finals:
It had been 10 weeks since Stiles had last set eyes on Derek in the flesh. Ten weeks of more tournaments and interviews and lonely nights in strange hotel rooms, while desperately trying to gather information as to Derek's whereabouts and wellbeing without giving himself away. He wished he had an actual reason to contact the man through official channels as he didn't have any private means of contact, and really all he wanted was to hear that voice again, gaze into those mesmerizing eyes and hold his hand like they had that time at the hospital. In he meantime he had been pouring all his frustration and anxieties into his tennis, training extra hard to the point where even his coach had told him to slow down and coming down mercilessly on his opponents on the court. He had received the odd warning for throwing his racket when things got too intense and he just needed an outlet but his winning streak almost rivalled that of Derek at the start of the year.
Then the news about Derek Hale's magical recovery and return to the tennis scene was announced just in time for the ATP tour finals. Stiles was literally about to do a victory dance when the coach bestowed the news on him that Derek's recovery was going better than expected and that he would most likely be back to playing before the end of the year.
Their first encounter since the US Open had been one of those crazy matches again. Stiles won 2 sets to 1 in their first Group A round robin match. And winning was nice but really, win or lose, Stiles was just overjoyed to have Derek back. Back in the locker room to play their own secret version of 'peek-a-boo' (because that was exactly what it felt like), back on court, back to be able to play against who he still considered to be the best of the best. Honestly, he could have just jumped over the net and engulfed Derek in a massive embrace he was so happy. He loved playing Derek, who, as promised, forced Stiles to dig extra deep and find new ways of playing the game he had not previously thought of. But his world really started to turn on its axis when Derek reached over the net pulling him into one of his hugs and whispered, "god, I missed this, missed you" before pulling back and giving him a friendly pat on his shoulder and then daring to go about his business like the professional he so clearly was.
Stiles on the other hand had trouble to even think straight. How was he supposed to function for the rest of the day? He was someone who wore his feelings on his sleeve after all. How was he supposed to answer questions about his match and his tactics when all he wanted to do was inform the world that Derek freaking Hale had missed him, him! Still he somehow managed to make it through in one piece before heading back to the locker rooms for a well deserved shower. Derek as well as the other two guys from their group where in there already, joking and laughing.
"Hey, Stiles!" Derek smiled, clearly being in a good mood, as he pulled his shirt over his head leaving him shirtless and Stiles eyes were in danger of bulging out.
"Yo Derek." he croaked, having to cough to clear his throat.
"Great match" one of the other guys commented and both Stiles and Derek said "thank you" simultaneously before looking at one another and laughing.
"Yes, Stiles, great match. Just … don't get too comfortable. I totally intend on winning my next matches and to see you in the final!"
"I wouldn't expect anything less." Stiles replied trying not too stare at Derek's chest too much.
"Of course you have to get past us first." the other two joked before grabbing their stuff and heading out to get ready for their first round match.
Suddenly the locker room felt way too big and small all at the same time and Stiles didn't know what to do or say next. It was like you could suddenly cut the atmosphere with a knife as he and Derek were looking at each other with a certain heat in their eyes. He knew what he would have wanted to do but also that that was totally not what he should be doing.
"I … I just need to grab my stuff, you know … I think I'm going to head for the showers in the hotel and maybe go for a swim or something and … well…" Stiles was tripping over his words.
Derek sighed but nodded. For a second Stiles had thought Derek was about to head over his way, close the distance between them, but when Stiles had started to ramble he had stopped in his tracks.
"Ok, see you around, I guess." Derek said as he was about to shed his shorts and Stiles knew he had to leave right about the fuck now. He grabbed his bag and rushed past Derek only to be held back by Derek grabbing him by the wrist, giving him one long look combined with a deep exhale.
"I know … this is really bad timing and definitely not the time or place just … I meant it when I said I missed you." He said before releasing Stiles' wrist and Stiles smiled goofily at him unable to move.
"Derek … I…" Stiles started, bringing his hand and brushing his finger's against Derek's jaw, only to be interrupted by Derek shaking his head. "Don't … as I said … bad timing! I'm really sorry for having brought it up … it's just that I can't..." But Derek didn't need to finish his sentence as Stiles understood perfectly well, giving Derek a small nod before picking up his bag again and leaving to meet up with his coach to be driven back to the hotel.
True to his word Derek had won all his other matches and thus set up another encounter against Stiles in the final. Stiles thought it only fair that he and Derek should end their year on this note. Fighting it out one more time, with the added incentive of Derek being able to reclaim his spot as world number 1 should he beat Stiles.
Stiles had deliberately tried to keep his distance from Derek since their locker room encounter, which for a small and intimate tournament of this kind was a rather accomplished feat. He could only guess that after his last confession Derek was doing the same as he generally was nowhere to be seen. Stiles knew that despite what either of them might or might not be feeling realistically they would never even have a snow flakes chance in hell of being anything. Still it hurt like a bitch. It hurt even more now that he had an inkling that Derek might in fact feel the same. At times he wished Derek would have never told him about how he had missed him and what that might imply. But at other times he was just glad that for the first time someone seemingly wanted him like that, not just as someone to be pushed around and moulded into what they needed and wanted him to be.
It was the night before the final and Stiles was feeling unusually jumpy and edgy and had been told off already twice for mouthing back to his coach and parents and had been send to his room early like some unruly teenager. Still he couldn't get settled and it was still early so he decided to head for the pool and go for a swim and maybe hit the sauna afterwards for some relaxing time.
He took the elevator down to the gym area and checked himself in with his key card. He quickly got changed into his swimming trunks and headed for the pool diving straight in and starting to tear up and down the lane, front crawl and then back crawl, taking it easy enough not to risk any injury of any kind, as sure as hell his parents would skin him alive if he did.
Twenty minutes later he was starting to feel slightly more relaxed and decided to go and spend some time in the sauna before heading to bed and getting an early night. He stripped off his swimming trunks and pulled a towel around his waist before stepping through the small door into the spa area, which to his great relief seemed to be void of any people. He contemplated for a minute whether to actually go into the sauna or try out the steam room which he had had no idea actually existed. The steam room won and he gingerly opened the door and stepped inside, before stopping in his tracks and staring at the man who was very comfortably seated on one of the stone benches and had his eyes closed.
"Derek!" the name got stuck half way in his throat and he had to cough to clear his throat.
Derek's eyes flew open. "Stiles!"
And that was where apparently any verbal skills decided to leave them both as they were just staring at one another. Stiles could feel a hot flush creeping up all over his upper torso and past his neck all the way to his cheeks and he knew that the hot steam was not to blame for that. He was feeling dizzy, for that he did blame the hot steam that was filling his nostrils and made it hard to breathe. Derek was looking at him, almost like he was in a trance and Stiles was convinced he was checking him out as his eyes roamed all the way from Stiles' face down across his body to his legs and then up again, and Stiles felt like he was on fire, his body tingling and blood already rushing south.
"I … I think … I think I should be going again, I mean… going …" Stiles needed to get out of here quick before he did something very, very stupid.
"NO!" Derek said jumping up, almost losing his towel that was draped across his lap in the process. "You stay … I … I was just about to leave anyway…" He wrapped the towel around himself properly and was walking towards the door. Stiles was still standing frozen to the ground and basically blocking the door.
"Derek, no you don't have to leave …" Stiles said grabbing hold of Derek's hand.
"Believe me … I do …" Derek said in a defeated whisper. Their bodies were so close now they were almost touching bare chest to bare chest. Stiles was experiencing a sudden head rush because of the heat and his increased heart rate and stumbled slightly, grabbing hold of Derek's arm in support.
"Oh god, Stiles…" Derek groaned like he was in agony. He grabbed hold of Stiles by his shoulders and pulled him in bringing his face in line with his own, cheek rubbing against cheek and exhaling against his neck as he closed his eyes. Stiles leaned into Derek feeling Derek's body heat radiating like a heater and the thin layer of perspiration on his skin as he brought his hand up and rested in on the small of Derek's back.
"What if I said I wanted you to stay?" Stiles whispered as he turned his head, brushing his lips against Derek's stubbled jaw, and looked Derek directly in the eyes bringing his other hand up to rest on Derek's arm.
"Oh god … this is torture, you … I want to so badly but … it's too complicated." And then Derek let go off Stiles and stepped past him and exited the steam room.
"It doesn't have to be!" Stiles half hissed, half yelled after him, not really believing what he had just said himself. He hated this. Why did it have to be complicated? Two people who want the same thing, surely that cannot be wrong? He sat himself down and punched the stone bench in frustration, letting out an annoyed groan when it in fact hurt very very much trying to punch a hole into a stone bench. He stayed until his head was swimming and his body was slick with drops of steam and sweat. Only then did he find it within him to heave his body off the bench and out and into the shower. He walked back into the changing room, towel drying himself. As he picked up his pants he heard a small clank and on looking noticed his key card on the floor wondering how that got there. He picked it up and on closer inspection realised that it was not his key card!
He couldn't help the exciting flutter that was building up in his stomach before he even could process that possibly this was Derek's key card, because as far as Stiles was aware there had been no one else in here. Also, unless someone had mistaken his pants for their own that card must have very much been left here on purpose inside his clothes. Stiles had to sit down as he clutched the card in his hand and stared at it. Did Derek leave the ball in his court so to speak?
He knew it would be absolutely reckless and crazy, turning up in what really could be anyone's room and not just handing the card back to reception. But if there was even a small chance that this might be Derek's and that this actually might be happening Stiles was willing to be reckless for once. He quickly pulled on his pants and shirt before grabbing his swimming trunks and after retrieving his own key card and phone from the small locker headed up to the fourth floor and to room 417.
This could be it! The moment he had equally hoped and prayed for and dreaded and never really thought possible in the first place. He felt dizzy and exhilarated and still thought himself crazy as he slid the card in and out of its slot, waiting for the light to turn green before opening the door and stepping through the threshold.
He saw Derek sitting on the couch, seemingly staring at the door and when Stiles stepped in he jumped up from his spot on the couch. "Stiles!" he exclaimed with a raspy voice.
"Surprise!?" Stiles said, lifting his arms up in a 'ta-da' move, voice shaking as his nerves finally got the better of him.
"To be honest … yes…" Derek said, beaming, and taking a tentative step forward.
Stiles realised that the door behind him was still open and he quickly slammed it shut with his foot and turned around again only to find Derek there, right in front of him, his face adorned by an adorably shy smile.
"So … what made you change your mind … you know about …" Stiles wanted to add 'us' to his sentence but he still wasn't quite sure that there actually was an 'us'.
"What you said … right after I left … that it doesn't have to be complicated and … I always do what everyone else wants me to but … I want this … want you so badly and…" Derek huffed nervously and brought up one of his hands letting his fingers run through his hair.
"This is your chance to tell me that this is all a really bad idea and that you actually just want to be friends and…" Derek laughed anxiously, sucking in a breath.
"Derek…" Stiles whimpered grabbing hold of Derek's shirt, fisting his hand in it in a way that left no room for interpretation, as he brought his face closer to Derek's. Now only an inch was separating them and their hot breath mixed, coming out in little gaspy pants.
"So … not just friends then?" Derek enquired after a moment as he brought up one of his hands, gently, reverently cupping Stiles' face and tracing the outline of his lips with his thumb.
"Definitely not…" Stiles moaned. "Although, you know I have to agree, this really is a bad idea…"
"I know", Derek hummed as he pulled Stiles all the way flush against him and rested his head on his shoulders nuzzling at Stiles' neck.
"You know, I have a match to play tomorrow." Stiles protested.
"Funny that, so do I…" Derek started to kiss along Stiles' ear.
"I'm still officially underage for the next 10 days." Stiles muttered.
"How convenient that we're in a country where the age of consent is 16." Derek purred against Stiles' skin and Stiles could feel breaking out in goose bumps all over, as his skin started to tingle and his stomach tightened and fluttered in anticipation.
"Oh god…" he groaned as he let his eyes fall close and enjoyed the sensation of Derek's lips against his skin.
"I'm officially out of excuses…" Stiles giggled, now mouthing at Derek's neck, nibbling at the skin there.
"Good…" Derek groaned before reaching up and cupping Stiles' face with both hands and finally slowly and tenderly bringing their lips together, brushing against Stiles' lips and massaging them with his own.
Stiles had to hold on to Derek as he was sure he was about to faint. His first real kiss, and with Derek of all people. God, he had wanted this so badly for so long. His hand came up to rest in Derek's hair and he pulled him in closer deepening the kiss and opening his mouth to allow Derek's tongue entrance. He really had no clue what he was actually doing here but it felt so good that he decided to just go with the flow. Derek moved them and pushed Stiles up against the wall as his kisses were getting more urgent, more fierce and more desperate, as their tongues intertwined and teased and licked and explored each others mouths.
Eventually Derek broke away and rested his forehead against Stiles', taking in some deep breaths and moaning contentedly.
"Oh god Stiles … you have no idea …I wanted this for so long…"
"Mhh, not as long as me, I'm sure." Stiles hummed, trying to come back to this reality from wherever he had taken off to.
"No, I don't think you understand. I wanted this … you … since I first set eyes on you two years ago. But what the hell was I supposed to do, you were barely 16 and I was officially in a committed relationship and … god … how was I to even know that you liked guys and … well you were barely 16," Derek said again, laughing softly at his own statement.
"Did you never wonder how it was we never used to meet? I tried to keep my distance, well until I couldn't avoid you anymore that is …"
"Oh … wow … I honestly don't know what to say to that." Stiles said dumbfounded.
"So you think its creepy?" Derek questioned while at the same time attacking Stiles collar bone and starting to suck on the skin there which made Stiles squirm in delight.
"No … ah …do that again … creepy is not the word that came to mind … wow … you seriously were pining after me this whole time?"
"Oh yes…" Derek said before smashing their lips back together.
"Mph st wn…" Stiles mouthed into the kiss and Derek pulled away eyebrows raised in question.
"I said I still win. I mean in hindsight I was having it bad for you before I even knew I had it bad for you. You probably were my first celebrity crush and … oh god … who sounds like a creeper now, I better shut up before I utterly embarrass myself."
"Aw, now that is just cute…" Derek teased pinching Stiles' cheek which earned him an elbow in the ribs from Stiles.
"Shut up." Stiles ordered before grabbing Derek hard by the hair and yanking him down until their lips met again he could only assume that Derek had liked that judging by the obscene noises he was emanating.
Talking over with, their kisses got more needy quickly and before too long hands found their ways under shirts and skin was being caressed and pinched and one of Stiles' legs had been wrapped around Derek's waist as Derek pulled him in more, bringing their bodies flush against each other and Stiles let out a very much not manly whimper when he felt Derek's hard length pressing into his hip.
They continued to kiss frantically, never breaking the kiss as Derek lifted Stiles up and carried him over to the couch where he sat himself down and draped Stiles across his lap.
"…Ff" Stiles mumbled while pulling at Derek's shirt, desperate for him to lose this piece of clothing. His memory of Derek's broad chest and impressive abs dusted with just the right amount of hair was still too vivid in his imagination and he finally wanted to touch them. To let his hands roam across the skin, to pull at the hair and to roll those delicious nipples between his fingers. Derek complied breaking the kiss just long enough to pull off his shirt and Stiles used that moment to pull his shirt off as well throwing it half way across the room. He let his eyes roam hungrily over Derek's torso before leaning in and licking a wet trail up from his belly button all the way to his right nipple before pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it.
"Oh fuck Stiles…" Derek groaned out as his hips moved up involuntarily driving his erection into Stiles' groin. Stiles hummed around Derek's nipple but continued to suck and lick on it, relishing the response the got from the man under him. Derek's hands were stroking up and down Stiles' back before coming to rest on the waistband of his pants. Stiles' breath caught as he felt Derek's hands move south but he continued his assault on Derek's nipples regardless now having moved over to the other nipple and giving it the same treatment.
Derek was hesitating, Stiles could feel that and he drove his hips down into Derek's lap encouragingly and moaned in ecstasy at the friction it created. Before too long Stiles could feel Derek's hand working their way into his pants and stroking and then massaging and kneading his butt cheeks.
"Oh got Derek…. yes…" Stiles moaned, not caring how needy he sounded. He just wanted to feel him and if Derek wanted to fuck him right here and now he would let him.
"Please …" he whimpered removing his mouth from Derek's nipple and attaching himself to his mouth again. Derek kissed back hungrily and kept on massaging Stiles' butt while the grinding of their hips started to get more urgent driving their erections together through their pants again and again.
After a moment Derek stopped and cupped Stiles' face in his hands getting Stiles to look at him.
"Don't stop…" Stiles complained, needing to feel that friction again and needing to be driven closer to the edge.
"Stiles," Derek said placing little kisses along his jaw. "Have you … ever you know… done anything?"
Oh, of course, they hadn't had the whole Stiles is a virgin discussion yet and Stiles buried his head in the crook of Derek's neck, trying to hide his blush as he shook his head.
"Hey … it's ok …" Derek said lifting his face back up off his shoulder and making him look at him.
"Neither have I, not like this…"
"Oh and … what?"
"I mean, I haven't been with someone like this before. I tried this whole being with a girl once when I was about 17, let's just say that didn't go too well and …"
"You mean you've never …?"
Now it was Derek's turn to feel embarrassed as he shook his head and smiled bashfully at Stiles. "No, I mean, not for the lack of wanting, believe me. Just this career, this lifestyle and … having been advised to keep my sexuality a secret. Well, it's not like I could just hook up randomly without the fear of repercussions. Stories like that do sell very well in the papers. And the chance of meeting someone is not exactly high. I very much meant it when I said I knew what you were talking about this being a lonely life for some of us."
"Oh Derek…" Stiles chest was close to exploding now. He suddenly didn't feel nervous anymore. He would be Derek's first and Derek would be his first and they both basically didn't have a clue what they were doing here and they could figure it all out together and he thought at that point that he might be in love just a little bit.
"Derek, I want you to … you know, if you want too…" Stiles said pushing his ass back against Derek's hand trying to convey what he didn't have the guts to say out loud.
Derek smiled at him and gave his ass another appreciative squeeze.
"Oh god," Derek growled. "Believe me when I say I want this so badly, but … No, we won't be doing this tonight. That really would be giving me an unfair advantage." Derek snorted not being able to hide the amusement in his voice.
"Oh … right… of course," Stiles blushed at the thought of why exactly it would be that Derek would be given an unfair advantage by taking Stiles like that. He couldn't help the giggles that escaped him before diving in for another messy kiss.
"In that case … let me do this for you…" Stiles said with a twinkle in his eyes and feeling courageous, as he slid off of Derek's lap and placed himself between his legs looking up at Derek through his long lashes.
Derek gulped audibly. "Oh fuck Stiles … you know you don't have to…"
"I know, but I really, really want to try … wanted to for a very long time."
"Ok," Derek looked down at Stiles sitting between his legs and nodded his head enthusiastically as he lifted his body up off the couch to allow Stiles to pull down his pants and boxers and freeing his straining cock.
Stiles stared at it for a moment, he wasn't sure that that would fit all the way into his mouth. And all he had to go by in terms of knowledge was the numerous hours spent watching people giving each other blow jobs in porn.
"Now, I have no idea what I'm doing here, so don't judge me if it sucks." Stiles said as he licked his lips in preparation.
"As I have no point of reference here I'm sure whatever you do will be great." Derek growled, sounding wrecked already as his eyes were glued to Stiles mouth. Stiles licked his lips again and then leaned in, nosing at Derek's erection, taking in the smell and the sight before him as his hands slid up and down the insides of Derek's thighs, making Derek squirm and pant. His tongue flicked out and experimentally licked across Derek's head and he could hear Derek moan and see his cock jerk at the touch. Spurred on by Derek's reaction he licked across the head again before working his way down the shaft with his tongue and then up again mouthing at the shaft as he did so. He licked the slit and swirled his tongue around the ridge just on the underside of his head.
"Oh fuck, there … do that again." Derek whimpered, as one hand came to rest on the top of Stiles head and his other one had moved to stroke across his chest and teasing his own nipples and fuck, Stiles thought that was hot. He felt his already hard cock twitch at the sight and let out a desperate moan.
Stiles teased that spot again and was delighted when he felt Derek' cock react to the touch again. He felt powerful in an interesting new way, as he was able to coax all these whimpers and moans out of Derek just with the use of his tongue. After a few minutes of licking and kissing Derek's shaft and head, he grew braver and took the tip into his mouth and started to suck at it, still trying to swirl his tongue over the head. Derek was starting to thrust back and Stiles had to put his hands on his hips to hold him in place, not used to having something hit the back of his throat continuously. He pulled off and licked across Derek's balls, exploring the new sensation of soft flesh and hair in his mouth. Derek was moaning and writhing under him and his legs started trembling as Stiles went back to lick up the shaft before taking in as much of Derek's cock as he could into his mouth and started to move up and down, hollowing his cheeks and sucking. One of his hands moved down and pulled down his own pants, freeing his own erection, and he started stroking it, swirling precome across the head with his thumb before he slowly began to pump himself in time with sucking off Derek.
"Stiles, fuck … I'm going to come…" Derek whined and Stiles pulled off, not sure he could do swallowing quite yet, licking around the head again as he could already feel the pulsating of Derek's cock and then Derek came with a shout and Stiles replaced his mouth with his free hand and stroked Derek through his orgasm while still pumping his own cock, feeling the build up as his muscles drew tight and the heat started to pool in his stomach. Come had landed all across his mouth and chin as well as on his hand and Stiles absentmindedly licked his lips taking in some of Derek's come and thinking that it tasted a bit like salt water and that he probably could get used to tasting it.
Derek was still breathing hard but his eyes were open and he smiled blissfully down at Stiles, who was still resting between his legs and worked his hand up and down his erection, eyes open and looking at Derek. Derek pulled him back up onto his lap and placed his hand over Stiles' own and together they stroked Stiles to his own release, which splattered all over their hands and Derek's chest. Stiles collapsed against Derek, moaning his name as Derek was still moving their hands up and down Stiles' shaft until every last drop and shiver and moan had left Stiles body. Derek started to kiss along Stiles' neck before lifting his head off his chest and swirling his thumb through the come that was slowly drying on Stiles face.
"God, you look so fucking hot right now…" Derek growled and Stiles smiled holding his hand up as well for Derek to inspect and Derek kissed along his fingers, licking off some of the come before grabbing his shirt that was lying next to him and wiping Stiles' face, hand and cock with it before cleaning himself off as best as he could.
"Annd?" Stiles asked eagerly, as he started to make grabby hands at Derek's chest again.
"Good, very good… " Derek said still sounding blissed out and the accompanying grin told Stiles that Derek did in fact enjoy it very, very much. Derek's' hands were back to moving and caressing Stiles' back and ass and Stiles smiled stupidly at Derek while he nodded his head before moulding his body against Derek and finding his lips with his own.
They stayed like that for a few more minutes, lazily kissing and exploring their bodies before Stiles pulled away, got off Derek's lap and started to gather his clothes. He suddenly felt a bit awkward. He didn't quite know what to do now. Whether this was it or whether Derek wanted more. One thing he knew though was that he couldn't spend the night in Derek's room.
"Stiles, stay," Derek said as he got up off the couch and went after Stiles pulling him into another hug.
"You know I can't… my parents and coach…"
"I know, I didn't mean all night, just another half an hour or so…" Derek grabbed Stiles by the hand and led him over to the bed and pulled him on top of him, kissing him gently and almost reverently.
"Ok … I guess." Stiles giggled and rested his head against Derek's chest, allowing his eyes to close for a minute.
Half an hour was definitely not enough time for a post-coital cuddle and before long Stiles had to get up and dress himself. He turned around smiling nervously at Derek. He wanted to say so much but nothing came to mind. Luckily he didn't have to say anything as Derek got up off the bed and walked over to him handing him his mobile.
"Don't you dare leave without giving me your number. 10 weeks without talking to you was bad enough." he joked but Stiles could tell that there was so much more behind these simple words. Even a slight fear that Stiles would not want this to continue.
"Wow, you … you definitely want this to be more than just a one time thing? he asked hopefully.
Derek's smile brightened and he pulled Stiles back into another kiss. "Very much so, you have no idea. If you want to that is…"
"Of course I want to…" Stiles was elated but reality was still hard on his trail.
"But … so what are we then?" he asked.
"Well," Derek bit his bottom lip as he was looking for the right words. "I know you're young, younger than me and … but … what I would like is to have a proper relationship, with you - in case that wasn't clear enough."
"Oh … wow… I mean yes, I want that … very much so … but how on earth are we going to make this work?"
"I think we will just have to figure it out along the way." Derek said and Stiles nodded. He was so happy, he could scream, instead he lurched forward and almost knocked Derek over as he pressed their lips together.
"Now you should really go, we have a final to play tomorrow." Derek smiled into the kiss and Stiles grinned back before reluctantly breaking the kiss and waving goodbye to Derek, trying to make his way out of Derek's room and back to his own as quietly as humanly possible.
Stiles had thought it would be weird being around Derek now. Sharing the same locker room, heading down the same corridors, playing against Derek now that they had become so much more than just opponents on the tennis court but it was not so. Clearly it was early days to make a final verdict on that but at least as far as their tennis went, if anything it seemed to spur both of them on.
As they warmed up for the final Stiles thought he could feel the cold glares of Derek's parents and coach resting upon him. He was wondering whether they knew or at least suspected. But even if they knew they should really be glad it was someone like Stiles that was in a relationship with their son. After all they kind of were in the same boat. Both of them being involved in performance sport, both having to be extremely careful for the time being about their private lives and preferences and neither really interested in gaining an advantage by selling a seedy story to the press. Stiles was no fortune hunter and didn't need to try to take advantage of Derek's fame or fortune and vice versa. They both had much to lose and knew how to play the game, tennis as much as the game of pretending to the media. So as far as Stiles was concerned, if either of their parents ever found out they should be damn well pleased with their respective choice of boyfriend.
The final was another gruelling five setter. Both were putting everything into the match, as always, and not going easy on each other, giving the crowd an entertaining match that would have them talking for weeks. Stiles guessed you couldn't take the fighter out of either of them regardless of circumstances or their feelings. Derek won in the end, deservedly so and Stiles couldn't help but feel proud of Derek, having come back so swiftly after his injury and proved the press wrong about his time as a champion being up.
As they stood there arm in arm while posing for the photographers with their trophies in their hands Stiles felt at home and thankfully he didn't even need to try to hide his massive grin, only matched by an equally as brightly smiling Derek. As far as the world at large was concerned they were just opponents that had become friends. This felt so right. Stiles smiled at the cameras, his man next to him and he didn't want to be anywhere else. And in that moment hope flourished inside of him. Maybe they would be able to make this work after all. It would not be easy and they couldn't be what they were in public but in the privacy of their own lives, they could be whatever they wanted to be to each other. Rivals and friends by day and lovers by night.
This was confirmed to Stiles great relief later that evening when Derek had him pressed up against the tiles of the shower room wall, kissing him breathless while grinding their exhausted and tired bodies together in a lazy fashion, whispering those magic three words in his ear.